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  1. Brent Key expected to join Georgia Tech staff

    I think that says more about what Clemson and georgia have done than what we have. For a while there we stagnated in the athletic department (despite warnings from CPJ that this was a problem), while Clemson and georgia and the rest of college football got into an arms race. Closing that...
  2. The importance of staff and money in winning college football ...

    You probably sell more if it was actually in San Francisco. Levi Stadium in Santa Clara is apparently just a nightmare to get to, and an awful stadium regardless.
  3. OC Hire

    Why Tee Martin? He was awful as OC with USC talent.
  4. Are you pleased with the hire (poll)

    Bob Stitt would be an amazing OC hire. Dude is a genius at play design.
  5. Potential Head Coach Hires

    Gus is probably a top 20 all-time coach, who happens to have his main rival be arguably the best coach of all time. He's outclassed by Saban, but still gets his shots in. Get him away from Saban, and he'll look a lot better.
  6. Quick Lane Bowl Media

    That's a fairly common phrase. Year 0 is considered a reset year. Bill Connelly uses it a lot to refer to a year that shouldn't really count against a coach.
  7. Potential Head Coach Hires

    Why are we talking about NFL experience like it's a positive? When has that hire ever worked out? Purely NFL coaches almost never succeed in college, because it's a totally different game. If we hired Whisenhunt, we would be hiring a 56-year old coach with no relevant experience who has...
  8. GT #26 in S&P+, 3rd in ACC, #1 in Costal, Title Game here we come. :)

    Part of it is that a lot of the teams above us (especially in the coastal) looked pretty bad over the weekend. So S&P+ sees us as having played great on the road against a top-40ish team (even if we lost, play-by-play wise we looked like tbe better team). Combine those 2, plus a big jumble...
  9. Auburn fans have a thread about GT on their board

    On football, which is better? 7-5 for 4 years, or 11-3/3-9/9-4/5-6?
  10. AJC Ad

    I now know how saints fans felt last February.
  11. 2017-2018 Georgia Tech Hype Video

    To be fair, it is a trash remix of the song. Somehow makes one of the best beats of the year sound bad.
  12. Debate it!!!

    F/+ is their official metric, and is better at predictions. That has the 2014 at 8th (48.6%) and 2009 at 21 (28.1%). 2009 was a really good team, but 2014 was a legitimately great one. On a good night, the 2014 team could have gone toe to toe against anyone, and on a bad night could keep it...
  13. Big Play Video

    It was on the otherside of the player's body compared to the ref. No way for the ref to see it.
  14. Should Tech Go Private?

    The more interesting option to me is to split the University System of Georgia in half, similar to California and Texas. Have half under the Georgia Tech system and the other half under the uga system.
  15. Great interview with CPJ

    From the same website we had 66 rushing attempts on 3rd and 1-3, and converted 47 of them (~71%). Predictable or not we were still incredibly effective on 3rd and short.