ACC Coaches set


Helluva Engineer
Coastal looking stronk.
PJ and Cutcliffe have 4 years seniority on the next closest coach, Fedora, who has 4 years. That's a lot of turnover, and will make handicapping the division tough.


Helluva Engineer
Just a quick UNCheat question:

Did they receive any significant punishment for their blatant cheating? We were stripped of our ACC crown over $200 bucks worth of sweat clothes.
I totally agree!
If kids think they will have a fair chance to play they self recruit to come to the highest level of competition.
ACC getting tougher is great for us.
Say what u want we play uga every year and thats a big game. Uva , duke, unc, plays ??

We are in ATL! Center of college football.
Just need to get this offense and aggressive defense going.

The ACC getting tougher is great for us????????? We just lost every division game we played. Three of those opponents just got new and, ostensibly, improved coaches. The axiom of "a rising tide floats all boats" is not applicable IMHO.


Helluva Engineer
Just a quick UNCheat question:

Did they receive any significant punishment for their blatant cheating? We were stripped of our ACC crown over $200 bucks worth of sweat clothes.
They will get the final word in the spring, the NCAA being cumbersome, lumbering and bureaucratic. Except when hammering GT. There I go whining. But as a skeptic, truly, I just wonder if "the spring" is code for saying nothing until they give UNC's basketball team, supposedly loaded, a chance to win it all. What we do know is that of the three major sports only the women's bkb lost her job. Davis lost his prior to that ... and is still hiding out in the shadows, trying to sneak back in.


Helluva Engineer
The ACC getting tougher is great for us????????? We just lost every division game we played. Three of those opponents just got new and, ostensibly, improved coaches. The axiom of "a rising tide floats all boats" is not applicable IMHO.
yes it is great for us. Compete or go home. What is wrong with that reality? it is the life most of us live in the work a day world: be good at what we do or the people signing the checks will find somebody who is.

Compete or leave. Very simple. That's good for us. For everybody in the ACC really, because right now it is the Power Four and their Little Sister. That is a major reason I want Clemson to win it all.


Helluva Engineer
yes it is great for us. Compete or go home. What is wrong with that reality? it is the life most of us live in the work a day world: be good at what we do or the people signing the checks will find somebody who is.

Compete or leave. Very simple. That's good for us. For everybody in the ACC really, because right now it is the Power Four and their Little Sister. That is a major reason I want Clemson to win it all.
Then they'll just say Clemmons belongs in the SEC.


Helluva Engineer
Compete or leave. Very simple. That's good for us. For everybody in the ACC really, because right now it is the Power Four and their Little Sister. That is a major reason I want Clemson to win it all.
I would rate the current ACC as a much better conference then the Pacific 12, slightly better then the Big 12, about the same as the Big 10, and not as good as the SEC. I don't think there is any reason to think that the ACC had inferior talent or coaching, even before the recent changes. I don't believe we need to be all "get ready for bug boy football"; we've been playing it for some time.

This is why I would like to see us play a slightly easier schedule. I don't think we need to worry about conference prestige and we could use more breaks in our calendar.


Helluva Engineer
I would rate the current ACC as a much better conference then the Pacific 12, slightly better then the Big 12, about the same as the Big 10, and not as good as the SEC. I don't think there is any reason to think that the ACC had inferior talent or coaching, even before the recent changes. I don't believe we need to be all "get ready for bug boy football"; we've been playing it for some time.

This is why I would like to see us play a slightly easier schedule. I don't think we need to worry about conference prestige and we could use more breaks in our calendar.
Except for the calendar break -- an off day midway through the season or thereabouts would be really good -- I just don't agree with the rest of your post. Right now the ACC has FSU, Clemson, UNC -- assuming it can continue its ascent, not a given -- and the rest of of 'em. GT has not demonstrated sustainability; VT is way down, VA is down, NCSU shows promise but a wowser of a schedule last season ... there just is very little there there. The top two can play with anybody, no argument. It has talent, it has not had -- in my opinion -- the coaching. From the looks of it that is about to change big time with Miami, VA, VT big upgrades. (I am not denigrating Beamer. He was an excellent coach for many years until, like Bowden, he ran dry at the end.)

