Shoutout to our seniors


Just want to give some love to our seniors. You guys bought in and brought a workman like mentality day after day.Thank you for all of your hard work on the field and in the classroom. We are all immensely proud of the season and careers you had. I will remember this season and your careers with great fondness. You are all great jackets and Tech men. I wish you all possible success in your future endeavors.

I believe this class is largely responsible for the tight relationships and family feel this team had...that and their never quit spirit. I think we all know which in state school had the real dream team.

God bless and good fortune going forward...oh yeah...beat those damn bulldogs from Mississippi! Go Jackets!!


Helluva Engineer
Classy bunch of guys! I talked with some of them at the hotel on Friday and they were all class acts and gentlemen. Makes me proud to be a GTAA supporter and GT Alum!


Staff member
no questions 33, it is CRAZY how quickly 1 bad attitude can rip open locker rooms.. all of a sudden people take sides and issues emerge from the haze of dissension

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
The Team really succeeded in Chemistry this year. Like many Tech Students, they had to take it more than once!! Eeeeyooo!!


Helluva Engineer
Gibson, GA
When I think of all the seniors, the face of this group to me seems to be Synjyn Days. Not taking away from Shaq, Nealy, and the rest of this group. This team took on that mentality of "whatever is best for the team is what I want to do" and I think that is Synjyn to a tee. Coming in as a QB and spending time there for awhile, then moving over to AB and tryin to learn that, then move to BB. Make you wonder how good he would be if he came straight in as a BB. So a special thanks to Synjyn, and thanks to the rest of this wonderful group of seniors.


Just want to give some love to our seniors. You guys bought in and brought a workman like mentality day after day.Thank you for all of your hard work on the field and in the classroom. We are all immensely proud of the season and careers you had. I will remember this season and your careers with great fondness. You are all great jackets and Tech men. I wish you all possible success in your future endeavors.

I believe this class is largely responsible for the tight relationships and family feel this team had...that and their never quit spirit. I think we all know which in state school had the real dream team.

God bless and good fortune going forward...oh yeah...beat those damn bulldogs from Mississippi! Go Jackets!!
Well said and, most importantly, (to paraphrase PJ) ugag "can take that stupid sign down for at least a year" because of all that you Seniors have accomplished.


Helluva Engineer
Just want to give some love to our seniors. You guys bought in and brought a workman like mentality day after day.Thank you for all of your hard work on the field and in the classroom. We are all immensely proud of the season and careers you had. I will remember this season and your careers with great fondness. You are all great jackets and Tech men. I wish you all possible success in your future endeavors.

I believe this class is largely responsible for the tight relationships and family feel this team had...that and their never quit spirit. I think we all know which in state school had the real dream team.

God bless and good fortune going forward...oh yeah...beat those damn bulldogs from Mississippi! Go Jackets!!
I absolutely love this senior class. You can't get anymore blue collar, glue guy, diamond in the rough, under the radar, intangibles to the max than this bunch. Success is built on a foundation of guys like this and I'm damn proud of 'em and to be a Yellow Jacket!


Ramblin' Wreck
this class has an opportunty to do something no class has done in a decade or so.

Beat UGA and finish .500 in bowl games.


Helluva Engineer
Douglasville, Georgia
Very proud of this group. They stuck it out and persevered through alot of ups and downs. This season has been a culmination of all of their hard work and dedication to GT and their teamates. Congrats on breathing life back into our football program and hopefully jumpstarting something spectacular for years to come. Thank You Seniors!