Satellites? Yea we can do that.


Helluva Engineer

"“Where the space sector once revolved around mammoth spacecraft taking decades and billions of dollars to build, we are now breaking complex space objectives into smaller chunks,” said Robert Braun, a professor in Georgia Tech’s Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering and director of its Center for Space Technology and Research (C-STAR). “Working together, a dozen small spacecraft might accomplish that same big objective at a fraction of the cost. These small spacecraft might be the size of a trash can or a night table, and they can be developed much more quickly, providing opportunities to utilize the latest technology.”"

"But designing and building small spacecraft and their instruments isn’t the whole story of Georgia Tech’s growing presence in space. Researchers are also improving the electric propulsion systems that will power both large and small spacecraft — and perhaps even help haul supplies to Mars. And in early 2016 on the International Space Station, they expect to begin testing what may be a future generation of photovoltaic cells to provide space power."


Helluva Engineer
Thanks for the post. I never would have caught this on my own.

Sports have their place, but they are down toward the bottom of the list.