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  1. IronJacket7

    Rocket Toss Observation

    Lot of truth there...
  2. IronJacket7

    Wofford Roll Call

    :sorry: shart
  3. IronJacket7

    Wofford Roll Call

    I'm so pumped and ready for GT FOOTBALL...
  4. IronJacket7

    Toe meets Leather Tonight Weekend TV Schedule

    :couchpotato: Yay for pigskin!!! Woot! Woot!
  5. IronJacket7

    1st. Offensive play against wofford

    I'm calling the Fumble Rooskie. Burden rumbles for 75 yards and a TD.
  6. IronJacket7

    2014 Uniforms are at fan store

    Uniform threads ROCK!!! :cool: