2014 Uniforms are at fan store


Helluva Engineer
Loganville, GA
People keep talking about unis, but all I have seen are the shirts. Don't pants have anything to do with it? Are they the same as last year?

Anyway, as I posted bout a month ago, I no longer care what they look like or what the trim color is. A classic traditional look would be fine, but sick of hearing about Dodd unis.

2014 marks the 50th year since we played our first season after Harrison/Dodd made one of the most stupid, idiotic, egotistical moves in the history of college athletics. Damn near killed us. A great coach in the 50's, but a horrible AD in 60's / 70's. More concerned with getting out every day to play tennis than running the business.

Why can't we focus on doing what is necessary to building GT than worrying about unis?

Rant off.
Let me ask you something. What exactly could we be doing right now to "build GT?" I'm pretty sure, as fans, we are supposed to go to(or watch) the games and support the team. I have people over pretty regularly to watch football on Saturdays and, since I'm on the other side of the country, there are no other GT fans in my house. I have never heard anything good from those people about our uniforms(except for 2013). Building a successful program has a lot to do with the outside appearance of the players. If people can't read the numbers or think that the pants they are wearing look like mustard, that is all you will hear about for the entire game. Same reason why I wouldn't go to an interview in jorts... Some teams make an impact by wearing crazy uniforms or having a million different combinations. Oregon has been very successful at that. If you asked anyone who follows cfb at all about Oregon, they relate them to their jerseys.


Helluva Engineer
You know what might look good? Instead of going after the hex theme that ties into the yellow jacket, why not go after the alternating stripe theme on the abdomen of the animal?


I'd put the alternating stripes on the sleeves and socks. I wonder if one of you computer graphic wizards could do a quick mock up? Keep everything else the same, but when you get to the sleeve stripe, go gold, blue, gold, blue, gold, blue. And make some socks to match.


Helluva Engineer
People keep talking about unis, but all I have seen are the shirts. Don't pants have anything to do with it? Are they the same as last year?

Anyway, as I posted bout a month ago, I no longer care what they look like or what the trim color is. A classic traditional look would be fine, but sick of hearing about Dodd unis.

2014 marks the 50th year since we played our first season after Harrison/Dodd made one of the most stupid, idiotic, egotistical moves in the history of college athletics. Damn near killed us. A great coach in the 50's, but a horrible AD in 60's / 70's. More concerned with getting out every day to play tennis than running the business.

Why can't we focus on doing what is necessary to building GT than worrying about unis?

Rant off.
to each his own but fifty years of decent looking unis that many other teams copied is significant.When I look at Grant Field I want to see a Tech team rather than become the Md or the Oregon of college football....Yes Dodd made mistake getting out of SEC no doubt and again he was better as a Coach than a AD.Funny the big schools that win and have tons of tradition....Bama,LSU,Penn st(old penn state) OSU and Meeichan etc still wear the traditional unis but of course we have what ^ or seven unis in six years ?


Helluva Engineer
Let me ask you something. What exactly could we be doing right now to "build GT?" I'm pretty sure, as fans, we are supposed to go to(or watch) the games and support the team. I have people over pretty regularly to watch football on Saturdays and, since I'm on the other side of the country, there are no other GT fans in my house. I have never heard anything good from those people about our uniforms(except for 2013). Building a successful program has a lot to do with the outside appearance of the players. If people can't read the numbers or think that the pants they are wearing look like mustard, that is all you will hear about for the entire game. Same reason why I wouldn't go to an interview in jorts... Some teams make an impact by wearing crazy uniforms or having a million different combinations. Oregon has been very successful at that. If you asked anyone who follows cfb at all about Oregon, they relate them to their jerseys.
As we say in rural Georgie"I think you are on to something ".