Practice Day #12


Ramblin' Wreck
Thanks for the insight. This has always been my impression, but then I'm prone to get confounded and impatient with idiocy too. My two cents would be that he start looking at his interviews with the press less as a responsibility to answer questions and more as an opportunity to talk to fans/supporters. Reporters are people, and so tend to be lazy at times. If the coaches would just figure out what stories they wanted to be told, then they could shape their answers to questions in a way to get those stories out.
One of the reasons I like him is he is not a politician. He says what is on his mind.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I'm pretty sure I remember saying on this board last year (can't remember if it was spring or fall), something to the effect of "this is as positive as I've ever heard Johnson". Now, with Johnson, you have to grade on a curve, as miserable for a lot of guys is downright giddy for him. I'd say Johnson is "above average" this offseason for him. He's a miserable old crotchety coot, but there are degrees of crotchetyness, and I think he's far less miserable than he has been in lots of years (although moreso than last year).
The word that comes to my mind is, "relaxed." He has a nonchalent attitude as he says, "Yeah, they aren't playing worth a crap, not doing anything right," and then smiles. He is not worried.


Jolly Good Fellow
By how good the players think they will be this year and some comment cpj have made like it will either be us or vt shows me he thinks we are going to be ok and have a solid team

Yaller Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
One other factor which I think might enter into this picture is Paul is our offensive coordinator. We all know how super competitive he is, and he does not lack for self esteem. When the offense is struggling, he might take it personally.