3rd and 4...


Ramblin' Wreck
3rd and 4, down by 23, 11 guys basically in the box and you run a dive???

Why not check out to another play?
I would rather see an incomplete pass rather than no gain.

Pitiful coaching.


Helluva Engineer
Nothing is working plain and simple, the option is done, PJ doesn't have a back up offense and we basically have just one throwing play.


Helluva Engineer
Yup and thats why we will continue to get no where unless these team can get the option going. Its pretty simple once you shut down the option you win against Tech


Ramblin' Wreck
I would stipulate that if you shut any teams offense down you will beat them. It's not exclusive to the option...

Yes but when your are 98% run, it's not hard to figure out.

11 guys. The whole team.
Was 5 yards away and they run a dive.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
The pass pro for most of the game was horrendous. We know what that does to the ability to find a receiver and actually be able to through the ball.


Helluva Engineer
Douglasville, Georgia
I a
We've got to develop a 2 step drop and quick hit over the middle (slant).
I agree. I mentioned in chat about how CPJ has his QBs do that backwards footwork with a twist before they get set to make a pass. By the time that is finished the rushers are in the backfield. Then JT has to scramble around and try to make something happen. EVERY single TIME. Gotta have pass plays that develop quicker


Georgia Tech Fan
CPJ said the runs on third down were checks. They may have been correct checks, but not blocked correctly. Even if there are "11 in the box," if they're all showing pass blitz, then it could be correct check to run the dive.


Ramblin' Wreck
CPJ said the runs on third down were checks. They may have been correct checks, but not blocked correctly. Even if there are "11 in the box," if they're all showing pass blitz, then it could be correct check to run the dive.

A middle schooler knows better than to run a dive with the whole team 5 yards away. Pass blitz or not.
Cmon man. Take off the gold tinted glasses.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
I think a lot of GT fans under-estimated what we lost after last season. All those "skill" positions that would be soooo easy to back fill? Yeah. now we see that the option depends on all eleven guys doing their job. 18-year olds are not able to match the 22-23 year old guys that graduated. I warned about this possibility!


We are playing bad football on offense. Almost horribly bad. Special teams has been bad. The D has shown me some bright spots actually. I am real big on Gray and Mitchell. Our failures on O have made the D look worse than I think they are.

I'm not sure what the answer is on O. Injuries have hurt us bad but that is not the biggest issue IMO. Our O line has really regressed and I honestly don't understand it. Seems they can not figure how to adjust to a blitz or even a line shift. That should be football 101 for this veteran line but they are failing. That's partly on coaching and partly on players.

Having said all that. The CPJ haters comments are almost laughable. Sure, CPJ owns our struggles on D and ST the past few years just as much as he owns our current struggles and past success on O. But those denigrating our offensive scheme are ridiculous. One said this O could only work back in the 1950s. Wow. How quickly they forget the Orange Bowl. How quickly they forget a historically good and efficient offense. They want to dismiss some of our biggest successes because certain D coordinators were "inexperienced". Hysterical. I will waste no further time arguing with the armchair QBs who are football clueless.

We sure could use a bye week. Hope we get this turned around. I know our guys will bust their butts to do so. Go Jackets!


Ramblin' Wreck
We are playing bad football on offense. Almost horribly bad. Special teams has been bad. The D has shown me some bright spots actually. I am real big on Gray and Mitchell. Our failures on O have made the D look worse than I think they are.

I'm not sure what the answer is on O. Injuries have hurt us bad but that is not the biggest issue IMO. Our O line has really regressed and I honestly don't understand it. Seems they can not figure how to adjust to a blitz or even a line shift. That should be football 101 for this veteran line but they are failing. That's partly on coaching and partly on players.

Having said all that. The CPJ haters comments are almost laughable. Sure, CPJ owns our struggles on D and ST the past few years just as much as he owns our current struggles and past success on O. But those denigrating our offensive scheme are ridiculous. One said this O could only work back in the 1950s. Wow. How quickly they forget the Orange Bowl. How quickly they forget a historically good and efficient offense. They want to dismiss some of our biggest successes because certain D coordinators were "inexperienced". Hysterical. I will waste no further time arguing with the armchair QBs who are football clueless.

We sure could use a bye week. Hope we get this turned around. I know our guys will bust their butts to do so. Go Jackets!

Football clueless?
I have forgotten more than most will learn.
1 year. 1 year.
And the way y'all say, with the athletes why didn't he win it all?

If the TO is so good, why don't everyone run it?
I have said, the TO is good IF executed. But it's is one deminsional.
When there are 11 players in the box and you don't check to a slant, screen, or anything else.....that's one dimensional an will not win in today's college football world.

Is what it is.