Question about GT offense...


Jolly Good Fellow
It seems many times the GT jet sweep action (with WR or RB running between QB and center) was problematic; especially as the snap was made as our runner was crossing through. In fact, this seemed to be the reason QB King mishandled the snap near game's end pushing us out of FG range. Why do we make the snap so close to the runner's passing through? Seems like the risk outweighs the deceptive effect. Help me understand why we should continue to do that?


Helluva Engineer
My understanding is that it is an "eye candy" thing. With close timing, the D has to follow the motion man to make sure he did not take the snap on his way by. So the D is frozen for a click...long enough for our offensive linemen to get on them and wash them out of the play (in theory).


Helluva Engineer
Also, the motion can be the start of a jet sweep. The QB has to read the DE and decide to hand off or not. An RPO pop pass is also possible. Lots for the QB to do in Buster's O, sorta like Paul's.