Who’s on First? 2021 Depth Chart Guesses and Roster


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Given our short season last year, all the new players (both recruit and transfer), as well as how young many of the starters are expected to be, I felt I needed to refresh my memory. So I updated my player database and tried to guess what the depth chart would be. The principal source is D1 Baseball since either they get the information first or repeat what others have said. Plus, they are plugged in with the coaches. Also Perfect Game HS rankings.

The most challenging part of course is pitching. We have 27 players (19 RHP and 8 LHP) who are either only pitchers or position players and pitchers (Wilhite, Taylor, Shirah, etc).

We have a total of 45 on the roster. I was going to speculate who would be cut but there are no roster limits for 2020-21; the regular 35 limit isn’t there but will be back next year. The 11.7 scholarship limits are in place and can be subdivided as desired. Still can only field nine though.

Not shown are the links I have to each player on BaseballCube. In previous years I would list the Fall Ball stats or summer league stats, but those were limited this year.

Here’s my guesses. Guess away yourself! I was going to make a poll but couldn’t figure out how to do multiple questions.

1B Compton, Jenkins, Thomas

2B Wilhite, Jackson, Anderson

SS Waddell, Jackson, Strickland

3B Malloy, Compton, Anderson

C Holland, Parada, Turley

RF DeLeo, Reid, Grenkoski

CF Hall, Reid, Grenkoksi

LF Gonzalez, Reid, Grenkoksi

DH Reid, Jenkins, Compton

RHP Start / Reliever Roedig, Archer, Grissom, Huff, Chapman

LHP Start / Reliever Hurter, Bartnicki, Shirah, Mannelly, Crawford

Closer Maxwell (RHP), Smith (LHP) or others from RHP and LHP above.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
First the non-pitchers:


Helluva Engineer
Given our short season last year, all the new players (both recruit and transfer), as well as how young many of the starters are expected to be, I felt I needed to refresh my memory. So I updated my player database and tried to guess what the depth chart would be. The principal source is D1 Baseball since either they get the information first or repeat what others have said. Plus, they are plugged in with the coaches. Also Perfect Game HS rankings.

The most challenging part of course is pitching. We have 27 players (19 RHP and 8 LHP) who are either only pitchers or position players and pitchers (Wilhite, Taylor, Shirah, etc).

We have a total of 45 on the roster. I was going to speculate who would be cut but there are no roster limits for 2020-21; the regular 35 limit isn’t there but will be back next year. The 11.7 scholarship limits are in place and can be subdivided as desired. Still can only field nine though.

Not shown are the links I have to each player on BaseballCube. In previous years I would list the Fall Ball stats or summer league stats, but those were limited this year.

Here’s my guesses. Guess away yourself! I was going to make a poll but couldn’t figure out how to do multiple questions.

1B Compton, Jenkins, Thomas

2B Wilhite, Jackson, Anderson

SS Waddell, Jackson, Strickland

3B Malloy, Compton, Anderson

C Holland, Parada, Turley

RF DeLeo, Reid, Grenkoski

CF Hall, Reid, Grenkoksi

LF Gonzalez, Reid, Grenkoksi

DH Reid, Jenkins, Compton

RHP Start / Reliever Roedig, Archer, Grissom, Huff, Chapman

LHP Start / Reliever Hurter, Bartnicki, Shirah, Mannelly, Crawford

Closer Maxwell (RHP), Smith (LHP) or others from RHP and LHP above.
I agree with your depth chart. I do think that Jackson will be starting at 2nd by the end of the year and I also believe that Jenkins and Malloy will basically split time at 3rd. Malloy is the better defender, but it's going to be hard to keep Jenkins' bat out of the lineup.


Helluva Engineer
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Great work Nuke! My #1 concern is Maxwell at closer. Has walked too many in the past for that. If he figures that out, then watch out! You can walk the bases loaded in the first, second, or third inning and get away with it. The ninth, not as much...
Agree.... thanks @GTNavyNuke Good Stuff.

Also.. agree @CINCYMETJACKET need a closer that "forces" opponents to earn bases by making contact. It seems like there could be lots of options for the closer role: Maxwell, Archer, Wilhite (was impressed with the small sample size in 2020)... maybe others too?

@THWG mentioned Jackson as a good option at 2nd base. I like more pitchers in the arsenal. Will be curious to see where Wilhite lands. Bullpen asset, 2nd base, or 2-way guy? IIRC Coach Borrell has talked optimistically about Wilhite's future in pro ball as a pitcher.

