Thoughts on rest of season?


Retired Co-Founder
Will GT make a bowl?

We have three games that are winnable... Pitt, Cuse and @UVA. Pitt worries me the most.

I'm hoping we can get the O in a rhythm this week.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
IF the O line can get it's issues worked out then the season can salvaged but until I see the start of consistency within that group I'm not real optimistic. There are some other issues but the offense has to get back to being able to not shoot itself in the foot for the team to turn it around.


Jolly Good Fellow
while I remain hopeful, the fact that against higher level competition we continue to self destruct leaves me less than optimistic. My heart will always tell me we can run the table, but the evidence from the field would suggest possibly two more wins. GO JACKETS!


Ramblin' Wreck
I would say we have about 60% chance of making a bowl. It's not going to be easy.

Last year the coaching staff was able to stop team from disintegrating, and I hope they can accomplish the same again. We do have some positives to build on.

Eric, as someone who the recruits follow and who is a big GT fan, you shouldn't be openly calling for firing of CPJ. (just saw your tweet to that effect)

I think you have a responsibility as you have a leadership role in the community. I am not saying that you should become a cheerleader or not talk about our problems, but sometimes it's best not to say everything one thinks. Recruits are making a commitment to the staff and such messages from leaders like you can hurt us in having them sign with us.

A decision on CPJ will have to be made after this season or next, and it's best to not damage our recruiting with messages like this from leaders.

My 2 cents.


Georgia Tech Fan
I'm saying we finish 8-4 our tough stretch is over we get a break before Clemson and have Alabama a&m before ugag we will win either Clemson or ugag and everyone will feel better maybe just my opinion and how I'm looking at the season the ACC does us no favors with the schedule


Staff member
I would say we have about 60% chance of making a bowl. It's not going to be easy.

Last year the coaching staff was able to stop team from disintegrating, and I hope they can accomplish the same again. We do have some positives to build on.

Eric, as someone who the recruits follow and who is a big GT fan, you shouldn't be openly calling for firing of CPJ. (just saw your tweet to that effect)

I think you have a responsibility as you have a leadership role in the community. I am not saying that you should become a cheerleader or not talk about our problems, but sometimes it's best not to say everything one thinks. Recruits are making a commitment to the staff and such messages from leaders like you can hurt us in having them sign with us.

A decision on CPJ will have to be made after this season or next, and it's best to not damage our recruiting with messages like this from leaders.

My 2 cents.

Agree with all of the above. Eric, are you responsible for the @GTRecruiting tweets going out? This is my favorite site because of the format, posters, and recruiting info. The tweets coming from @GTRecruiting today are pretty much the opposite of anything that could help recruiting. It's not just calling for the coaches head, but inferring that it's likely a done deal no later than 2014. I also see tweets disparaging our offense and quality of GT recruiting. What if we have recruits reading those? I assume some are followers.


Ramblin' Wreck
Athens, GA
I'm saying we finish 8-4 our tough stretch is over we get a break before Clemson and have Alabama a&m before ugag we will win either Clemson or ugag and everyone will feel better maybe just my opinion and how I'm looking at the season the ACC does us no favors with the schedule
I would be ecstatic for GT to beat either one of those teams, but preferably both


Ramblin' Wreck
I expect us to Win/Lose/Win/Lose/Win/Lose in that order versus Syracuse/Virginia/Pittsburgh/Clemson/Alabama A&M/Georgia.

That would put us finishing the season as 6-6 if my math is correct. The one possible change is the UVA one but we have always seemed to struggle there, even when we had good teams....and we don't currently have a good team IMO.


Ramblin' Wreck
Athens, GA
I expect us to Win/Lose/Win/Lose/Win/Lose in that order versus Syracuse/Virginia/Pittsburgh/Clemson/Alabama A&M/Georgia.

That would put us finishing the season as 6-6 if my math is correct. The one possible change is the UVA one but we have always seemed to struggle there, even when we had good teams....and we don't currently have a good team IMO.
I feel like this is the most likely outcome. We also need to watch out for Pitt. If we're not careful, they could catch us off guard.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I just want to see us start to rotate in the young guys. I like the Griffin kid (not just because of his snazzy last name and endorsement by Larramore) and Noble. Harrell had a nice play during the defense's 2nd half awakening.


Staff member
Anyone know about the credibility of Atomic Football as a win/loss predictor? Some very optimistic projections from that site per Ken at AJC.



Locust Grove Ga
That looks about right to me. I don't really know a lot about the site but it looks about what I expect. To tell you the truth I think we beat Clemson or UGA


Ramblin' Wreck
The atomic football probabilities look slightly inflated in our favor in every case, but maybe Clemson. Especially the uga one. Our chance of beating uga has gone up after their injuries, but the algorithm shouldn't know about those injuries (typically that's not part of any algorithm).

The Syracuse probability is almost exactly what Vegas has for that game, so I have to give credit for that.


Ramblin' Wreck
I agree with those predictions for the most part. With Virginia, there's that Charlottesville intangible that always seems to bother Tech...all the way back to the early 90's. I haven't seen them play and don't really know anything about them. But they were able to beat BYU somehow so they worry me.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Only one FCS victory can count, UNLESS there is a shortage of FBS teams with "6 wins" of which a max. of 1 is from FCS school.