Deleted member 2897
Also, this debate still centers around taxes and money. That's it. My taxes can go up a lot and I'll still come out ahead since I'll save on insurance and deductibles. What about that freedom for myself and my employer? That's a boon to small businesses everywhere who don't have to be saddled with providing healthcare. I'm tired of the right pretending to have a monopoly on "liberty and freedom" when it's just corporate marketing for lower taxes.
There is a math problem here. If your company doesn’t have to pay for your health insurance anymore, you don’t think they’re going to give you a raise? They’re just going to keep your money for themselves? Then who pays for single payer? Most companies pay well over half the healthcare costs. Now you’re saddled with them and the tax increases too? Huh?
Furthermore, Medicare BY FAR is the worst run government program anywhere. BY FAR. It is single handedly the largest driver of our long term debt. And we’re going to double down on that? Um, no thank you.