Portal intakes


Helluva Engineer
You can thank US News & World Report for that change. Retention rate and professor ratings are a big part of being at the top of those lists.
GT’s academic prestige is probably higher now than in the days of “look to your right…” and drownproofing. I’m not complaining, although I wouldn’t have minded experiencing today’s academic environment. Maybe I wouldn’t have to repeat eMag and Thermo courses today. The problem I would have is that I likely wouldn’t be admitted now with my high school grades and test scores. GT has become more selective on the front end, as opposed to during a student's matriculation.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, GA
In this case, I had a borderline A/B heading into my Physics final. Studied my butt off to get the A on the final and the course, and felt good walking out afterward. Grade report came out with a B. I went by to see my exam and saw an 81 on my paper, which I didn’t believe. So I sat in the prof’s office and went over it. I found one marked wrong that was actually right, and another that I computed the answer but forgot to double it to get total distance - a math mistake (this prof had said all quarter that we would get part credit if we just made a math mistake). He acknowledged the first one, and changed my grade to 89. I asked about the math mistake and part credit, and that 2-3 more points would give me a 91/92 and thus an A.
His reply: I’ll change your grade on the test but not for the course.
My response: That sounds like a shaft to me.
His reply: I’ve never heard that said about me.
My parting shot: If the shoe fits, wear it!
I turned and walked out of his office and made Dean’s list 4 of the next 5 quarters.
LOL! I feel your pain. That was similar to another shaft of mine. I wonder if professors get together to share stories where they try to see which one has the best shaft story where they screwed one of their students.

I will add, I did manage to not only make Dean's list each of the seven quarters I was back at Tech after the Marines, but my GPA for those last seven quarters was a 3.7. Unfortunately, my GPA was below 2 for my first two years prior to dropping out. So, I did not graduate with honors.


Ramblin' Wreck
You have to ask? I’m in Albany and have had dealings with both the local school system and Albany State. The Hope is a Ponzi scheme for a community like Albany. They give out 3.0’s in high school so the kids can take the money straight to ASU so the school can brag about growth. Meanwhile, the local school system graduates illiterates with 3.0’s so the Hope can be funneled straight to the college. At the end of the process, the student has little marketable skills but the school system and Albany State can point o metrics about graduation rates, GPA’s, Hope, etc. It’s all a joke. Then the local school system hires the college graduates as teachers who are semi-illiterate. It’s why towns like this are simply dying and being totally subsidized by government schemes. For GT students it’s a win though because we save huge money with Hope and graduate with skills to get jobs.
The Tech schools in GA are the same. Americus HS boasts a 98.8% graduation rate on their marquee this year.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
LOL! I feel your pain. That was similar to another shaft of mine. I wonder if professors get together to share stories where they try to see which one has the best shaft story where they screwed one of their students.

I will add, I did manage to not only make Dean's list each of the seven quarters I was back at Tech after the Marines, but my GPA for those last seven quarters was a 3.7. Unfortunately, my GPA was below 2 for my first two years prior to dropping out. So, I did not graduate with honors.
I taught at the HS level. We didn't have shaft stories per se but this is my best story about cheating (public school setting). I had two students Ethan and Dillon. Let's say that they struggled in life as well as at school. I caught Dillon cheating off of Ethan during a math test. I said to him "Dillon, there may be only one person on this earth who might be worse at math than you and that is Ethan. Why would you possibly copy off of him?". I was incredulous that some one would copy Ethan's work. Dillon didn't hesitate and answered "Mr. X, I knew my answer would be wrong so I was hoping that Ethan's answer might be right!" I couldn't really argue with that logic. I really liked those two boys but life was not kind to them nor would it be later on. Dillon has been in and out of jail, Ethan died of an overdose a few years back.


Helluva Engineer
Had him for my first and second circuits classes in 1971-1972. He was writing a text book and we were given printed handouts that became his text book. Decent prof IMO and not very personable but fair. My profs in EE were not what I considered shafts but a couple of math profs and Wike in physics were a different story. BTW I also got a MSEE and took a math elective every quarter I was at Tech.


Helluva Engineer


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
The Tech schools in GA are the same. Americus HS boasts a 98.8% graduation rate on their marquee this year.
I was at a public school for a bit that also boasted a grad rate of 98% thanks to the no child left behind initiative. If things were left to their own devices, that actual rate would be about 75% (estimate). I don't really fault the administrators. Anyone who doesn't play the game will be replaced immediately so everyone smiles, nods, winks and goes along to get along.

FWIW, my father went to a rural public high school in the very early 50's iirc. He always said that his freshman class was about 40. Only 15 graduated. Rest dropped out along the way and went to work or the military or helped on the farm. Dad always said if he didn't like playing basketball he never would have stayed in school either.