Uplifting athletes


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
TGW: Big Ups!
Georgia Tech Football raising money to combat rare diseases in Inaugural Lift For Life


Sometimes it's little things that add up to make a big difference.

On Friday morning, the entire Georgia Tech Football Team will do its small part to make a big difference in fighting for the "rare diseases" community. All they'll need to do is lift weights. This workout has been turned into an event called the Inaugural Lift For Life and the team is part of a larger on-campus group of athletes that goes by the Georgia Tech Chapter of Uplifting Athletes. Starting time is 6 a.m. on Friday.

"It'll be a closed event and will just be a normal workout," said redshirt sophomore offensive lineman Trey Klock, the driving force behind the Georgia Tech's involvement. "It's going to be all competitions. We'll have a bunch of different stuff -- tug of war, tire flips, prowler (push), obstacle course, and intense conditioning. It's going to be a really tough workout. That's really what the fans would be donating to. To help a great cause, to support Georgia Tech Football, knowing that we're going through this workout."

The Jackets will be putting their efforts toward battling Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and have set a goal of $5,000. Fans can donate by going to the Lift For Life donation page and making a flat donation to the position of his or her choice.


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“This has been a lot of people putting in a lot of hard work. Guys like my teammate Shaun Kagawa and our strength coach John Sisk. They did so much to make this happen,” Klock said. “It’s been a lot of work on my part, but to see it happen felt so great.

“It was such a good feeling seeing my teammates buy into what we’re doing. Not just showing up for the event, but actually interested in why. Guys really cared and that really meant a lot to me.”
