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  1. 09 Championship Game Replay

    I can understand the Thomas angle. But for my money Nesbit was the best qb to play for Johnson.
  2. Coronavirus Thread

    I think we need to just let it rip with people under 60 and have people older than that stay in. Watching so many people lose their jobs and businesses due to orders from the government is just more than I can stand. I’d rather take my chances with something that has the mortality rate of the...
  3. Coronavirus Thread

    I find it interesting how little discussion I’ve seen about the economy in this thread. Where are studies on the potential impact this is having on it? How in the hell do we gauge success without that metric. If we save a 100k lives here, but trigger a depression, I think we would have failed.
  4. Coronavirus Thread “Our findings suggest that there is somewhere between 50- and 80-fold more infections in our county than what’s known by the number of...
  5. Coronavirus Thread

    Wonder how Sweden’s would look? They have kept their country far more open than most and have done fairly well from a health perspective.
  6. Coronavirus Thread Another article saying we are only identifying a fraction of the Covid infections.
  7. The ACC will delay the start of competition for all fall sports until at least Sept. 1

    I will be stunned if there is not a meaningful season. There is a sizable portion of the population that will just not stand for this much longer.
  8. Coronavirus Thread

    Yes. I think we are going to have a real discussion sooner rather than later about the depth of our mitigation and it's impact on the economy compared to the number of lives saved.
  9. Coronavirus Thread

    You may very well be correct. But doctors around the world are using hydroxychloroquine more than any other drug to treat the virus according to this study. And interestingly, America is using it less than other countries...
  10. Coronavirus Thread

    Here is another example of researchers working under the assumption that we are only identifying a fraction of those infected. A study by disease modelers at the University of Texas at Austin states that "Given the low testing rates throughout the country, we assume that 1 in 10 cases are...
  11. Coronavirus Thread

    Look, I don't pretend to have all the answers here. I'm perfectly willing to examine the data and new information as it comes in. For example, the news that a young healthy athlete had died from the virus would be something new to me. I searched for the Washington State player you mentioned...
  12. Coronavirus Thread

    1st time I’ve been on here in a few days and reading through this all I can say is wow! The group think is really strong in here. We had one poster completely shut down and essentially laughed at for saying 6 out of 7 people with Coronavirus go undetected. He was siting this study...
  13. Coronavirus Thread

    All I know is this, if we are still practicing social distancing in the fall, heaven help our economy. The economic crisis will make what we are going through now look mild. It's just unacceptable that we would destroy our nation like that. Reason ultimately has to prevail. If we lose a...
  14. Coronavirus Thread

    So seriously, this is the most anecdotal thing imaginable. While sad, we certainly shouldn't be overly worried about our children being harmed by this virus. The data is clear on this.
  15. 2020 Offseason Thread

    The major upset is if we win.
  16. ACC suspends all athletics activities

    LOL!! That's funny.
  17. ACC suspends all athletics activities

    I agree that's the correct reasoning if you are on the side of shutting everything down. That is the reason I am saying all the statements about the safety of the players being the first priority is a complete PR move because the players aren't really in jeopardy to begin with.
  18. ACC suspends all athletics activities

    Yes sir! The consequences of the panic will be greater than the virus.
  19. ACC suspends all athletics activities

    At this point it is PR issue and yes, many people actually believe they are protecting the players from a life threatening illness. Fortunately there is absolutely no data to indicate people in the players demographic are severely threatened by the virus at all. Hence why some people believe...
  20. ACC suspends all athletics activities

    I’m 41 and this is the most panic driven event/day of my lifetime. And it’s not close. I’m in absolute shock by the reaction to the virus.