What is the greatest game ever played at BDS at Grant/Hyundai Field?


Helluva Engineer
We have ended the 110th season to be played on the flats. And what would y’all say is the greatest football game to ever be played on that site?

Obviously the earliest contender for this is the 1916 Cumberland game, not a competitive game but a very historic accomplishment.

Many people say that the best game to be played at Tech is the ‘99 uga game because of how back and forth it was, and the manner in which it played out.

A new contender is this year’s UNC game. Can we please pause to notice just how good of a FOOTBALL game, not just a GT game, that was? So much offense, back and forth, big plays, big coaching decisions, over 1100 yards of offense, and a 10 point comeback in the last 11 minutes.

A lot of y’all have witnessed more than me. So I’m sure I am missing a lot of good ballgames. (Note, only discuss games played on the flats)


Helluva Engineer
Too many to parse. The UGA wins, the 2 games against FSU where we first got over the hump with the end zone fumble and of course the block and shock. This is what makes college football the greatest sport.


Helluva Engineer
And here's my choice for #2: Tech - Maryland 2003.

We beat them 7 - 3 in one of the best D performances I ever saw at Grant (that's Grant, people) Field. We scored early against a Fridge Team that went 10 - 3 that year. Then we played D and when we got the ball back sat on it like a slug. It was a thing of beauty.

The happiest I've ever been with a game at Grant (that's Grant, people) Field was the so-fine 2011 Tech - Clemson game. They came in at 5th in the country and we beat them like a drum 31 - 17. The score wasn't that close. Like to watch this every now and again when I'm feeling down:

I watched it a lot during TFG.


Jolly Good Fellow
Not to be pedantic, but since it has only been Hyundai field for 1 year, it would have to be this year's UNC Game. King threw for almost 300 and Smith rushed for 178 (team 348) and Singleton went for 117, all against the, at that time, the #17 team.