The Defining Moment for me...


Helluva Engineer
I posted elsewhere (the Prayers for Snoddy thread), but I'll put it here. When the team came out onto the field after they loaded Snoddy up, a Clemson player's parent who was in front of me turned to me and said "Now that right there is impressive". My first thought when he said that was "Yep". My second thought actually was on some of the Swarm links early in the year before the season started when some of the posters stated the team was fractured in the locker room. I didn't believe it then, and I certainly don't believe it now. I've never seen an entire team come out for an injured player like that before at any level of competitve football.


Helluva Engineer
I posted elsewhere (the Prayers for Snoddy thread), but I'll put it here. When the team came out onto the field after they loaded Snoddy up, a Clemson player's parent who was in front of me turned to me and said "Now that right there is impressive". My first thought when he said that was "Yep". My second thought actually was on some of the Swarm links early in the year before the season started when some of the posters stated the team was fractured in the locker room. I didn't believe it then, and I certainly don't believe it now. I've never seen an entire team come out for an injured player like that before at any level of competitve football.
It was awesome, I agree, but there was a little bit of the "standing ovation" affect happening too.


Helluva Engineer
Remarkable moment...been going to Grant Field for 45 of my most bittersweet but favorite moments ever. TEAM! Also let me say how great the Clemson fans were around me. I have a lot of respect for that fanbase. prayers to 22!
Yes, I had a few Clemson fans around me also and they were a class act.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
The scene with the team huddled around Snoddy reminded me of the NCAA Championship game in basketball last year. After Louisville huddled together around Kevin Ware, I knew they were winning that game.


Helluva Engineer
The Clemson folks to right and the uga folks to the left gave a real applause ( not golf clap) for snoddy - especially when he raised his arms in defiance of the injury as he was wheeled across



Helluva Engineer
Guys, don't forget what an awesome chaplain Derrick is. He promotes an atmosphere of unselfishness and caring for each other, and as we need to extend PJ, we need to take care of Derrick also. I don't think I can overstate his importance to this team.
I totally agree with this. He is a big asset to the whole team.