CAM top 25 recruiter nationally


Helluva Engineer
I don't think Coach Lamar Owens is too far behind CAM. I'm curious to see what guys like Jerome Riase and Shiel Wood can do.


Jolly Good Fellow


Helluva Engineer
I get the pay him more suggestion. It's certainly important to retention. However, unlimited money can't guarantee anything. If he desires to move up the ladder independent of money, we can't change that.

All this said, I really don't know anything about what CAM wants. I'm happy to have him on board for as long as we can. And, I think the right thing to do is to help him develop his career. If that means getting better compensated here, so be it. If it means moving on, so be it too.


21st Century Throwback Dad
North Shore, Chicago
That’s a meaningless metric. Clearly our starters last year were not good enough.
This is an untrue statement. Our starters were fine. The problem we have continuously had is not the ability of our 1's, it's the gap between our 1's and 2' and 3's. That's the difference between a team of 4* and 5* players and a team of 3* players. The 4* and 5* players are ready to play as freshmen/sophomores, so there is very little drop off when substitutes come in. With a team of mostly 3* players, some are ready as freshmen, but most take a year or two to get to a level where they can compete play after play. To me, that's the difference between the Top 15 teams and the next, say, 40 teams. Factories that reload with the college-ready players coming in as freshmen tend to have less variability in game-to-game performance.