Carpenter (nothing to worry about)


Helluva Engineer
Rome, GA
I think we are faster at LB next year with Curry, Bruce, and Quez. Brant is the smartest LB but also the slowest, going to miss his on Field IQ Next year but will definitely get an Upgrade in Speed.


Helluva Engineer
Why would you even mention Stanford? Their players don't have to take Calculus...and the weather is nicer...and Tiger Woods...and the Tree...and...and...and...
Not sure what facetious point you are trying to make, but the challenges recruiting at Stanford are not equal to those at Tech. It’s just not the same. Just because they’re a “smart” school doesn’t level the field.

Next you’ll be hinting recruiting at ND is the same challenge. If you want to look for similarities, check that list of top STEM schools and see if you can find one, just one, that even plays big boy football.


Helluva Engineer
Not sure what facetious point you are trying to make, but the challenges recruiting at Stanford are not equal to those at Tech. It’s just not the same. Just because they’re a “smart” school doesn’t level the field.

Next you’ll be hinting recruiting at ND is the same challenge. If you want to look for similarities, check that list of top STEM schools and see if you can find one, just one, that even plays big boy football.

Sh!t stirring. Thanks for playing.


Helluva Engineer
Factories are going to have their pick of the litter. Non-factories are going to have to do more with less. That’s why we don’t have ideal measurables at GT. But that’s OK, plenty of great football players did not have great measurables.
I agree, but that’s not what the discussion was about. The other poster asked a question and his question got answered. How else are we to answer his question?


Helluva Engineer
I asked the question, and am happy with the answer. Looks like most schools running the 3-4 have gigantic linebackers. Those look like NFL sized players. 6'4'' 255? Are you kidding me? 6'3'' 266?

Can Georgia Tech even recruit guys like that at linebacker?
We should be able to recruit guys at 230-250 range, which I’d be perfectly fine with. Or at least guys who can fill out and carry that weight.


Helluva Engineer
We should be able to recruit guys at 230-250 range, which I’d be perfectly fine with. Or at least guys who can fill out and carry that weight.
The guys we have now were recruited for a 43. Also, we tend to recruit guys with frame’s big enough to grow into the position. We rarely have oven ready guys like the factories.


Helluva Engineer
If people look a little closer at recruiting, I think they would be surprised to see it's not that much more difficult to recruit better. People act like recruiting a better is impossible. How hard is it to recruit 2 tiers better than we have? Louisville, who we are playing Friday, consistently recruits in the 30's...IMO, that's where GT should be recruiting. How many more 4/5 stars are they recruiting per year? According to 247:

GT (54): AVG: 0.8476, 4 Star - 2
UL (30): AVG: 0.8702, 4 Star - 4

GT (48): AVG: 0.8389, 4 Star - 1
UL (34): AVG: 0.8556, 4 Star - 3

GT (60): AVG: 0.8322, 4 Star - 0
UL (38): AVG: 0.8456, 4 Star - 2

GT (44): AVG: 0.8446, 4 Star - 0
UL (33): AVG: 0.8540, 4 Star - 3

Total 4 Stars
GT - 3
UL - 11

On average, Louisville is only recruiting 2-3 more 4 stars than we are per year. Keep in mind, GT is recruiting with an offense that's hard to sign those 4/5 star offensive players....BUT our offense IS NOT the problem. It's more a CUMULATIVE issue. The more elite guys we can sign over a 4-5 year period, the better chance we have of putting more 4/5 star guys together. Keep in mind the bust factor of these guys. Just because we get 2 4 stars or UL gets 11 4 stars, doesn't necessarily mean that's what the teams see on the field.

GT is a school that needs to have all recruiting angles covered: Finding "diamonds in the rough", developing talent over an SAs career, sign 2-4 4/5 star players a year.

IMO, those factors along with good coaching is the formula GT needs to have in order to be successful in the space we operate in (P5 football + high level academics).
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Home Park Jacket

Jolly Good Fellow
Keep in mind, GT is recruiting with an offense that's hard to sign those 4/5 star offensive players....BUT our offense IS NOT the problem..
If you acknowlege the first part, how is the offense not at least part of the problem. A 4* is not coming here because they like the offense. Nobody has. What have we had 2 in 11 years of recruiting? Either it is part of the problem or cPJ just can't recruit or doesn't like recruiting.


Helluva Engineer
The guys we have now were recruited for a 43. Also, we tend to recruit guys with frame’s big enough to grow into the position. We rarely have oven ready guys like the factories.
Agree, we have Gee who is 6’2 (I think he claimed that height) he can probably hold 230 and we have Bennett at 6’4and could play 240-250 when it’s all said and done. Domineck from last year is 6’3 and already around 230 I think but could probably play 240-250. I think from the offers we have put out, the staff wants to get some size at that position as well as DE.


Helluva Engineer
Not sure what facetious point you are trying to make, but the challenges recruiting at Stanford are not equal to those at Tech. It’s just not the same. Just because they’re a “smart” school doesn’t level the field.

Next you’ll be hinting recruiting at ND is the same challenge. If you want to look for similarities, check that list of top STEM schools and see if you can find one, just one, that even plays big boy football.
If u can check please find out if our business school is Stem. ??
I know its top 30!
How many players take engineering?


Helluva Engineer
If u can check please find out if our business school is Stem. ??
I know its top 30!
How many players take engineering?
No parks and rec. No courses you can sleepwalk through or skip class and pass. And that’s just the course load. The real rub of being a STEM school is the culture. STEM culture is not attractive to most blue chippers, I don’t care who’s the coach or what the hell offense he runs. These guys want the Sports Center culture. They want the huge crowds and the media adulation. They go to class because they have to not because they want to.


Helluva Engineer
No parks and rec. No courses you can sleepwalk through or skip class and pass. And that’s just the course load. The real rub of being a STEM school is the culture. STEM culture is not attractive to most blue chippers, I don’t care who’s the coach or what the hell offense he runs. These guys want the Sports Center culture. They want the huge crowds and the media adulation. They go to class because they have to not because they want to.
I must have missed it.

Is the gt business admin degree a stem degree?