Way too early attempt at Perspective.


Ramblin' Wreck
1. Notre Dame is REALLY good. Bryan Kelly is a fantastic coach, and his guys looked focused, prepared, and I thought their situational awareness was off the charts. They might be a top four team for me right now.

2. Thought our O-Line looked scared. Thought the late benching of Burden and Joe was very telling, and that their replacements did well. Might be something to watch in the next few weeks.

3. Everyone has bad games. Justin Thomas picked a really bad time to have one. Make no mistake, though; I believe in his talent and that he will only get better from here.

4. Something's up with Harrison Butker. We could've used those 6 pts. he left on the field.

5. Very proud of the way the defense played. Encouraged going into Duke next week.

6. Like the fight we showed late to get it to one score. Can't say the kids or coaches gave up. Makes me proud.

Summary: I've had better days, but I've had worse ones, too. Get back after it and get some vengeance against Duke next week.


Helluva Engineer
The line is not as good as I thought. Justin tried to do to much. The loss of Smelter and Waller was big today. The misses by Butker was killer too. Proud of the defense for the most part. I expect to see Notre Dame in the playoffs. Really good team.
1. Notre Dame is REALLY good. Bryan Kelly is a fantastic coach, and his guys looked focused, prepared, and I thought their situational awareness was off the charts. They might be a top four team for me right now.

2. Thought our O-Line looked scared. Thought the late benching of Burden and Joe was very telling, and that their replacements did well. Might be something to watch in the next few weeks.

3. Everyone has bad games. Justin Thomas picked a really bad time to have one. Make no mistake, though; I believe in his talent and that he will only get better from here.

4. Something's up with Harrison Butker. We could've used those 6 pts. he left on the field.

5. Very proud of the way the defense played. Encouraged going into Duke next week.

6. Like the fight we showed late to get it to one score. Can't say the kids or coaches gave up. Makes me proud.

Summary: I've had better days, but I've had worse ones, too. Get back after it and get some vengeance against Duke next week.
Most kickers are head cases. FSU's all world guy missed a short one last night.


Helluva Engineer
1. Notre Dame is REALLY good. Bryan Kelly is a fantastic coach, and his guys looked focused, prepared, and I thought their situational awareness was off the charts. They might be a top four team for me right now. Great talent makes coaches look like geniuses

2. Thought our O-Line looked scared. Thought the late benching of Burden and Joe was very telling, and that their replacements did well. Might be something to watch in the next few weeks. Burden did OK. We don't know why he and Joe were benched. The failure of the OL to get to the second level that was the main problem. Without watching film, it looked like the ND LBs were unblocked much of the day.

3. Everyone has bad games. Justin Thomas picked a really bad time to have one. Make no mistake, though; I believe in his talent and that he will only get better from here. When the blocking isn't there, QBs look bad. Why do fans never understand this truth?

4. Something's up with Harrison Butker. We could've used those 6 pts. he left on the field. Maybe the wind? Check out the term cold front passage.

5. Very proud of the way the defense played. Encouraged going into Duke next week. Agree. There are some talent issues on D, but they are much better than what we have seen the past 5 years. Roof and Pelton are doing a good job.

6. Like the fight we showed late to get it to one score. Can't say the kids or coaches gave up. Makes me proud. Agree

Summary: I've had better days, but I've had worse ones, too. Get back after it and get some vengeance against Duke next week.
The line is not as good as I thought. Justin tried to do to much. The loss of Smelter and Waller was big today. The misses by Butker was killer too. Proud of the defense for the most part. I expect to see Notre Dame in the playoffs. Really good team.
I don't think Notre Dame is that good actually. We are the best team they will play, so their path is easy now. Only Clemson, USC and maybe Stanford will test them. If they get into the playoffs, they will be crushed, IMHO.