Except for the bad break on an off week, I thought the schedule was fine. Tough, but playable. Still think a reasonable Tech team would have done well and with an attitude change, this thing about winning late, still would have won its share even with a bad team, though ND and Clemson still would have waxed us. I don't want a backbreaker of a schedule just to prove a point. But a sound, tough schedule earns a lot more respect nationally, with fans and recruiting. Conference prestige may be a bit overrated ... though the SEC might disagree. And, by the way, with the coaching changes, GT's chances for a division championship are exponentially more difficult. Bring it on as they say.


Helluva Engineer
Except for the calendar break -- an off day midway through the season or thereabouts would be really good -- I just don't agree with the rest of your post. Right now the ACC has FSU, Clemson, UNC -- assuming it can continue its ascent, not a given -- and the rest of of 'em. GT has not demonstrated sustainability; VT is way down, VA is down, NCSU shows promise but a wowser of a schedule last season ... there just is very little there there. The top two can play with anybody, no argument. It has talent, it has not had -- in my opinion -- the coaching. From the looks of it that is about to change big time with Miami, VA, VT big upgrades. (I am not denigrating Beamer. He was an excellent coach for many years until, like Bowden, he ran dry at the end.)

Except for the bad break on an off week, I thought the schedule was fine. Tough, but playable. Still think a reasonable Tech team would have done well and with an attitude change, this thing about winning late, still would have won its share even with a bad team, though ND and Clemson still would have waxed us. I don't want a backbreaker of a schedule just to prove a point. But a sound, tough schedule earns a lot more respect nationally, with fans and recruiting. Conference prestige may be a bit overrated ... though the SEC might disagree. And, by the way, with the coaching changes, GT's chances for a division championship are exponentially more difficult. Bring it on as they say.
I agree about the off week. I wish the non tobacco road teams would get together and tie the hands of the schedulers such that being a tobacco road team is not the requirement for a midseason break.


Helluva Engineer
UNC's offensive coordinator is taking the HC job at North Texas.
It's not his OC he has to worry about. It's his DC. Because the only thing UNC had on defense was a very good OLB, and the rest of it was Czik(?) schemes. Had not Clemson almost Clemsoning three times, they would have waltzed past them going away. It is exactly that tendency that Clemson should be worried about going into the playoffs: a crazed punter -- kickers being among the poorest athletes on any squad -- actually thinking he could run for a first down on 4th and Lone Star State (well, it was actually only 15, count 'em, 15, yards, but for a guy that slow it might as well have been Texas) and the nutty, too-tightly-wound defender who got a PF to help UNC's last TD, well. I think Swinney is a very good football coach. His record proves it, and nobody is better at getting his team up for a game. But the downside to juiced up emotions is what we saw against UNC ... wild-eyed enthusiasm that needs a good governor on it.


Helluva Engineer
Others are making moves to try to improve. I am somewhat knowledgeable of ol and I have a coaching son , I would hope we do somthing on the o line. If coach does it with major move or internally, its fine w me.

I heard coach react to firing at Syracuse when he basically said fans want quick fix and dont wabt to work to fix the problem thats been there 30 years

Retired now.
Hope to help improve so long term issues.
No won't fix but improve.


Helluva Engineer
Except for the bad break on an off week, I thought the schedule was fine. Tough, but playable. Still think a reasonable Tech team would have done well and with an attitude change, this thing about winning late, still would have won its share even with a bad team, though ND and Clemson still would have waxed us. I don't want a backbreaker of a schedule just to prove a point. But a sound, tough schedule earns a lot more respect nationally, with fans and recruiting. Conference prestige may be a bit overrated ... though the SEC might disagree. And, by the way, with the coaching changes, GT's chances for a division championship are exponentially more difficult. Bring it on as they say.
I agree and, if we had had the squad we expected last spring, I think we would have been ok (8 - 4 or so) even with a tough schedule. But … all the "attitude change" in the universe won't make up for most of your skill players being on the bench. All of our speed (with the exception of Marshall) and experience was out pretty much for good by the end of the ND game.

