New profile posts

I liked Garcia Marquez's "A General in his Labyrinth"...I am fascinated by Simon Bolivar...
Reading "Love in the Time of Cholera" made me wish I had cholera....could not finish it...
LOL! Go Jackets!
I only read 100 years. I loved the images of the Buendiá family history. I was not proficient enough in Spanish to read anything but the translation, so I am sure I missed a great deal. As for Faulkner I read As I lay dying and loved it, but Absalom was a chore. I had a girlfriend who went to Ole Miss who kept me plugging away (pun intended).
I know that for whatever reason, you mods don't like arguing on a thread, and some of us think that rejection argument is one-sided, but regardless of that, why not have one totally unmoderated thread where, short of actual threats of violence, anything can be said by anybody about anything .... not just politics, but sports, society in general, coaches, what have you?
When was the last time you were warned in the Political Topics sub-forum? It is pretty much unfiltered right now. I scan it occasionally to make myself feel I am not completely ignoring my mod duties. I am not certain the other mods are doing that much.
oriental, you know that's being very disengenious to say that because you are well aware that one warning there is a ban due to the "one strike" policy.
Deleted member 2897
There are several of us that they’d rather just leave. Or stop thinking out loud. 🤣. IIWII. If you want to stay here and survive, I encourage you to do just do the best you can to not let them provoke you and just try and be a good community member. It’s sad really, but they have the right to run this site however they want. You can either censor and muffle yourself or move on.
Sorry, what show is TWD? Apologies in advance for being obtuse....
The Walking Dead. My wife isn’t a fan of blood and gore in TV shows.
Have you been at church. Come up and introduce yourself. I am the guy sitting next to a post, usually by myself on the left side of the church. I will be joining the church, or maybe rejoining this coming Sunday.
I read that you are originally from Rome. I'm also from Rome and like your dad went to the Textile Engineering School. I was born in 1954. I probably know your dad or know of him. Chester "Ches" Chaffin
Heisman's Ghost
We were in Aragon actually but I was born in Rome. We only lived there a couple of years before Dad moved on to Tampa, Florida and then to Atlanta where I grew up "yelling to hell with Georgia" just like my daddy used to do. My father's name was Harold C. Herndon. I was born in 1954 and went to high school in Atlanta at the old Northside High School.
Hi Justin. I'm hoping to go to the Saturday game vs. Louisville on 3/6, so need a pair of tickets for my wife and son. I have my extra ticket available for GSU tomorrow 3/2, and for the Louisville games on Friday 3/5 and Sunday 3/7 if you have any interest. I'm happy to pay for the Saturday tickets, too.
Hi Mike, sorry but all my Louisville tickets are spoken for at this point.
OK, thanks for response!
I would be interested in 1 ticket if still available.
GT ChE 1992
I would be interested in a ticket if still available for either day.
I would be happy to accept your offer of the Louisville tickets and be loud and proud in the stands if they are still available. Just let me know, if so and I will send you my number!
GT2019 beat you by about 10 he's looking for two....hang on and let me see if he comes through..
Ah, darn. Ah well, as long as there are tech fans in the seat I'm happy. If he doesn't come through, though, my number is 404-735-8555. Thanks regardless!
Do you ever get with other Chicago Jackets for game viewing? My daughter and her boyfriend are in Chicago and have gone to one or two. They moved there in July last year. He's from Evanston and they live in Buena Park.
I have to guess you could be close to my age ( hope you are not that old ) Yes I think both of us are right about Vietnam , people didn't want to see people they went to school with die. I had 5 very good friends killed over there one die a few after he came back but it was an injury from the war. The reason I say TV ( News ) was cause it was the first real War that was on the news every day. .
I agree with you. Several of my HS classmates could not get deferents while I was playing college basketball and getting a degree. Some of the letters I received were heart breaking. That wall in Washington was hard for me the first time.