Rule Changes


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
Those people would rather just sell a block of nonstop commercials if they could get viewers to tune in. The reason there are discussions around shortening the game is because it's been jammed too full of commercials and takes too long, so people are no longer watching as much. A quick google search suggests commercials take up about an hour of a 3.5 hour broadcast for an NFL game, and I'd bet the numbers are similar for college. That is excessive.

It's a balance. Too many commercials drive away viewers, making the product less valuable to advertisers. Again, I am betting some really smart people have figured out the best financial balance and that's what we are getting.


Helluva Engineer
I don't know which is worse: sitting at a game waiting for the red shirt to leave the field or waiting for the game to restart on tv. I think it is worse in person. At least I can flip to another game or go get a refreshment if on tv. Answered my own question.


Helluva Engineer
It's a balance. Too many commercials drive away viewers, making the product less valuable to advertisers. Again, I am betting some really smart people have figured out the best financial balance and that's what we are getting.
You seem to be missing my whole point, which is that the balance is off. They would not be trying to shorten the game if the balance was right.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
You seem to be missing my whole point, which is that the balance is off. They would not be trying to shorten the game if the balance was right.

Shortening games, not amount of commercials. The reply I posted was in response to a font asserting that less commercials were the best answer to shorten games and another asked if less commercials would mean less TV money. I gave an answer.


Helluva Engineer
Shortening games, not amount of commercials. The reply I posted was in response to a font asserting that less commercials were the best answer to shorten games and another asked if less commercials would mean less TV money. I gave an answer.
Ultimately they are actually trying to shorten the broadcast time, which either requires shortening the game or shortening the time for commercials.

but since this is going nowhere, we'll just agree to disagree about the advertisers knowing the ideal balance.


Helluva Engineer
Ultimately they are actually trying to shorten the broadcast time, which either requires shortening the game or shortening the time for commercials.

but since this is going nowhere, we'll just agree to disagree about the advertisers knowing the ideal balance.
I don't doubt advertisers know the optimal balance to achieve maximum $$ in the short term. Their myopia is always 20/20, and that's their job.
But in the long term, it may not be best for the game, which is what brings eyeballs to their ads in the first place.


Helluva Engineer
I don't know which is worse: sitting at a game waiting for the red shirt to leave the field or waiting for the game to restart on tv. I think it is worse in person. At least I can flip to another game or go get a refreshment if on tv. Answered my own question.
Or wash dishes, take out the garbage, water the garden, catch some zzz's...


Ramblin' Wreck
I don't know which is worse: sitting at a game waiting for the red shirt to leave the field or waiting for the game to restart on tv. I think it is worse in person. At least I can flip to another game or go get a refreshment if on tv. Answered my own question.

How about recording the game, start viewing about an hour after start, and ff thru commercials?


Helluva Engineer
Longer commercial breaks don't help us. Pretty much every game is on TV now, so it's at best zero-sum to add more commercials for GT: we get more TV revenue, everyone else does too, it's a wash-out. I think it's actually worse, though: ACC games don't get as many eyeballs as others = ACC games can't justify as high commercial prices = ACC gets less TV money than SEC or B1G in their contracts.

So I'd happily have GT get less money in exchange for SEC/B1G schools getting even less, but yeah... that commercial break horse isn't going back in the barn.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Would shortening commercials reduce the revenue paid to ACC and GT?
... Of course, granted I'd love it. It really sucks when you are roasting, freezing, being rained on, etc. waiting for the "game stopper" to get off the field. At least, a few years back they put a timer on the sign so you knew how long you had before they came out of the commercial break.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Advertisers aren't that stupid. They know that you won't be paying attention to them if the football is still playing. They are paying for your undivided attention. While I loathe sitting in the stadium through ever increasing TV timeouts, the simple fact is that the minor inconvenience on the part of the fan is what generates major revenue for the team.
It's all about the $$$ for sure.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
I don't know which is worse: sitting at a game waiting for the red shirt to leave the field or waiting for the game to restart on tv. I think it is worse in person. At least I can flip to another game or go get a refreshment if on tv. Answered my own question.
Definitely, 100% for sure, worse sitting in the stands waiting.


Helluva Engineer
I did enjoy DVRing games when CPJ was around. Knew they would be under 3 hours. Maybe that's why the ACC hated us, not enough commercials to run ads.
At the game they have an official who has a large digital count down clock.. At stoppage he walks out with his all powerful clock.
Usually it starts at 1 min and 50 ish seconds.
But if there weren't enough stoppages, the clock would stsrt at 2:30 minutes

Back during cpj it was way bad. One time they just stopped the game in an minor injury and sent to a 3 plus minute long commercial.


Helluva Engineer
At the game they have an official who has a large digital count down clock.. At stoppage he walks out with his all powerful clock.
Usually it starts at 1 min and 50 ish seconds.
But if there weren't enough stoppages, the clock would stsrt at 2:30 minutes

Back during cpj it was way bad. One time they just stopped the game in an minor injury and sent to a 3 plus minute long commercial.
The last couple of years I don't remember any of the stoppages being under 2 minutes. I think most have been around 3.

EDIT: At least the clock lets me know if there is enough time to go to the bathroom before play starts again.