Ty Griffin

I wouldn't call it a tough loss yet. What constitutes a tough loss? 3rd string QB who many predicted would change positions?

He also would have been behind Byerly for the next two, and battling with MJ and possibly Ratliffe next year. I hate to lose a great athlete, and so far he's said or done nothing to invite criticism from any Tech fans, but 3rd sting QBs transfer everywhere! In fact, somebody probably has the time to look up QB transfers at BCS schools for the past few years. I'm betting there's been at least one at ALL of them, and I'd also bet its the position that sees the most transfers.
Forty years ago there were 35 or 40 quality programs with excellent coaches. Now there's 75 or 80. Like when the majors only had 16 teams, nobody got to the Yankees from the minors. If Ty Griffin was your son, you'd advise him to transfer. Who wants to have starter talent, but be a back-up your whole career--especially when opportunity abounds elsewhere??


Helluva Engineer
Forty years ago there were 35 or 40 quality programs with excellent coaches. Now there's 75 or 80. Like when the majors only had 16 teams, nobody got to the Yankees from the minors. If Ty Griffin was your son, you'd advise him to transfer. Who wants to have starter talent, but be a back-up your whole career--especially when opportunity abounds elsewhere??
Because he can get a degree that sets him up for life, maybe.......

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Perspective: IIuc, all his D1 offers were from the academies and us, and we offered a few weeks before NSD because someone flipped.

Some people on here looked at his HS film and saw the great D1 QB with a strong arm that every university scout passed on. He has a strong arm, but his throwing motion was not great, imo. I'm no expert, but it looked like he had difficulty squaring and setting his front foot so that his trail foot often carried a lot of rotational momentum, making it difficult to be accurate consistently. Also, he often threw off his from the air. He strikes me more as a hurler than a passer.

His upside, that he showed in the spring game, is that he runs hard, with good balance. He also seems to me to have good vision and pad level. As I've said before, and now for the third and last time, I think he would make a good A-Back in our system.

I wonder how many people who see this transfer as a big deal also were happy that TW was starting over Vad in 2012.


Ramblin' Wreck
Because he can get a degree that sets him up for life, maybe.......

very true.
but you are thinking as a rational adult.
these kids are thinking about going to the next level and starting as a freshman b/c they have been touted as "the best" their whole life.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Russell Wilson.

Different talent level (at least at this same stage in their college career) in my opinion.

Wilson's desire to play both baseball and football is why Coach O'Brien released him, mainly because his baseball commitments kept him from taking part in offseason workouts.

NC State also had Mike Glennon in the wings making the decision easier. Wisky got lucky!


Helluva Engineer
Different talent level (at least at this same stage in their college career) in my opinion.

Wilson's desire to play both baseball and football is why Coach O'Brien released him, mainly because his baseball commitments kept him from taking part in offseason workouts.

NC State also had Mike Glennon in the wings making the decision easier. Wisky got lucky!

How O'Brien never won more at NC State with two future starting NFL QBs is beyond me. It's funny, NC State people still love Wilson, O'Brien not so much.


Helluva Engineer
It is not just us. It is every where. Mettenberger went to LSU, the kid from FSU just went to Alabama. It won't be long before there is a system similar to the NFL waiver wire in place. In practice it is already here. Coaches get inquiries all the time. Heard Todd Berry from ULM say yesterday it was not uncommon for kids to contact them and want to transfer in on the condition that they be guaranteed a starting spot. This is not your father's NCAA no moe.

That is what I needed to hear, I am not connected to other programs so I guess I don't hear about this type of stuff as much.


Let's be honest, Ty Griffin was a neat little story to talk about in the Spring but was he going to see any PT this year? No. Standing here now does anyone really think he would have been a starter for us down the line? I don't. You've got JT with three years left, MJ coming in right behind him whom everyone seems to love and an ESPN 300 QB just committed. Dude saw the writing on the wall. He was never going to start at QB for us. Eric said "instead of staying at GT and trying another position he would rather go somewhere else." That means that he was at least talked to about playing AB. You don't have that conversation, as a coach, with someone you think might be your starting QB in the future. Best of luck to Ty though. He'll most likely go to Oregon and walk on.

Honestly recruiting seems to be picking up. May get to use that scholly for a better player that we wouldn't have been able to get without Ty looking elsewhere. If that happens then it works out for everybody.