Postgame: UGA 31-GT 23


Helluva Engineer
If we play like we did last night we are a 9 win team.
We'll see next year if we are really learning to bring it at all times.

This team really seems to embrace big challenges which is FANTASTIC. The next challenge is being consistent/not playing down to your opponent and taking things lightly.

We need to punch above our weight EVERY time. Which is actually pretty darn cool if we can pull it off. Makes you a bunch of tough sonsofabiscuits!


Jolly Good Fellow
Cant add much more about the play that has already been said, proud of their effort. It always hurts to lose to the mutts, however I felt much worse - disgusted - with the performances against BG and BC.

My observations about the crowd. In spite of most of the upper decks in red, the Tech fans were very energized and very vocal for most the game. Their mini-band was relegated to the upper southeast corner, much smaller group than in previous years. With the Tech band playing almost nonstop, and add in the PA bumper music, it was nice to drown out most the mutt noise.

It’s been a (mostly) fun season, and I am encouraged about the future of the program.
A longing fulfilled is a Tree of Life (Prov 13:12).


Helluva Engineer
Even the most obnoxious dawg fans are waking up today feeling slightly uneasy about where they stand relative to us now. They’ll of course forget about us when they start their shift as a fry cook or Walmart greeter later today, but they’ll remember that feeling next year in Athens


Helluva Engineer
Even the most obnoxious dawg fans are waking up today feeling slightly uneasy about where they stand relative to us now. They’ll of course forget about us when they start their shift as a fry cook or Walmart greeter later today, but they’ll remember that feeling next year in Athens
Seeing a mix at the moment
Seeing too many whining about the win blaming the refs or the fact that they had injured players.

At the moment it feels like we're taking this rivalry more serious than them, as they continue to look past us to their out of state rival.
They seem to be taking this win for granted in some respects.

Here's to hoping we shake it up next year.


Helluva Engineer
Seeing a mix at the moment
Seeing too many whining about the win blaming the refs or the fact that they had injured players.

At the moment it feels like we're taking this rivalry more serious than them, as they continue to look past us to their out of state rival.
They seem to be taking this win for granted in some respects.

Here's to hoping we shake it up next year.
Blaming that game on 3-4 missing players is admitting their depth is waning.


Helluva Engineer
No moral victories. With the talent disparity between our programs we really only have a chance when they play poorly in general or have multiple players out with injuries. We had both of those tonight and we blew it.
Even with their injuries, they had umpteen 5-stars to our zero 5-stars. They had oodles of four-stars to our handful. Despite this, the Jackets stood toe to toe with them. I don't know where you get the idea they "played poorly". I think you're just assuming that because they didn't blow us off the field or come anywhere near that. What I saw was Tech playing a solid game, not them playing poorly.

You have a right to your opinion, but you somehow don't seem to understand that building a team takes time. If you go on a trip, do you complain as soon as you get out of the driveway that you're not there yet? That's my impression, that you would just complain all the way to your destination, until you finally and mercifully arrive. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Why aren't we there yet?"


Helluva Engineer
One of the things that use to make me sick watching our defense play against good teams was watching our DL get pushed back 2-3 yards before the QB even handed the ball off.

Last night, there were MANY times I saw OUR OL push UGA's DL back 2-3 yards before our RBs got the ball. You don't rush for over 200 yards on UGA if your OL isn't doing a bit of manhandling.

Guys (and ladies), Brent Key is silently and steadily improving this team. Everything starts in the trenches, and last night, I would say our OL got the better of their DL. How often have we been able to say that?

Now let's work on the other side of the ball, and next year this can be a VERY dangerous team.


Helluva Engineer
One of the things that use to make me sick watching our defense play against good teams was watching our DL get pushed back 2-3 yards before the QB even handed the ball off.

Last night, there were MANY times I saw OUR OL push UGA's DL back 2-3 yards before our RBs got the ball. You don't rush for over 200 yards on UGA if your OL isn't doing a bit of manhandling.