I also don't know about the new coaches in the coastal. We've had good ones for awhile now and I don't see the new kids as anything to get that disturbed about. I'd rate our chances about even with 2014 once we get the troops back and get a spring and fall under our belts. I think the rest of the division is going to be a trifle surprised. Or, at least, I hope they are.


Helluva Engineer
Coastal will be VERY interesting from our perspective.

VT has been down the past few seasons, but we really haven't taken advantage of it outside of 2014. They have a new coach in Fuentes, but they kept Bud Foster. Let's be honest, Foster has had more success against CPJ than vice versa. Even if VT "holds serve" on defense, if their offense improves, VT could be just as tough on us.

Miami has always given GT trouble. CPJ has not had much luck against Miami no matter who the coach was. I believe we've only won twice against them during CPJ's time. We lost to an interim coach this year. Now Mark Richt has taken over, and he's 6-2 against CPJ. Miami does not lack for athletes to defend our offense, and Richt has said he will take over coaching QBs again. Oh, it's not like Miami's QB Brad Kaaya is a bad QB...probably the best QB after DeShaun Watson in the ACC returning next year. He will be MUCH better under Richt.

Virginia made an intriguing hire with Mendenhall. Mendenhall LOVES to play against "funky" offenses...he takes pride against shutting vaunted offenses down. He took our offense behind the woodshed both times we played them. Some have said BYU has an advantage because of how their guys physically mature after coming back from missions. I think there's a truth to that, but I also think there's truth to the fact that BYU's alcohol and "life" policies (can't have someone of the opposite sex in your room, I believe no premarital sex, etc.) are also a hindrance to recruiting there. Remember, BYU was a mess before Mendenhall went there. UVA is a program with a high ceiling. They can recruit VERY good players without really trying (as evidence with London). Get a good coach in there that can take recruiting to the next level AND recruit? Could potentially be a top 10-20 program every year. I think Mendenhall is a good hire.

Duke, as much as some want to view them as "Duke", has improved under Cutcliffe. They appear to have taken a step back this year, but they still beat us. Not an easy out they once were.

UNC looks to have finally figured it out. I think they take a step back next year when their Marquis Williams leaves, but they will still be good. Fedora finally has "his guys" in the system. Our offense has always been capable of keeping the pressure on UNC to match, this year we were not able to do that and UNC ran away. Will our offense return next season to keep up with UNC? We'll see.

Pittsburgh. In Pat Narduzzi's first year, Pitt came in 2nd in the Coastal...all without stud RB James Connor. Oh, and they beat us in Narduzzi's first attempt at our offense. Pitt will recruit better, and Narduzzi accomplished 2015 without "his guys". Pitt's worst loss came against Notre Dam (42-30 loss), but they could have won every game.

Clemson...not a Coastal team, but they are our permanent cross rival so they count against our record. Deshaun Watson has proven to be the real deal. He's going to New York to sit for the Heisman award. At minimum, he's here for next year. Clemson will always recruit studs, and Dabo has proven to be a better coach than was thought at first. He's grown into the "CEO Coach" model by hiring good assistants and letting them coach. Bret Venebles was a fantastic hire for Clemson at DC.

There will no longer be any breathers. In the past, we could count on Duke, UNC, and even UVA for three automatic wins and split the rest. Not anymore.

We definitely have a harder road going forward to make it to the ACCCG.


Helluva Engineer
Coastal will be VERY interesting from our perspective.

VT has been down the past few seasons, but we really haven't taken advantage of it outside of 2014. They have a new coach in Fuentes, but they kept Bud Foster. Let's be honest, Foster has had more success against CPJ than vice versa. Even if VT "holds serve" on defense, if their offense improves, VT could be just as tough on us.

Miami has always given GT trouble. CPJ has not had much luck against Miami no matter who the coach was. I believe we've only won twice against them during CPJ's time. We lost to an interim coach this year. Now Mark Richt has taken over, and he's 6-2 against CPJ. Miami does not lack for athletes to defend our offense, and Richt has said he will take over coaching QBs again. Oh, it's not like Miami's QB Brad Kaaya is a bad QB...probably the best QB after DeShaun Watson in the ACC returning next year. He will be MUCH better under Richt.

