Anyone else?


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
Funny, but my dad was so good at math he could do much of it in his head... Tried to help me with my integral calculus and didn't understand why I wasn't getting it, especially in light of the fact that he hadn't solved a single calculus problem on paper in over 25 years! Not long afterwards, he became a tutor over at Clark Atlanta University. Some of the guys at Clark/ Morehouse were taking classes at Georgia Tech, and Dad taught calculus to them after work a couple nights a week as a volunteer. He would always talk about how difficult it was to teach them, but I knew from first-hand experience that he wasn't very good at translating knowledge--at least in the field of mathematics. But he was and still is brilliant... one of those AE guys from the slide rule era, a contemporary of the men who sent the astronauts to the moon.

Look at a lot of basketball coaches, like Mike Fratello, and it's funny how many of them are actually quite short, or not much taller than six feet. How did they learn to coach basketball? Probably from sitting way up in the bleachers and looking down, studying the flow of the game... basketball nerds. Same with football. Kirby Smart is actually among the few college coaches who have started on a college team at the highest levels of Division 1 football. Only a handful of Div 1 coaches have experience playing first-string at bigger programs than UGA, and 1 or maybe 2 current coaches have played professionally. Yet the jury is very much out on whether Coach Smart has what it takes to be a HC at this level. Paul Johnson is among the Div 1 coaches with the least playing experience, and Jimbo Fisher played QB at a small college. Mark Richt mostly watched Jim Kelly and Vinnie Testaverde from the sidelines while at Miami.

Here's a video you might like with Ted Roof... I remember being incredibly excited when Tech made it to this bowl.

I was at that game, man I thought the stadium was going to collapse! Not because of the noise or crowd but the rust that was everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Side note, met a lovely young red haired lady before the game and she later became a Tech fan!!!! No, not my wife :ROFLMAO: I was single then.


Helluva Engineer
Feel the same way now as they did at the end of the Gailey era. Just straight up apathy! I love CPJ's offense but 8 straight years with a sh*t defense has me not caring to watch the games anymore. There is no way VT scores less than 28 this week and there is no way we score more than 24 against Bud Fosters' defense. I think this will be the first game I don't watch in the CPJ era.

Nope, but both recruiting and coaching needs to be addressed on the defense. Personally, I am somewhat encouraged by the improvement of the offensive line overall though certain individuals need to man up and get with the program there as well. My personal opinion is that there is some "dead wood" on the team that needs to be "encouraged to pursue other opportunities at their convenience" Bear Bryant style. Just my two cents.
I have been and will continue to be a Georgia Tech fan. Are we underperforming at this time(yes) can we improve(yes). I'm just frustrated with what seems to be the lacksidasical ho hum attitude of our Head Coach. I have listened to his post game reports every game same thing every time. I'm gonna be watching and cheering Saturday regardless win or lose. I just want to see some different things on defense, cause what we been doing well it ain't working. I'll end with this YELLOW


Helluva Engineer
I have been and will continue to be a Georgia Tech fan. Are we underperforming at this time(yes) can we improve(yes). I'm just frustrated with what seems to be the lacksidasical ho hum attitude of our Head Coach. I have listened to his post game reports every game same thing every time. I'm gonna be watching and cheering Saturday regardless win or lose. I just want to see some different things on defense, cause what we been doing well it ain't working. I'll end with this YELLOW


Ramblin' Wreck
I lived through the Bill Curry years. The misery of the first two was worth it to get to the last few. Two of my all time favorite games were ND and Alabama, both during those years.

I don't see any emotion with this team. It just seems to be going through the motions. Coaching staff too. Just my opinion.

I have season tix and I'll watch the game. The SA's have put a lot more into this and they deserve as many fans rooting for them as possible.

I think I have come to a conclusion though. CPJ is an OC, not a HC. OK, he's had some stints as HC, but what he LOVES is his offense and his play-calling. I like him and am proud to have him as coach. But we need more.

I think what we need is a CEO-style head coach that can put it all together, set expectations, and hold folks accountable. I think CPJ has become stale in his approach and that's not good. You play with the team you have, not the team you hope to have.

The other thing is the offense. I don't see us truly committing to the TO to the level we need to be and make it successful. I mean, building a program around. I spoke with a number of folks offline and some from other programs like UT and Alabama that I know. They all said the same thing ... great offense when it works. But, you can't recruit it, so it becomes a vicious cycle of ever smaller players.

One alum put it this way ... "Every player who loves the game will try to be the best. And that means NFL. And he may never play in the NFL. But at least he is exposed to how the pro game is played and players developed." He went on to add that giving the finger to the NFL and sticking to the TO is not a good way to endear players.

Todd has he work cut out for him. My opinion is use the next 4 years or so of CPJ's tenure and start the transition process ... so it's planned and not reactionary.
My opinion, if Stansbury gives johnson another year past 2017 , for all intents and purposes there will be no program to transition to. At this juncture johnson is toxic to the futureof Tech football.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I love our offense. I love the chess match between CPJ and opposition defenses. I feel his pain when we don't execute. I think he's typically a straight shooter when talking about what's happening on the field, at least with his offense. I think there's more to what's happening on Defense than what he'll talk about. "We just have to play better" isn't a straight answer in my opinion.

I fear that Roof is Paul's Nix. Chan kept Nix probably one season too long, and I'm afraid we're getting close to that, especially if we don't get bowl eligible this year.


Helluva Engineer
This whole exercise strikes me as completely insane. Almost everyone on this board will say that he doesn't expect 10+ wins a season. How is the program (as opposed to this year's team) not meeting expectations, last year notwithstanding. For the most part, the floor has been 6-6 or 7-5, with two decent seasons ('08 and '11), and two excellent ones ('09 and '14). It seems to me that the larger question needs to be about expectations again, because apparently that horse still isn't dead. And if we reach the same conclusion we have before - and we will - then we need to figure out why we're so shocked or disappointed right now.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
This whole exercise strikes me as completely insane. Almost everyone on this board will say that he doesn't expect 10+ wins a season. How is the program (as opposed to this year's team) not meeting expectations, last year notwithstanding. For the most part, the floor has been 6-6 or 7-5, with two decent seasons ('08 and '11), and two excellent ones ('09 and '14). It seems to me that the larger question needs to be about expectations again, because apparently that horse still isn't dead. And if we reach the same conclusion we have before - and we will - then we need to figure out why we're so shocked or disappointed right now.

I think part of the answer is that some of us are looking at more than just W-L. I was angry after the W's against GS and Duke because they indicated to me that our D would perform against UNC the way that we did.


Helluva Engineer
I think part of the answer is that some of us are looking at more than just W-L. I was angry after the W's against GS and Duke because they indicated to me that our D would perform against UNC the way that we did.
Again, the issue is performance in the aggregate.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Is tech a better program today than it was 9 years ago? I know how I feel. How about you?

If you look at the whole picture ... fundraising, infrastructure, recruiting, marketing, development, on-field performance ... I think the answer is no. By that I mean, Tech has largely held steady but in a world if increasing change, holding steady means its falling behind.

Again, I'm looking at this at the "program" level, not necessarily the coaching level.


Jolly Good Fellow
Maybe in an other universe we could keep CPJ as OC and afford a HC that spends more time as the CEO who can spend sufficient time working with DC. I just get a feeling that CPJ's time as OC keeps our HC's eyes off the D too much.