Are we where we want to be? Well, we are bigger and stronger than we have been in quite a while. Take that fwiw. If you were at fan day, and opened your eyes walking around, you would have seen a team that has made major gains in the weight room. There have been some times in the past that I felt I could have won some arm wrestling contests. Not so much now. I'm not sure how that translates exactly, but a team that likes to run and pound the ball, while using the option to gain numbers, surely likes some brawn to go with it. My gut tells me, we are not a finesse team anymore. Our scheme has been good for years. Now we have some beef to go with it. You decide.
I agree luck has a role to play in every season, sometimes in a major way. I feel the scales are tipping in our favor a little more. So much so, in fact, that some bad luck can be overcome more readily. As pretty much every year, we have some questions and possibly some holes. I feel the questions are less pressing and the holes a good bit smaller.