All of the above are great problems to have. Too many years we've been here looking at stuff like this and seen maybe 2 good weekend starters and a "then who?" after that. Same for bullpen.... 1 or 2 reliable guys and long list of guys who 'worry you'. The offense just looks awesome (in a vacuum)... I think the same is true for quite a few teams on our schedule this year. Covid has set up college baseball for some high end talent across the board.



Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Great work Nuke! My #1 concern is Maxwell at closer. Has walked too many in the past for that. If he figures that out, then watch out! You can walk the bases loaded in the first, second, or third inning and get away with it. The ninth, not as much...

Thanks. Putting Maxwell first assumes he has improved. There have been words that he has, but we outside the program haven't seen that yet.

I'm all for a quick hook on any closer. Like two walks and he's gone if it's critical for no more runs to be scored. But I'm not a nice person and just want to do what's best for the team to win. Maxwell can learn how to work out of jambs when the game isn't on the line IMHO.

As much as Parada is being hyped at C I’d think he’d end up starting?

I think Parada will be starting at some point of the season, maybe in . As will Jake for some games. I was reading between the lines when Aaron Fitt says for Parada that "he’s still learning the nuances of the position". We don't have a lot to go on and aren't at practice so there are others with a much better basis.

I agree it's real close between Parada and Jake at this point. Turley won't see much time if any this season at catcher.


Helluva Engineer
I agree it's real close between Parada and Jake at this point. Turley won't see much time if any this season at catcher.
I think, unfortunately, this another reason why Ford will Draft, as the playing time would be hard to come by next year and beyond. He was used to splitting with Joe Mack (Clemson) at East Cobb (both are 1st rounders) and he RAKES. So not sure how that would play if we were able to WIN THE CATCHER LOTTERY and get him on campus in the fall! He is such a super nice young man. Christian reallllllly likes him and was going to try to room with him I think if he shows up. (if they get a choice or are allowed with Covid Pod protocol or whatever)


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
I think, unfortunately, this another reason why Ford will Draft, as the playing time would be hard to come by next year and beyond. He was used to splitting with Joe Mack (Clemson) at East Cobb (both are 1st rounders) and he RAKES. So not sure how that would play if we were able to WIN THE CATCHER LOTTERY and get him on campus in the fall! He is such a super nice young man. Christian reallllllly likes him and was going to try to room with him I think if he shows up. (if they get a choice or are allowed with Covid Pod protocol or whatever)

This is the reality at the blue blood schools at most positions isn't it? Not a problem we are used to.

But as catcher has only one position, it's more acute of a problem, while OF in IF or P have more positions to fill.

Harry Ford could play OF when not at C. Dude is fast and can hit. But I don't think he will want to wait two years to play C full time - assuming Parada drafts in three. PG write-up:




Ramblin' Wreck
I don't think there is anyway Parada doesn't start at C from the beginning. Just too much talent not too. When you are being compared to some of Tech's all time greats at the position by the head coach I think that says a lot.

I also think that Jackson won the starting 2B position last year and unless he has regressed he starts. Wilhite has proven himself a very dependable reliever and I believe that will be his role this year.

I have a hard time with a projected lineup that doesn't have Compton starting. I think he proved himself more than worthy to remain in the lineup. I understand the defensive capabilities of a Malloy at 3B but I don't see CDH not going with a proven bat there unless Compton is far below average on defense. Though I could see him at either DH or 1B, I just don't see him riding the pine or even splitting time.

With regard to Maxwell, if he can overcome just a portion of his control issues I don't see him not starting. If not on the weekend, then at least midweek. An arm like his doesn't come along very often and his size on the mound is just so intimidating. Also, there is something to be said about a little bit of wildness not necessarily being a bad thing when you are bringing it between 98 and 100. Not many guys are willing to dig in. Reminds me of that guy from the Phillies (forgot his name - later became an announcer) who just bailed out every at bat against Randy Johnson in the AllStar game. I think he said it wasn't worth risking his career over a few at bats.

Grissom also sounds like a rare talent who will see a lot of the mound. I wouldn't be surprised to see him take some innings from one or more of the more seasoned returning pitchers. It's a nice problem to have. I think one think CDH has shown over the last couple of years is that he is not afraid to put the most talented players on the field despite their lack of experience. I think maybe he was guilty in the past of showing excessive loyalty to returning players at the expense of the talent on the bench. Not so much anymore. I think some of that can be credited to the talent he now has on his coaching staff that is not afraid to voice their opinions along with the head coach's willingness to listen.


