Biggest concern for 2015


Jolly Good Fellow
While we are getting closer to kicking off the season, what is your greatest area of concern for 2015?
I am most concerned about receivers. Both our starters last year were drafted and both could go get the ball. Not sure we have someone that can do that this year. A-backs and B-backs seem to be plug and play, however receivers that can make plays and get open are are hard to find.What say you?

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
While we are getting closer to kicking off the season, what is your greatest area of concern for 2015?
I am most concerned about receivers. Both our starters last year were drafted and both could go get the ball. Not sure we have someone that can do that this year. A-backs and B-backs seem to be plug and play, however receivers that can make plays and get open are are hard to find.What say you?

I am not as concerned about WRs....yet. In 2014 most all (except a few to Summers and one to Messick) passes went to Smelter and Waller. We did OK in the OB with only Waller and Summers catching passes. Jeune looked good in the Spring Game and could be the one to fill Waller's shoes. Messick had a drop for a sure TD in the Spring (but so did Waller in the 2013 Spring Game) and I think he has good potential.
Until we actually throw some passes in games to Summers/Jeune/Messick we really do not know what they can do. They have played enough in the run game to "know where to go" and when you add Oliver in the mix for blocking we should be fine supporting the run. And with the freshmen talent we may find a nice surprise. I get concerned when the bodies/talent (DT last year) is not there. We have the bodies/talent. They just need a lot of work and some game experience.


Ramblin' Wreck
I'm starting to get a little concerned about OL depth. Shaq is gone, Griffin is out, O'Reilly and Brigham gone. An injury or two here preseason or in early games to the four returning starters, and suddenly we are very young across the OL. The OL is the heart of this team. If the four returning starters pick up where they left off last year, our inexperience at WR and in the backfield are incidental. If, say, we have three new starters (rather than one) across that OL two or three games into the season, then our A and B backs are going to have to grow up quickly.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I'm starting to get a little concerned about OL depth. Shaq is gone, Griffin is out, O'Reilly and Brigham gone. An injury or two here preseason or in early games to the four returning starters, and suddenly we are very young across the OL. The OL is the heart of this team. If the four returning starters pick up where they left off last year, our inexperience at WR and in the backfield are incidental. If, say, we have three new starters (rather than one) across that OL two or three games into the season, then our A and B backs are going to have to grow up quickly.

I hear you, and I was thinking the same thing. But then I thought, well, Chris Griffin was only a RS Fr last year. I think we have some good one's coming up this year, especially Klock at LT and Gary Brown at G. Fromayan's played. We have a pretty good back-up center in Marshall. So, if push comes to shove (no pun intended), Burden could play any line spot if needed and Marshall could play. So, even without the guys you mentioned, I think we may still have one of the deeper lines we've had.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Concerns (too strong of a word since I am unusually optimistic this season) in approximate order....

(1) Linebackers on passing downs.
(2) B-back mesh.
(3) Deep / vertical threat with WRs.


Helluva Engineer
Add me to the "Aback/WR blocking" crowd. If we get some toughness and smarts to emerge there, I have reason to have faith the rest of it will come together.


Ramblin' Wreck
Turnovers are always a concern but the OL is solid so that is not my concern. You know I love CTR and our D staff but I worry if we have enough bullets in the gun. If so we can have another special year.