S&C program 2014 vs 2015


Helluva Engineer
Personal thought- PJ's first address will be SC! They will get faster, bigger, stronger, meaner!!! Or not make it to spring. The cut starts now!

Ding ding ding! We have a winner.

Apparently CPJ had a team meeting the other day and held up a BMI chart (not exactly that, but something that has a certain weight, conditioning level, and strength target for each position) and said something to the effect "we are changing the expectations of our offseason workouts...we are going to stop losing leads in the 4th quarter"


Helluva Engineer
I'm a big fan of S&C, but the person we should be after - and goooooood luck in getting him - is the guy at Stanford, Shannon Turley. This person has completely transformed the football strength and conditioning trade in his 9 years at Palo Alto. See:


I'm sure we are doing what we can to imitate the master, but I'd hire his best recommendation in a New York minute.


Helluva Engineer
What about first quarter leads like 21-0 on UNC???
Proving again that you don't get late late, you get late early. But for the life of me I can't figure out why if we had a S&C problem, we kept the guy Johnson hired to replace the guy he didn't hire. Are we moving deck chairs now?


Helluva Engineer
We don't have a S&C coaching problem. Guys are reaching for straws in this thread. The guys we have are really good and we'd be foolish to let them go.

We had a bad team this year due mainly to a mass exodus of players from graduation, attrition and injury yet we were in position to win all but 2.

S*** happens. Move on. Go get 'em next year.


Helluva Engineer
Year before coach got a good ga recruiter & we have a much better recruiting class.

Last year after the CUSTIS , and hunt academic issues and 2013 o line issues coach tightned up those areas with some senior staff as well as younger staff in player

This year he is setting AND COMMUICATING high expectations for and to each player. I would assume assistant coaches are having some meetings with head coach.

Having a really sucky season will do that.
Don't be leaning on water cooler !! "COACH FIXIT" IS COMING DOWN THE HALL TO THE WEIGHT ROOM.