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  1. 2019 GT Official Color Debate (formerly Adidas Swag Watch 2019 **

    Yes but paired with gold we look absolutely nothing like those teams. Also, sooooo many teams that don't even have black as a primary or accent color still use black for alternates, gimmicks, and "blackouts." Count me out. Just my opinion.
  2. 2019 GT Official Color Debate (formerly Adidas Swag Watch 2019 **

    The only one of those that even closely resemble ours is Pitt, and their blue is much lighter. Every one I listed above is black and gold and with exception of Iowa and Mizzou, they all use "gold" and not "yellow." Too many with that look.
  3. 2019 GT Official Color Debate (formerly Adidas Swag Watch 2019 **

    That's because way back then everything was in black and white. There was no such thing as navy. Gold was actually a light gray. :D In all seriousness, I like the idea of the black stripe and black GT on the helmet (if allowed) for defensive team members who EARN it, but I do like the navy...
  4. Collins Fingerpoint Watch

    What's up with the blue knuckle in the first pic? I noticed it also on a pic of him from the WBB game last night. Coach been punching walls?
  5. Brent Key expected to join Georgia Tech staff

    Those are crimson, not red. And for what the Tide has done to the gaggers the past two seasons, I think we should adopt it as an honorary color.
  6. Ugag schedule 2019

    If we upset Clemson for the 2nd time in the season, after beating the nadlickers, we damn sure better be higher than a 4 seed.