Tech - uga in 2025 at MB Stadium


Jolly Good Fellow
Key may or may not think it's great, but if anybody expected him to come out and publically crap on idea right after his own AD announced it you are delusional.
Key's a smart guy and can see the big picture and what the revenue means to the overall program.


Helluva Engineer
Key's a smart guy and can see the big picture and what the revenue means to the overall program.
Sure. He's also not an AD, his job is to win football games and I'd be willing to bet he prefers the advantage of playing at home with a home crowd vs in a stadium 75% full of opposing fans.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
I really wish you guys would stop acting like the last 4 years of BDS attendance is a sign of a dying fan base.
That was sign of a gut wrenchingly bad football, not worth fans paying to watch in person.
We are actively clawing out, but expect BDS to fill as we win.
If we beat Notredame and VT, you can bet your a$$ BDS will be packed for Miami.
No one said that. If you look at the broad trends, most AD's are less concerned about actual attendance than they used to be because there are so many other options to monetize interest. In 1982, attendance was the KEY driver. While it has declined (undeniable) since 2005, it has also INCREASED in media value, streaming, social media, and other options.

I suppose my message would be that attendance is nice to have from a game day experience, but it's not the sole driver of fanbases and hasn't been for some time.


Helluva Engineer
We NEED money. This game is still in atlanta. And im confused, the same people who are claiming are stadium is good enough will also criticize playing in a brand new stadium
Oh bull****. 10M for sacrificing a home game against our biggest rival is just stupid as hell. If they want to move the entire series there every year then fine. Money is ok. But taking that money so they can bring even more fans and then going to Athens the next year is just stupid.

This money argument is so weak. People find correlation between successful programs and money and then claim that the money created the wins. In reality the wins created the money. when I have more time to get data to support this argument I’ll be happy to do it.


Ramblin' Wreck
I hope that the folks crying about it online actually show up to a majority of our BDS games, if not then you are the reason this keeps happening!

We used to average mid 40k per game and 50k for a big game at BDS, now we're lucky if 40k show up.
Well to start, maybe not dump all your best games for season ticket holders to a venue few seem to like. That may get a few extra thousand tickets bought. Quit saying BDS is a great college venue and then cherry pick games off the schedule thus reducing any chance a sidewalk fan has of seeing a great BDS experience.

Im a season ticket holder for two teams, Tech and Army. The experience is light years different. Army has customer service, my agent calls me to explain things, make sure I got my Army Navy tickets, ordered my Army ND seats in Yankee Stadium, asked me if I wanted to relocate. When it came time for possibly moving to the brand new club section they are building, called me and walked me through the virtual presentation for 30 minutes. Sold me and I ponied up the extra 6000 to sit in the new section.

Tech has no customer service and seems to go out of their way to piss off their STH’s. Understand the financial move, it was lazy and easy, but don’t think you are building a customer base making moves like this.


Ramblin' Wreck
As a former STH, I quit when tickets became worthless. I believe I got a total of $30-40 for reselling (3) 45 yd line CL tickets to GT / Ole Miss in 2022 when the rest of my party couldn’t make it.

There’s zero incentive to be a STH. STHs always got screwed when getting MBS seating assignments and now it’s not even considered a home game for STH purposes. So I’m out till at least 2027.

I do sometimes envy the ability of other fans to just take keg stands of whatever juice crew koolaid we’re supposed to drink, but I can’t…


Georgia Tech Fan
It's absolutely hilarious reading these hand-wringing, pearl clutching posts. It's as if some of you think we just deserve to be regarded as one of the best programs in the country without actually doing anything to get and stay there.

Our athletic department was an absolute disaster when J Batt took over. We have more debt than 90% of other FCS programs, a smaller alumni base and, as much as it sucks to say, not as much marketability as we once had. To be able to compete with the top teams in ALL sports, not just football, J Batt has had to make decisions that 15-20 years ago would have been unthinkable.

If part of the cost of getting back to where we should be is moving ONE game against ugag from BDS to the Benz, in exchange for a decade's worth of revenue, then so be it. I no longer want to be looked at in the same way as a Rutgers, Purdue, Northwestern, or Oregon State. Incremental changes are not going to get us there, we have to make big, bold moves. This is one of them.

Do I wish it could be different? Sure. But it's not. I do not want GT to end up like the Ivy league schools. Athletics are a huge part of being a GT alum, and the national recognition we get from our football, men's and women's basketball, volleyball, golf, track, baseball, and all other teams far outweighs the costs of moving a football game.


