Best ajc article on dwags loss


Helluva Engineer
Most of my friends and family are mutts. They genuinely pull for Tech unless playing ugag of course because it's a instate school. Why don't we do the same for them? I did feel a little bad seeing them lose in such dramatic fashion. I know I've seen a win ripped from our hands more times than I want to remember.


Jolly Good Fellow
Most of my friends and family are mutts. They genuinely pull for Tech unless playing ugag of course because it's a instate school. Why don't we do the same for them? I did feel a little bad seeing them lose in such dramatic fashion. I know I've seen a win ripped from our hands more times than I want to remember.


Helluva Engineer
Most of my friends and family are mutts. They genuinely pull for Tech unless playing ugag of course because it's a instate school. Why don't we do the same for them? I did feel a little bad seeing them lose in such dramatic fashion. I know I've seen a win ripped from our hands more times than I want to remember.
I've read the board. Let us know how this turns out for you.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Most of my friends and family are mutts. They genuinely pull for Tech unless playing ugag of course because it's a instate school. Why don't we do the same for them? I did feel a little bad seeing them lose in such dramatic fashion. I know I've seen a win ripped from our hands more times than I want to remember.



Jolly Good Fellow
Most of my friends and family are mutts. They genuinely pull for Tech unless playing ugag of course because it's a instate school. Why don't we do the same for them? I did feel a little bad seeing them lose in such dramatic fashion. I know I've seen a win ripped from our hands more times than I want to remember.

To me, as both a Bama and a UGA hater, the preferable outcomes to me would have been as follows:

1. An airstrike called on MB stadium just prior to kickoff.
2. A 221-0 shutout by the Tide, preserving our record of 222-0 as the greatest of all time.
3. A 1 point margin of victory by the Tide after a UGA player runs the ball into the wrong end zone at the end of regulation.
4. A Tide touchdown on a long pass to end the game in overtime.


Jolly Good Fellow
The Island of Relevancy
Most of my friends and family are mutts. They genuinely pull for Tech unless playing ugag of course because it's a instate school. Why don't we do the same for them? I did feel a little bad seeing them lose in such dramatic fashion. I know I've seen a win ripped from our hands more times than I want to remember.

Because you don't pull for Satan just because he is in the Bible.


Helluva Engineer
Lovely Ducktown,Tennessee
To me, as both a Bama and a UGA hater, the preferable outcomes to me would have been as follows:

1. An airstrike called on MB stadium just prior to kickoff.
2. A 221-0 shutout by the Tide, preserving our record of 222-0 as the greatest of all time.
3. A 1 point margin of victory by the Tide after a UGA player runs the ball into the wrong end zone at the end of regulation.
4. A Tide touchdown on a long pass to end the game in overtime.
I was hoping for the scene on the 1970s movie "Black Friday" where the Good Year Blimp crashed into the Stadium;)


Helluva Engineer
Most of my friends and family are mutts. They genuinely pull for Tech unless playing ugag of course because it's a instate school. Why don't we do the same for them? I did feel a little bad seeing them lose in such dramatic fashion. I know I've seen a win ripped from our hands more times than I want to remember.
I live about 25 miles from Athens, so I'm in an area where people look at you strange if you don't have on red and black. During the build up to Monday night, I had numerous dwag fans ask if I was pulling for U(sic)GA since I live in Georgia. I gave them two responses. (1) I asked if GT was playing in the game, would they be pulling for the Jackets. Not a single one of them said "yes". (2) I gave them a response that someone else posted in another thread (and I apologize for not remembering who it was)-- asking me to pull for the dwags since they are in Georgia would be like asking me to pull for Satan because he's in the Bible. This actually got laughs from dwag fans more times than not. (EDIT: sorry, I didn't see that someone had posted that line earlier in this thread until after I typed this).