The thread that never ends...


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Based on a post by @InsideLB in another thread (What we REALLY need though is a thread that combines uniform, what Paul Johnson's recruiting policy really means, GT vs Stanford academics, how good Tevin's career actually was, and Stewart and Jackson's recruitment. It would be (start the music) "the thread that never ends......"), I bring you the thread that can become the depository of all GT-related stuff that would be off-topic but slightly related to any on-going thread. I propose that if someone gets a hankering to stray then just come here, post your thoughts, go back to the original on-topic thread & post a link back to this thread.
Please understand that this has been created tongue-in-cheek and is not meant to offend anyone. Also, if the mods think that this thread is unnecessary I will not be offended if it is removed.

As always, #GoJackets #TogetherWeSwarm


Helluva Engineer
The problem with forums like these is that they try to mimmick face to face conversion but just can't. When you're talking with your buds in the driveway, have you ever heard somebody say "man, quit hijacking the convo...."


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
Based on a post by @InsideLB in another thread (What we REALLY need though is a thread that combines uniform, what Paul Johnson's recruiting policy really means, GT vs Stanford academics, how good Tevin's career actually was, and Stewart and Jackson's recruitment. It would be (start the music) "the thread that never ends......"), I bring you the thread that can become the depository of all GT-related stuff that would be off-topic but slightly related to any on-going thread. I propose that if someone gets a hankering to stray then just come here, post your thoughts, go back to the original on-topic thread & post a link back to this thread.
Please understand that this has been created tongue-in-cheek and is not meant to offend anyone. Also, if the mods think that this thread is unnecessary I will not be offended if it is removed.

As always, #GoJackets #TogetherWeSwarm

Oh no, you've gone and done it, lord help us :D


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Are you saying that CPJ is thinking about new uniforms that look similar to Stanford's? TW's going to model them?

You know somebody is going to think that as they half read what was written. ;)


Helluva Engineer
Based on a post by @InsideLB in another thread (What we REALLY need though is a thread that combines uniform, what Paul Johnson's recruiting policy really means, GT vs Stanford academics, how good Tevin's career actually was, and Stewart and Jackson's recruitment. It would be (start the music) "the thread that never ends......"), I bring you the thread that can become the depository of all GT-related stuff that would be off-topic but slightly related to any on-going thread. I propose that if someone gets a hankering to stray then just come here, post your thoughts, go back to the original on-topic thread & post a link back to this thread.
Please understand that this has been created tongue-in-cheek and is not meant to offend anyone. Also, if the mods think that this thread is unnecessary I will not be offended if it is removed.

As always, #GoJackets #TogetherWeSwarm
Add why-can't-Johnson-recruit and why-I-hate-the-offense and you just about got what has been going on with some boards for seven years. Oh, and we-have-to-pass-more and we-have-to-balance-the-offense. And the two-minute offense. And how the offense isn't built for third and long. And 4 stars-never-come-here. And don't forget Johnson's personality. And ... But I'm with you , then if your pet gripe was about any of those subjects, just go to the one thread and leave everybody alone.


Ramblin' Wreck
Which shade of gold is correct? Pls help. K thx.
Bitcoin. Duh.

Also, Stanford and MIT churn out unprepared, useless engineers because they have everything handed to them from the day they get accepted.

Vanderbilt, however, has a one weird football rule that could give GT a championship.

This one freaky uniform got Oregon into the championship game.

Recruiting rankings are an optimal measurement of a partially stochastic system.

I have a discrete game theory proof that we should pass more.

oh, and how could we leave out:

Tech should be in the SEC.


Helluva Engineer
Actually my post was inspired by another font who said, "Imagine what would happen on the board if Stanford made a late push for Stewart."

About spit out my coffee on that one...


Helluva Engineer
Let's sign him at QB, put 100#'s on him and move him to DT.

We do / don't want sidewalk fans.

We want more rabid fans, but please don't yell or stand in my section.


Helluva Engineer
Based on a post by @InsideLB in another thread (What we REALLY need though is a thread that combines uniform, what Paul Johnson's recruiting policy really means, GT vs Stanford academics, how good Tevin's career actually was, and Stewart and Jackson's recruitment. It would be (start the music) "the thread that never ends......"), I bring you the thread that can become the depository of all GT-related stuff that would be off-topic but slightly related to any on-going thread. I propose that if someone gets a hankering to stray then just come here, post your thoughts, go back to the original on-topic thread & post a link back to this thread.
Please understand that this has been created tongue-in-cheek and is not meant to offend anyone. Also, if the mods think that this thread is unnecessary I will not be offended if it is removed.

As always, #GoJackets #TogetherWeSwarm
You forgot Vad Lee

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Our work will be done here when we take all of these excellent contributions, rinse and repeat......about ten more times ought to do it.