Jolly Good Fellow
Oh bull****. 10M for sacrificing a home game against our biggest rival is just stupid as hell. If they want to move the entire series there every year then fine. Money is ok. But taking that money so they can bring even more fans and then going to Athens the next year is just stupid.

This money argument is so weak. People find correlation between successful programs and money and then claim that the money created the wins. In reality the wins created the money. when I have more time to get data to support this argument I’ll be happy to do it.

It would still be a home game if our fans showed up

And quick question, how do we get better players, coaches, and facilities with no money?

Finally, it’s for one freaking year! If this would be the only tech/uga game you would get to see at Bobby Dodd, then we can go and picket the athletic administration together


Helluva Engineer
From JBatt:
Here’s why he had to do it:
House vs. NCAA
As many of you are aware, earlier this year, the NCAA and the Autonomy Conferences (including the ACC) reached a proposed settlement with plaintiffs in the class action federal antitrust lawsuits collectively known as House vs. NCAA.
That settlement, which was preliminarily approved last week, is expected to receive final approval in the spring and go into effect for the 2025-26 academic year.

Most notably, the House settlement allows institutions to share external revenue directly with student-athletes (revenue acquired from media rights, sponsorships, ticket sales, NCAA and conference distributions, etc.) with a cap of $20-22 million per year, and requires NCAA members to contribute to nearly $3 billion in back damages to former student-athletes that were not able to profit from their name, image and likeness (NIL) in the past.

To compete for championships at the highest level in the post-House era, athletics programs will need to make an additional financial investment of at least $20-22 million annually to participate in student-athlete revenue sharing at the maximum level, which is essential to compete with our peers. While at the same time, we will receive about $1 million less in annual distributions from the ACC, which will go towards our share of the $3 billion in back damages.

Achieving that goal will require a mix of financial approaches, including a reduction of expenses, taking our fundraising to an even higher level and continuing to identify opportunities for new revenue.

Full Steam Ahead

When we talk about taking our fundraising to a higher level, that begins with the Full Steam Ahead initiative that was announced on October 4. Full Steam Ahead is a $500 million fundraising initiative to achieve our goal of competing for championships at the highest level in the next era of intercollegiate athletics.

With nearly $300 million already raised towards the $500 million goal, the Full Steam Ahead initiative will fund a renovation of Bobby Dodd Stadium at Hyundai Field, a revamp of the Zelnak Basketball Center, a modernization of O’Keefe Gym and additional projects and initiatives to further advance Tech athletics through program-wide operational support.
2025 Football Season Tickets

Earlier today, we announced that 2025 Georgia Tech football season tickets will go on sale this week. Highlights of that announcement include:
  • Season ticket prices will remain unchanged from 2024;
  • The six-game schedule at Bobby Dodd Stadium at Hyundai Field will include the return of ACC rivals Clemson (for the first time in five years) and Virginia Tech (for the first time in four years);
  • Georgia will be our opponent for our annual game at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.
We know that some of you may be apprehensive that Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate will be played off-campus for the first time since Bobby Dodd Stadium opened in 1913. Please know that we understand that concern and know that this was not a decision that was made lightly.

As I noted earlier, embarking on the new era of college athletics requires exploring new revenue sources, as that is paramount to our goal of competing for championships at the highest level. In partnering with AMB Sports and Entertainment (AMBSE) to move Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate to Mercedes-Benz Stadium for 2025, we agreed to changes in the contract that calls for us to play one game annually at Mercedes-Benz Stadium through 2026. As part of the new agreement, AMBSE will provide us with a $10 million guarantee just to play the 2025 Georgia Tech-Georgia game at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, a transformative revenue lift for Tech Athletics. In addition to the $10 million guarantee, the reworked agreement with AMBSE will provide Tech season ticket members with seating priority opportunities that they haven’t had for our previous games at Mercedes-Benz Stadium.

Click to Read the Entire Letter from J

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Helluva Engineer
The $22-23M NIL cap begins NEXT YEAR (2025-26). We don’t have that money to compete. This move is a one-off way to generate half of that amount NEXT YEAR.

Guys, it makes sense. Much as I hate selling COFH, it makes sense… next year.

Let’s stop the complaining and get behind this AD. He knows what he’s doing.



Jolly Good Fellow
Sure. He's also not an AD, his job is to win football games and I'd be willing to bet he prefers the advantage of playing at home with a home crowd vs in a stadium 75% full of opposing fans.
Gonna be mostly opposing fans either way. Just read this thread to see why. He'd rather have the money for coaches and other program improvements than rely on fans who give up season tickets because they don't see the value.