Why vad lee left


Helluva Engineer
He doesn't say anything new that he didn't say when he left. I don't think he said anything negative about GT or the coaches...just had a different vision for his career what he wanted to do than what the coaches here wanted. What he says is true...coaches here were "triple option" coaches..and that's exactly what happened when he transferred. CPJ tripled down on his offense, GT went to the ACCCG, and won the Orange Bowl. JeT showed exactly what this offense could if you buy into the system. Vad went to JMU, got to do the things he wanted, and now he's considered the best QB on that level and he has a shot at his dream in the NFL. Both parties did well...win-win.

It happens...same reason why Jordan Luallen left. Same reason why a lot of players leave a team...sometimes things don't work out. Vad just got more press, and some GT fans were bitter because we all emotionally invested in him being "the one" QB that would take CPJ's offense to the next level. It didn't happen with him...but we found our guy.

He signed with us out of HS...so it's not like he didn't have good intentions for his career at GT. I wish Vad the best.



Jolly Good Fellow
No student-athlete should ever have to be in the position of feeling that alone and adrift.

His feelings and opinion toward the offensive system in place here, or whether or not he should have been recruited/attended is a separate issue. No student-athlete should ever have to feel that isolated.

I am not a deeply religious person, but I think that if you do right, things will work out ok more often than not. Vad is doing beautifully at JMU and I hope he is enjoying it. I will always wish him all the best in future endeavors.


Helluva Engineer
CPJ "It is what it is".... it is funny how after losing two games an article like this appears in the local paper and isn't behind the pay-wall...

I have always wished Vad well. He was a good kid. Our offensive system is unique, and the roles people are asked to play are specific. Maybe we over sold Vad on the road he would be playing or maybe he believed that when the coaches saw what he could do, the system would be molded to fit to his skill set. I don't really know the truth.

Either way It is what it is...


Helluva Engineer
I don't know Vad Lee and don't have an opinion about him one way or another. I have heard from others who were on campus with him at the same time that he never lacked for social companionship, so his comments about feeling alone here sound...puzzling. Folks, especially young folks, tend to say things to justify their actions....often exaggerating things to gain sympathy. I have NO idea of this is true with Mr. Lee...simply saying the rest of us really don't know enough to find any fault or place any blame on EITHER side.


There's a lot of difference between being clearly the best athlete on a winning Team, being one of the best athletes in your conference instead of mired in the pack, and being average on an average Team in terms of emotions. Not everyone has what it takes to average to great and I'm not just referring to physical ability. It's a lot easier to go from great to average than vice versa.

He appears to be a good kid. Wish him the best. At least he aspired to be a Tech Man and accepted the challenge. Many of my friends failed to make the cut. They're still good guys.


Jolly Good Fellow
Good for Vad, wish him well. All these explanations from when he left to now are just hot air, a waste of breathe. You can explain it with one sentence.... He left because he new he would be the back up for the 2014 season. End of story. It was obvious then, it's obvious now.


Helluva Engineer
The only thing I am concerned with is whether he was mislead when he was recruited. He had seen the offense for 3-4 years by then and there were no surprises, and if Johnson said he would change his offense, I would like to hear Lee say it. You can't buy a new car, drive it for two years, then take it back. The kid apparently has the same problem he had during the run-up to signing day: he can't shut up. Go, have a nice life, find out if he's an NFL QB, because if that is what he wanted, he should never have signed with Tech. Duh.


Helluva Engineer
I don't know Vad Lee and don't have an opinion about him one way or another. I have heard from others who were on campus with him at the same time that he never lacked for social companionship, so his comments about feeling alone here sound...puzzling. Folks, especially young folks, tend to say things to justify their actions....often exaggerating things to gain sympathy. I have NO idea of this is true with Mr. Lee...simply saying the rest of us really don't know enough to find any fault or place any blame on EITHER side.
I tend to agree with this. I know one thing, if you ask 90% of the players on the roster about the sense of family and support on the team, they'll tell you it's strong and good.


Helluva Engineer
The only thing I am concerned with is whether he was mislead when he was recruited. He had seen the offense for 3-4 years by then and there were no surprises, and if Johnson said he would change his offense, I would like to hear Lee say it. You can't buy a new car, drive it for two years, then take it back. The kid apparently has the same problem he had during the run-up to signing day: he can't shut up. Go, have a nice life, find out if he's an NFL QB, because if that is what he wanted, he should never have signed with Tech. Duh.
To be fair to Vad, he didn't seek out ESPN to dump all over GT. They sought him out and as the media tends to do, they stirred and dug and embelished to make a story more juicy. You don't see all the questions before the edit. Who knows what they asked and how they asked it. In a courtroom, certain tactics are not allowed and are called leading the witness.

It's like in Rudy where the film makers invented half the stuff at the end of the movie that never happened. The big difference is ESPN presents their "version" of events as fact.


Helluva Engineer
I didn't post this to bash lee, him feeling alone is just new info I didn't know.Thank yall for not bashing him as well I know a lot of people on here are bitter about him, but like most of Yall said I wish him nothing but the best.


Helluva Engineer
I liked Vad.
CPJ tried something new while Vad was here and it didn't really work out. Neither party bought completely in. It's worked out. Much success to him.


Jolly Good Fellow
I liked Vad.
CPJ tried something new while Vad was here and it didn't really work out. Neither party bought completely in. It's worked out. Much success to him.
I give CPJ a ton of credit for taking the chance. It went a long way toward killing the tired narrative that he is inflexible. And, the offense wasn't THAT bad. There was a buy in problem and that it's on Vad. Still, you might argue it was executed better than it is right now. IF the defense holds a 20-0 lead against UGA this whole conversation is different.


The only thing I am concerned with is whether he was mislead when he was recruited. He had seen the offense for 3-4 years by then and there were no surprises, and if Johnson said he would change his offense, I would like to hear Lee say it. You can't buy a new car, drive it for two years, then take it back. The kid apparently has the same problem he had during the run-up to signing day: he can't shut up. Go, have a nice life, find out if he's an NFL QB, because if that is what he wanted, he should never have signed with Tech. Duh.

If memory serves correctly the offense was changed....for Vad....promised or not it happened.
I didn't post this to bash lee, him feeling alone is just new info I didn't know.Thank yall for not bashing him as well I know a lot of people on here are bitter about him, but like most of Yall said I wish him nothing but the best.
I think you are right about "new info" as in newly created info that could not have been disclosed at the time of his departure, because it didn't exist at the time of his departure. All of us were young once. We've done things that are immature and embarrassing. In my opinion, Vad was all in for Tech, but when he started to falter on the field, and with a new guy breathing down his neck on the depth chart, and the coach not doing what he thought he had been promised, he saw the handwriting on the wall. Two years later, it is convenient and good copy to say "I was misunderstood during my time at Tech." It doesn't make him a bad person, just a young person. He was corrupted by a recruiting process that makes young people make decisions that they are sometimes not qualified to make. He is luckier than a whole lot of players that choose a school unwisely, and then are lost in the system. He got to play for Tech, star for Tech, if you would, and then leave for greener pastures and have an excellent situation with excellent results.