Virginia made an intriguing hire with Mendenhall. Mendenhall LOVES to play against "funky" offenses...he takes pride against shutting vaunted offenses down. He took our offense behind the woodshed both times we played them. Some have said BYU has an advantage because of how their guys physically mature after coming back from missions. I think there's a truth to that, but I also think there's truth to the fact that BYU's alcohol and "life" policies (can't have someone of the opposite sex in your room, I believe no premarital sex, etc.) are also a hindrance to recruiting there. Remember, BYU was a mess before Mendenhall went there. UVA is a program with a high ceiling. They can recruit VERY good players without really trying (as evidence with London). Get a good coach in there that can take recruiting to the next level AND recruit? Could potentially be a top 10-20 program every year. I think Mendenhall is a good hire.

Duke, as much as some want to view them as "Duke", has improved under Cutcliffe. They appear to have taken a step back this year, but they still beat us. Not an easy out they once were.

UNC looks to have finally figured it out. I think they take a step back next year when their Marquis Williams leaves, but they will still be good. Fedora finally has "his guys" in the system. Our offense has always been capable of keeping the pressure on UNC to match, this year we were not able to do that and UNC ran away. Will our offense return next season to keep up with UNC? We'll see.

Pittsburgh. In Pat Narduzzi's first year, Pitt came in 2nd in the Coastal...all without stud RB James Connor. Oh, and they beat us in Narduzzi's first attempt at our offense. Pitt will recruit better, and Narduzzi accomplished 2015 without "his guys". Pitt's worst loss came against Notre Dam (42-30 loss), but they could have won every game.

Clemson...not a Coastal team, but they are our permanent cross rival so they count against our record. Deshaun Watson has proven to be the real deal. He's going to New York to sit for the Heisman award. At minimum, he's here for next year. Clemson will always recruit studs, and Dabo has proven to be a better coach than was thought at first. He's grown into the "CEO Coach" model by hiring good assistants and letting them coach. Bret Venebles was a fantastic hire for Clemson at DC.

There will no longer be any breathers. In the past, we could count on Duke, UNC, and even UVA for three automatic wins and split the rest. Not anymore.

We definitely have a harder road going forward to make it to the ACCCG.
Maybe guys around here will finally stop bitchin' about the "weak" OOC schedule?............... NOT!


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
To follow up on some of the comments on this thread.
I like that the ACC is getting stronger. Let us prove we are up to the task of winning.

FWIW, the SEC is not all that. Actually it isn't even the highest ranked conference this year in computer rankings and the SEC East is the lowest ranked P5 division this year in 2 of the 3 computer rankings that do division rankings (and is next to last ahead of one of the Pac-12 divisions in the other). More on this in a sec

Against teams he will have to face every year here is how CPJ and staff stack up so far
Clemson - 5-4 (all against Dabo, though CPJ got off to a 3-0 start and is 2-4 since)
Duke - 6-2 (all against Cutcliffe)
Miami - 2-6 (this has been one of his problem opponents, he is also 2-6 against Richt)
UNC - 5-3 (2-2 against Fedora)
Pitt - 2-1 (2-0 against Chryst, 0-1 against Narduzzi)
UVA - 5-3 (3-2 against London, Mendenhall is 2-0 against Johnson and 3-1 vs GT)
VT - 2-6 (another team GT has struggled against. Foster has arguably defensed CPJ's offense better than any other DC.)
UGA - 2-6 (Richt owned that series like no other coach, we'll see what Smart can do0

I'm very interested to see how Smart does at UGA. He could be a home run or he could be a complete strikeout. We won't know for 3-4 yrs. The SEC East has fallen into a little bit of group think in hiring coaches and it appears to be hurting their strength. Recently, most of their hires have been DC from major programs with no prior HC experience. That has largely not worked out well.
This would include Muschamp at FL (now going to be HC at SC - not a strong move imo), Stoops at KY, Mason at Vandy, Odum was just hired at Missou, Smart at UGA.
None of those hires have worked out that well yet, some are too early to tell.

The hires that have worked better have been offensive coordinators with previous HC experience - Butch Jones (TN), James Franklin (Vandy), Jim McElwain (FL - good early results but lets wait and see).
it seems like most of the SEC schools are trying to copy AL and not doing it nearly as well.