Guys (and ladies), Brent Key is silently and steadily improving this team. Everything starts in the trenches, and last night, I would say our OL got the better of their DL. How often have we been able to say that?

Now let's work on the other side of the ball, and next year this can be a VERY dangerous team.
I was also impressed also by the Jackets' ability to get outside and around the edge against their defense. Haven't seen that in a while.


Helluva Engineer
Even with their injuries, they had umpteen 5-stars to our zero 5-stars. They had oodles of four-stars to our handful. Despite this, the Jackets stood toe to toe with them. I don't know where you get the idea they "played poorly". I think you're just assuming that because they didn't blow us off the field or come anywhere near that. What I saw was Tech playing a solid game, not them playing poorly.
I’ve had my fill of interactions with the character you’re responding to here, so I’m not going to even worry about what they say. But I do want to add on to this. Tech was going to have to play a perfect game to win this one no matter who they had injured or what the refs did or didn’t call. To put it in baseball terms we didn’t pitch a perfect game, but we did throw 8 very solid innings of 1 run ball. Had them on their heels the whole game, and we were never out of it until the final whistle. We didn’t make any really big mistakes that we couldn’t afford, no turnovers and no stupid penalties, but we didn’t capitalize on a couple of really good chances either. Our OL dominated the game, and was easily the best trench unit that touched the field last night. On the flip side, our DL was easily the worst trench unit. It’s going to be hard to compete with the best teams in the country when we can’t get to the QB or slow down a run game.

There’s a lot to look forward to for next year. I hope the boys keep their heads up, they played a hell of a game. Somebody earlier in the week they just hoped that after the game that UGA players and fans would have to stop and catch their breath and say, “damn okay” and I think they will/are. It sucks we’re going to graduate another senior class that has never beaten UGA, but hopefully the guys like Dontae and Dylan Leonard can go out on top with a bowl win.


Helluva Engineer
I wonder what the mood is in the coaches’ meeting this morning?
I would guess a combination of pissed off, a little bit of satisfaction knowing they gave em a hell of a battle, and slightly uneasy for some who might not retain their jobs.

I really hope we don’t get any key pieces (Faulkner, Weinke, Wade) poached in the off-season. We finally saw the full playbook out of Faulkner last night. If he comes back and has an even better version of Haynes King + the rest of our returners we could be very dangerous on offense next year. You don’t run for 200 yards on UGA without a very good gameplan and without being extremely physical up front. I don’t give a **** who they had out or if they’ve been prepping for Bama all week. Their front 7 got punched in the mouth all night from our first snap to the last one. You think Kirby and the rest of their defensive staff wasn’t pissed off and laying in to them all night for getting their *** whipped for the whole country to see?


Helluva Engineer
No moral victories. With the talent disparity between our programs we really only have a chance when they play poorly in general or have multiple players out with injuries. We had both of those tonight and we blew it.
I love it that when GT wins or plays better than expected, some our our “fans” don’t think it was because the good guys played well. It’s always because the other team didn’t.


Helluva Engineer
I was also impressed also by the Jackets' ability to get outside and around the edge against their defense. Haven't seen that in a while.

Yup, their heads were spinning on defense.

Mea Culpa time: I was not very impressed with the Buster Faulkner hire when it was announced. I thought he would do OK...but he's is going to be VERY VERY good. His time at UGA learning under Todd Monken, plus his willingness to adopt new concepts has been evident, and the driving force for our success this year. I use to watch those Lincoln Riley, Art Briles offense with jealous eyes. You know what? He's taking elements of those offenses, and tailored it GT's personnel. I've always said GT had to have some element of the option to be successful, and Faulkner has sprinkled some of it in our offense to capitalize on King and our playmakers.

UGA 100% scouted our tendencies and knew we liked to get East and West. As you said, our ability to get outside on film (and later in the game) is what makes that possible. That play, King read that MLB and saw him drag towards the runner on the reverse and pulled it for an easy TD.