Robert Carter to transfer


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Ironically, Bradley sided with us on the "not letting UGA talk to him" issue.

Also, ironically, the Klein interview was fair. Kind of a puff piece, but didn't criticize us.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
Hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I hope wherever Carter goes, he does absolutely terrible. From what I know, it seems he just flat out quit on Tech and his teammates. I hate that kind of attitude. If he had a legit reason to transfer (be closer to home, coaching change), then whatever, but I just don't see that in this situation. I don't want him to get run over by a car or anything bad like that, I just don't feel the need to "wish him the best" after he just ditched Tech.
Augusta, GA
Hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I hope wherever Carter goes, he does absolutely terrible. From what I know, it seems he just flat out quit on Tech and his teammates. I hate that kind of attitude. If he had a legit reason to transfer (be closer to home, coaching change), then whatever, but I just don't see that in this situation. I don't want him to get run over by a car or anything bad like that, I just don't feel the need to "wish him the best" after he just ditched Tech.

I won't say I am offended by that, but I do disagree with it. If he wasn't happy at Tech, no matter what the reason, then he did what he thought was necessary. I wish him all the best.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
I won't say I am offended by that, but I do disagree with it. If he wasn't happy at Tech, no matter what the reason, then he did what he thought was necessary. I wish him all the best.

I can understand both sides. And I have no problem with him transferring if that's what he thought was best for him, I'm just not going to root for him.


Helluva Engineer
Ironically, Bradley sided with us on the "not letting UGA talk to him" issue.

Also, ironically, the Klein interview was fair. Kind of a puff piece, but didn't criticize us.

I concur. Bradley article was pro GT and the Klein interview showed CBG with a lot of class.
A lot of folks on here are shooting without taking aim.


Helluva Engineer
BFE , south carolina
all i can say is...

rc was recruited to help turn the program around. he is at a point where he could not only lead the team on the floor but he could lead the team as an upperclassmen.

evidently he doubts his own skills enough that he doesnt believe that he can carry the team on his back to the ncaa's. he certainly cant use the excuse that he wanted to face the best. not with louisville scheduled to join the league and pitt, nd and syracuse already in the league. to me it looks like he is running from the challenge.

i do believe that he was asked to play closer to the basket and this is the end result. would i want to be in a fox hole with rc guarding my back?



Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I concur. Bradley article was pro GT and the Klein interview showed CBG with a lot of class.
A lot of folks on here are shooting without taking aim.

Indeed I am. In my defense though, Klein has a history and IMO has purposely done things to try to damage Tech's reputation (ex. the banana suit story). The fact that his piece wasn't overtly negative, according to @dtm1997's assessment, was probably by pure chance.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Under Armour?

Auburn is the consistent theme. Say what you will, if the goal is to get in to the NCAA tourney, I'd be willing to bet money Pearl has them there very soon. Better recruiter & better coach. Would bet they're in the 1st year RC would be eligible.

Memphis is an NCAA team year in, year out and play in a solid, but lesser conference that should let them continue to compete for conference championships & NCAA berths.

The rest are good programs that have had some ups & downs recently.


Georgia Tech Fan
Chattanooga, TN
But of course. This is the standard. Player doesn't improve over his time at Tech, it's all the coach's fault. Player improves each year of his career, it's all to the player's credit. I thought everyone knew that.

That's not at all what I'm doing. I'm basing my opinion on CBG's track record with other players. Maybe Miller's development was due to Gregory and the rest of the coaching staff. But I struggle to find other players that have developed much under Gregory.


Jolly Good Fellow
Any coach that tells him he can be a stretch four and run around on the perimeter all game is lying to the kid. He isn't athletic enough and he doesn't shoot well enough to make a positive impact playing that way. His strength is being able to be a bull around the basket with decent inside moves and occasionally step out.

I hope he gets what he wants, but I have a hard time seeing what he is asked to do change drastically. If he thinks this will improve his draft stock, he may be disappointed. Sitting on the bench for a year isn't going to keep him on any scout's mind. Out of sight, out of mind.
Augusta, GA

Auburn is the consistent theme. Say what you will, if the goal is to get in to the NCAA tourney, I'd be willing to bet money Pearl has them there very soon. Better recruiter & better coach. Would bet they're in the 1st year RC would be eligible.

Memphis is an NCAA team year in, year out and play in a solid, but lesser conference that should let them continue to compete for conference championships & NCAA berths.

The rest are good programs that have had some ups & downs recently.

Just because those schools are in the early running to contact him doesn't mean he is interested in them. Surely he has more sense than to choose any of those three.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
This could be interesting discussions. I am pretty sure Carter, a dean's list student, will be on track to graduate before the 2016 season. If he elects to pass on his last year of eligibility, the team that signs him will likely be paying two years' aid to get one year of play.


Helluva Engineer
BFE , south carolina
personally i find it odd that he says he did all this thinking and reflection then leaves the program with out a plan. kinda like packing for a vacation but not knowing where your going. oops i guess i wont need swimtrunks in the alps. duh.

there is more to this imo. an agent or a coach has been in his ear.


Helluva Engineer
He may excel in a pick and pop offense that gets him face up looks around the foul line area. But he wont excel shooting threes, hes a career 27% shooter from distance. Memphis doesn't play that way with their bigs and I don't think Carter fits there anyways.

Auburn makes the most sense when you take everything into consideration except what Carter said. People are saying Auburn is 2 years behind us, in 12 months they are going to be 2 years ahead of us because they made a conscious effort to actually upgrade their coaching when they fired the underperforming predecessor. Something some schools/fans just cant quite wrap their head around. Maybe he wants to play in the tournament. He probably was never going to while at GT.