2016 National Championship: ACC vs SEC


Helluva Engineer
I read a comment last night that I think is true. DeShaun Watson was the best player in that game, but Alabama was the best team.

That was a special performance last night against one of the best defenses, but Alabama as a team made more plays to win. They rightfully deserved to win.


Helluva Engineer
I read a comment last night that I think is true. DeShaun Watson was the best player in that game, but Alabama was the best team.

That was a special performance last night against one of the best defenses, but Alabama as a team made more plays to win. They rightfully deserved to win.
They deserved to win. But there ain't no rightfully about Alabama.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Bummed by the outcome. It does not help the sport to have one team so totally dominant the recruiting game. Clemson out gained Alabama and proved that the Tide's defense is just as vulnerable as any other to a well coached offense. But that is very small consolation.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I read a comment last night that I think is true. DeShaun Watson was the best player in that game, but Alabama was the best team.

That was a special performance last night against one of the best defenses, but Alabama as a team made more plays to win. They rightfully deserved to win.
They deserved to win because they did not make mistakes. I counted at least 3 major examples of "freshman-like" blown coverages by Clemson's secondary. Overall Clemson outgained Alabama as well as having a whole lot more sacks and tackles for losses. But Saban plays a conservative, don't beat yourself style of football and generally takes very few calculated risks in a game. The on side kick was about the riskiest thing he did and that play was wide open for the taking.


Im a 3*
I'm sorry Jerry the better team didn't win last night. Nobody except me and few other believed Clemson D could do damage vs. Bama offense. Lawson w/ a torn MCL and Dodd absolutely destroyed that Bama Oline. 6 sacks! The biggest factors in the game was the lost Mackensie Alexander and Clemson porous ST.


Helluva Engineer
They weren't loaded this year?
Loaded in the sense of talent. Not so much in the sense of experience, and in an offensive line that had to be built from scratch almost weekly for most of the season. As I recalled earlier, followers, though not the coaches, of Clemson have pointed to 2016 as the breakout year. Instead they got Swinney's prediction of 15-0.


Helluva Engineer
Losing by 5 in the national championship is not Clemsoning. Just because Clemson lost a game doesn't mean they Clemsoned. That entire concept needs to just go away. It's been overused and beaten into the ground to the point of being meaningless.
You are correct. The term, or word, was actually coined by Clemson fans in frustration at what they called "inexplicable" losses to teams they should have beaten. Not individual plays or failures of which every game has many. The term would cover, for instance, our loss to Kansas back in '10 or whenever, to Middle Tennessee a few years later, and then Duke and UNC in our 11-3 season. Just unexplainable losses.


Helluva Engineer
Your standards must be out of sight. I consider Alabama the Georgia of SEC West, except literate.
I had family members go to/play sports at South Carolina so I guess that contributes to it. I still see Clemson as our ACC rival though and I won't cheer for any of our rivals to win a title. Plus I don't see how we would reap any benefits to Clemson winning like some people seem to think. It's not going to make the ACC stronger. The narrative already is that Clemson and FSU are just above the rest of the ACC. It won't change the perception of the conference in football. It won't make our recruiting any better. It'll make Clemson's better. So I don't see a point in cheering for them. We play them every year so I hope they remain beatable for us. We are at least still undefeated against Dabo in Atlanta.

That's just my take on it though. I guess I understand why people want otherwise but I don't think I would ever cheer for Clemson unless they were playing Georgia.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I'm sorry Jerry the better team didn't win last night. Nobody except me and few other believed Clemson D could do damage vs. Bama offense. Lawson w/ a torn MCL and Dodd absolutely destroyed that Bama Oline. 6 sacks! The biggest factors in the game was the lost Mackensie Alexander and Clemson porous ST.

Football is a team game (as I am sure that you know probably better than most) and there are 3 components - O, D and ST. Clemson's O and D were on par with Alabama's but Bama's special teams were significantly better. Plus Bama played perfectly (no TO's) while Clemson did not. I have to say that, to my eyes at least, Bama was indeed the better team overall, all factors considered. WTBS, if I were a Clemson fan, I would be excited by the fact that Bama did not "out-athlete" Clemson. Clemson belonged in that game.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
And like I said earlier, that's exactly why this game hurts our recruiting. Top athletes will pick Clemson after that performance and GT falls further behind. Geez how did we ever beat them in '14.
Augusta, GA
And like I said earlier, that's exactly why this game hurts our recruiting. Top athletes will pick Clemson after that performance and GT falls further behind. Geez how did we ever beat them in '14.
We beat them in part because Watson got re-injured. But we also beat them because they couldn't stop our offense any better than Bama could stop theirs last night. We just gotta hope that our offense returns next year, or we won't be able to stay on the field with them......unless Watson gets injured again, but Tech fan or not, I would not want to see that happen.


Helluva Engineer
Clemson failed to cover a WR and later failed to cover a TE. Cost them twp TD and the NC. Mental mistakes. Did Bama make any? I do not remember any.


Helluva Engineer
I had family members go to/play sports at South Carolina so I guess that contributes to it. I still see Clemson as our ACC rival though and I won't cheer for any of our rivals to win a title. Plus I don't see how we would reap any benefits to Clemson winning like some people seem to think. It's not going to make the ACC stronger. The narrative already is that Clemson and FSU are just above the rest of the ACC. It won't change the perception of the conference in football. It won't make our recruiting any better. It'll make Clemson's better. So I don't see a point in cheering for them. We play them every year so I hope they remain beatable for us. We are at least still undefeated against Dabo in Atlanta.

That's just my take on it though. I guess I understand why people want otherwise but I don't think I would ever cheer for Clemson unless they were playing Georgia.
Sounds like one of those memorable Churchill quotes about rooting for the devil if Hitler invaded hell. My stretch not your's, but I get it.

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
We have been/are Clemson's Kyrptonite. If you follow our program closely, you know that in the modern era, our series is one of the most competitive in the college game. We have broken their hearts many times over the past 20 to 40 years. I'm sure we will continue this going forward. In the pre-modern era, we absolutely owned Clemson and made them come to Atlanta to play us when they were on the schedule just because we could.

Go Jackets!


Helluva Engineer
We have been/are Clemson's Kyrptonite. If you follow our program closely, you know that in the modern era, our series is one of the most competitive in the college game. We have broken their hearts many times over the past 20 to 40 years. I'm sure we will continue this going forward. In the pre-modern era, we absolutely owned Clemson and made them come to Atlanta to play us when they were on the schedule just because we could.

Go Jackets!
It is without doubt a great rivalry, though for some reason not recognized as such outside the schools' fan bases. Thus it is that when the difficulties of a 14-team, two division conference scheduling is pondered, one of the first things they talk about is eliminating such games on an annual basis, figuring Tech already has its rival, Georgia, on the schedule. Drives me nuts.


Helluva Engineer
Clemson failed to cover a WR and later failed to cover a TE. Cost them twp TD and the NC. Mental mistakes. Did Bama make any? I do not remember any.
I think those are mistakes as part of the game, so to speak. In my mind what cost them the NC was the KO return, the blocked FG before the half, and the pooch kick recovery. Those were special teams' mistakes and not individual failures. Unfortunate from an ACC perspective, but ST was Clemson's Achilles Heel all year. Alas, we are familiar with ST problems.


Jolly Good Fellow
Special Teams was the difference in the game. Clemson proved their offense was better than the Alabama defense with 3 or 4 first round draft pick defensive linemen manning the trenches for Alabama.