Ramblin' Wreck
Also,I would like to add I think Bartnicki wins the closer job if he improves his control. Two reasons, he has a unique arm slot and a deceptive easy release that makes it seem like the ball explodes from his hand and makes it very hard to make solid contact if he does not have to pitch from behind. Secondly he is a lefty. Most of our set up guys look to be Righties so if we are able to bring in a closer from the left side it makes the transition for the opponents a bit more difficult. Finally, don't dismiss the fact that opposing coaches will want to use batters from the right side to avoid that difficult release point of Bartnicki's which minimizes the threat of the short fence in right as a late inning issue.

My other reason for thinking it's Bartnicki's job to lose is everything coming from the coaching staff sounds like they are trying to increase the innings from Archer to make him a starter. If Hurter is back to his old form which it sounds like he is, being able to choose from a weekend rotation of him, Archer, Roedig, Maxwell and Grissom sounds like a talent pool many coaches would envy. Then having Smith and Bartnicki for the end of the game sounds like a pretty tough combination.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
I don't think there is anyway Parada doesn't start at C from the beginning. Just too much talent not too. When you are being compared to some of Tech's all time greats at the position by the head coach I think that says a lot.

I also think that Jackson won the starting 2B position last year and unless he has regressed he starts. Wilhite has proven himself a very dependable reliever and I believe that will be his role this year.

I have a hard time with a projected lineup that doesn't have Compton starting. I think he proved himself more than worthy to remain in the lineup. I understand the defensive capabilities of a Malloy at 3B but I don't see CDH not going with a proven bat there unless Compton is far below average on defense. Though I could see him at either DH or 1B, I just don't see him riding the pine or even splitting time.

With regard to Maxwell, if he can overcome just a portion of his control issues I don't see him not starting. If not on the weekend, then at least midweek. An arm like his doesn't come along very often and his size on the mound is just so intimidating. Also, there is something to be said about a little bit of wildness not necessarily being a bad thing when you are bringing it between 98 and 100. Not many guys are willing to dig in. Reminds me of that guy from the Phillies (forgot his name - later became an announcer) who just bailed out every at bat against Randy Johnson in the AllStar game. I think he said it wasn't worth risking his career over a few at bats.

Grissom also sounds like a rare talent who will see a lot of the mound. I wouldn't be surprised to see him take some innings from one or more of the more seasoned returning pitchers. It's a nice problem to have. I think one think CDH has shown over the last couple of years is that he is not afraid to put the most talented players on the field despite their lack of experience. I think maybe he was guilty in the past of showing excessive loyalty to returning players at the expense of the talent on the bench. Not so much anymore. I think some of that can be credited to the talent he now has on his coaching staff that is not afraid to voice their opinions along with the head coach's willingness to listen.

Ok, I went back and looked at last year's stats some more and the points you made. Eons ago (https://data.ramblinwreck.com/stats/baseball/2020/teamcume.htm) but based on those I'll revise my guess to that below.

I didn't mess with pitchers and agree that we have a lot of pieces which can be moved around. I'm really hoping we have several middle relievers to allow their development and keep the starting pitching fresher. I'm not a fan of testing tired pitchers for their development at the expense of the team. I fully agree CDH may have shown excessive loyalty to some players in the past but also guess Ramsey / DBo will temper that trait some. It's a great trait for getting those players into the MLB but not as much for the team. An example I still have angst from is how long we rode Connor Thomas on 2 June 2019 against Auburn.

The one position that you didn't comment on and I'm not happy with is Malloy at 3rd. His batting average is just too low (Monday post). While he's great at getting walks, I put Jenkins at 3rd since he was ranked 8th @3B by PG and should hit better. Jenkins had only 11 AB in 2019 but had a better BA but lower OBP than Malloy.

Changes bolded:

1B Compton, Jenkins, Thomas

2B Jackson, Wilhite, Anderson

SS Waddell, Jackson, Strickland

3B Jenkins, Malloy, Anderson

C Parada, Holland (low BA, errors / passed balls moved down), Turley

RF DeLeo, Reid, Grenkoski

CF Hall, Reid, Grenkoksi

LF Gonzalez, Reid, Grenkoksi

DH Reid, Jenkins, Compton

RHP Start / Reliever Roedig, Archer, Grissom, Huff, Chapman

LHP Start / Reliever Hurter, Bartnicki, Shirah, Mannelly, Crawford

Closer Maxwell (RHP), Smith (LHP) or others from RHP and LHP above.