Helluva Engineer
We got outplayed but the season isn't over. Clemson and FSU were very average this week. We are 0-0 in ACC play. Hopefully our team learns from the loss and we tear it up from here like we did after UNC last year


Ramblin' Wreck
I think perspective is my least favorite word in the english language. Especially in context following losses.
I hate it too, usually. Like when GT or the Braves or Falcons have just lost and that "Wright from the Heart" guy comes on the radio and talks about how sports are like life and all that. He's not wrong, and I think what he does is worthwhile, but I'm not ready for worldview adjustment just then....


Jolly Good Fellow
try this out for perspective - we may have lost Qua, Burden, Rook Chungong, and Summers
that sucks in a losing cause.
I hope these guys aren't serious - but I think Summers is.


Helluva Engineer
1. Notre Dame is REALLY good. Bryan Kelly is a fantastic coach, and his guys looked focused, prepared, and I thought their situational awareness was off the charts. They might be a top four team for me right now.

2. Thought our O-Line looked scared. Thought the late benching of Burden and Joe was very telling, and that their replacements did well. Might be something to watch in the next few weeks.

3. Everyone has bad games. Justin Thomas picked a really bad time to have one. Make no mistake, though; I believe in his talent and that he will only get better from here.

4. Something's up with Harrison Butker. We could've used those 6 pts. he left on the field.

5. Very proud of the way the defense played. Encouraged going into Duke next week.

6. Like the fight we showed late to get it to one score. Can't say the kids or coaches gave up. Makes me proud.

Summary: I've had better days, but I've had worse ones, too. Get back after it and get some vengeance against Duke next week.
Pretty much spot on. Notre Dame is very good. Linebackers and safeties were excellent against the option. Our line was terrible. Burden and Joe were not the only ones not getting it done today.


Jolly Good Fellow
People get hurt, next man up.

Go Jackets!
sorry, we are not ND. Next man up might be a walk on!
Don't sneer, if Snoddy, Qua, Roderick and Burden are really hurt, we are going to be hurting.
At the very least I want no more tears for those prima donnas with 3 deep four and five stars at ND.
We already lost several key skill position players.
I hope it is not true.


Jolly Good Fellow
Gas Pump #1
1. Notre Dame is REALLY good. Bryan Kelly is a fantastic coach, and his guys looked focused, prepared, and I thought their situational awareness was off the charts. They might be a top four team for me right now.

2. Thought our O-Line looked scared. Thought the late benching of Burden and Joe was very telling, and that their replacements did well. Might be something to watch in the next few weeks.

3. Everyone has bad games. Justin Thomas picked a really bad time to have one. Make no mistake, though; I believe in his talent and that he will only get better from here.

4. Something's up with Harrison Butker. We could've used those 6 pts. he left on the field.

5. Very proud of the way the defense played. Encouraged going into Duke next week.

6. Like the fight we showed late to get it to one score. Can't say the kids or coaches gave up. Makes me proud.

Summary: I've had better days, but I've had worse ones, too. Get back after it and get some vengeance against Duke next week.

1. Agree all the way. Credit ND for excellent recruiting, training, coaching, toughness, and game preparation.
2. O-Line did not have a good day for sure. The handwriting on the wall became evident when Skov was stuffed early in the game. I was very surprised as I thought we could run on ND and use ball control to keep their O off the field most of the game.
3. JT did not have a good day. It is difficult to run or option the ball when all the lanes are well covered, and it is difficult to throw when the receivers are so well covered. We could have really used the points and boost from the TD JT scored that was called back on a holding call.
4. We did not have a great day kicking or punting the ball and we really can't say that ND did either. Possibly the wind? Dunno.
5. Our defense played well, IMHO, but the long pass plays really hurt; credit the ND QB and receivers who gained separation when the ball was in the air. ND got way too many easy yards and scores on big plays in the air and on the ground.
6. Yep, our guys fought tooth and nail all the way. No one has to hang their head about this one.

Mama told me there would be days like this. We'll be OK so long as they don't come in bunches like bananas.