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  1. Postgame: ND 31-GT 13

    I don't know what to tell you. Maybe go to the Georgia State game???
  2. UNC 2024 Post Game

    People like you are why I'm done with GT sports. It would be different if I lived in the Atlanta area but I don't. So this website and chat are my lifeline to GT football. The game chat is toxic so I gave that up last year. I don't have friends locally who are into GT sports so I always...
  3. ACC Bowl Action

    There won't even be an Orange Bowl in 10 years.
  4. Gasparilla Bowl Media

    I was in Tampa for business Monday - Wednesday and just happened to select this hotel without knowing it was team HQ. When I walked in the lobby on Monday evening and saw the huge Welcome Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets sign, I thought, finally Marriott is recognizing me and my status with them...
  5. Transfer Portal: Who do we need to target this offseason?

    Or we're just teaching capitalism. They should get paid. I don't know all the rules but maybe we will innovate and offer 4 year contracts.
  6. Game 8 #UNCvsGT Postgame

    What a *****!
  7. Conference Realignment

    Ironic that your vision of the future includes an MBob led Purdue as one of the winners and J Batt led GT as a have not. I am not knocking your post at all - just an observation - and you might very well be right!
  8. Conference Realignment

    I doubt if the debt is secured by real estate. Probably senior unsecured debt. I don't know for sure but the devil is in the details.
  9. Golf team starting strong

    I've always said Georgia Tech is a golf and hockey school!
  10. Mascot Competition Champion - BUZZ

    Here is a link, but I think you have to pay to view it:
  11. Mascot Competition Champion - BUZZ

    I was there!!
  12. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    I did know he played at Louisville. Still going from Big Ten to ACC is a step down.
  13. HC Candidate/Rumors/Info Thread

    In the case of Brohm, not sure why you would go from a Big Ten school to ACC.
  14. #Postgame GTvFSU FSU 41-GT 16

    You're a miserable ****!
  15. Jeff Sims

    I would suggest at least as long as we waited for Joe Hamilton.
  16. Mostly “Fire Geoff Collins”, some reminiscing, maybe bourbon or other distractions

    Oh I agree with you for the most part and I doubt he turns it around tomorrow. I just think it has nothing to do with his fashion sense.:)
  17. Mostly “Fire Geoff Collins”, some reminiscing, maybe bourbon or other distractions

    Glad you worked for a top 50 firm. as far as I know you now teach at Auburn. times have changed.