Please help send some kids to a GT...


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
football game. Another member here (vamosjacket) is taking a youth group from his church to the GT vs. Miami game. He is taking over 40+ people (kids and chaperones). Members from another popular GT site have contributed to send 18 of them. I would love to see the GT family come together to provide the funding for the entire group. First of all, it will help some children and families in need. Secondly, I see this as an investment in future GT fans.

If you are interested in helping out, please contact vamosjacket directly. If you have questions, post them here and I will ask vamos to respond. I am not in the loop other than being aware of the situation and interested in helping him help some kids. Thank you for your consideration in this matter...and GO Jackets!!!!.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I heard he was having trouble finding kids to go because we wear Russell. ;)

please do not post stuff like this. Of course, well over 2,000 kids turned him down because of the whole "Russell thing". but the kids who did sign up are obviously not aware, so let's keep the whole "R" word on the down low here. K thx.


Jolly Good Fellow
You guys should reach out to mike Flynn and see if they will give you guys tickets and do a nice GT photo op.


on Pastner Polo watch
I am currently working on a project at State to get inner city kids to get up and go to school and to give them tickets to GT and GSU games. In my research 62% of the people in the inner city with at least 1 child cannot afford to go to events, and 78% cannot afford the proper equipment for a certain sport. So with the free tickets it would hopefully make the kids become tech fans at a young age, and give them something to idealize and motivate them to not get involved in bad behavior. One of my ideas to get them to go to school is to have Julio Jones, Dwight Howard, T.I., Jeezy, etc. (someone who a young kid in Atlanta looks up to) and have them record a phone call saying to get up, go to school, to make him proud, and that he is counting on him. If that was me, I would listen to Julio Jones in that situation :) So if anyone has any good ideas, please let me know. I could really use some help


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
You guys should reach out to mike Flynn and see if they will give you guys tickets and do a nice GT photo op.

I am not here to pick nits but...."you guys". Seriously? This is after all a school based in Georgia...whatever happened to proper English like "y'all"? With that being said, I guess it's doubtful you will contribute? Please prove me wrong.


Helluva Engineer
PayPal maybe? Not familiar with setting those things up, but I'm happy to contribute.


GT Athlete
Featured Member
@vamosjackets how much are you needing & how can we contribute?
I am soooo grateful to the GT message board community for making this possible. I'd kind of had this idea in the back of my head, but thought we just wouldn't be able to afford it. Our church (and especially the youth group) has a pretty poor demographic. I was just asking around about where I might find some cheaper tickets, and @4shotB kind of took the bull by the horns and got a few people to contribute on another message board. So, as he said before, we have enough so far for 18 tickets. We have at least 26 youth going (already have that many signed up), 6 adult youth leaders, and 10 more adults in the church who said they want to go and were planning on paying their own way. Most in this crowd are not really GT fans, which I think is pretty cool. We have to go to a game in October due to scheduling on the church calendar and my own life schedule. I was told by the ticket office that the cheapest they could do for a group rate would be $35/ticket for any of the 3 games in October. So, as of now we're planning on the Miami game on October 1.

What we have left:
at least 8 more youth - $280
+ 6 adult youth leaders - $210
+ 10 more adults - $350
+ Anything extra could go toward a meal before/after the game for the entire group

So, if we get enough to pay for the other 8 youth tickets, GREAT! If we also get enough to pay for the 6 adult youth leaders, EVEN BETTER! Then, if we get more than that to help pay for the other adults that want to go, I think they would be pretty floored by that generosity (in a good way). If there's still a surplus, maybe we could use it to cover a meal before/after the game (depending on game time).

I KNOW there are more worthy causes than sending a church youth group to a GT game; I don't want anyone to feel guilted into giving to this. I had no plans for this to be something for folks to give to, it just kind of turned into that, and I'm totally thankful for it. We already have enough covered that we are definitely going even if we don't get any more tickets paid for. If this is something you feel led/inclined to do, please PM me, and I will give you my address to mail a check (you can make it out to the church, and I will get it to the right place). If anyone just wants to give through paypal, I'm not totally sure about how that would work except to just send it to my paypal account and then I can turn around and give it to the church (PM me). The church doesn't have any way to give electronically - we haven't made it that far into modernity yet :).

THANKS @4shotB!


Sending the church youth group to a game may not be hugely important in and of itself...youth group activities are hugely important though when considering what they lead to in that ministry. On top of that we might make some new Tech fans too. Maybe inspire a youth to attend Tech one day. All great cherries on top. I'd like to participate. I'll be sending a pm ur way vamos.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I am soooo grateful to the GT message board community for making this possible. I'd kind of had this idea in the back of my head, but thought we just wouldn't be able to afford it. Our church (and especially the youth group) has a pretty poor demographic. I was just asking around about where I might find some cheaper tickets, and @4shotB kind of took the bull by the horns and got a few people to contribute on another message board. So, as he said before, we have enough so far for 18 tickets. We have at least 26 youth going (already have that many signed up), 6 adult youth leaders, and 10 more adults in the church who said they want to go and were planning on paying their own way. Most in this crowd are not really GT fans, which I think is pretty cool. We have to go to a game in October due to scheduling on the church calendar and my own life schedule. I was told by the ticket office that the cheapest they could do for a group rate would be $35/ticket for any of the 3 games in October. So, as of now we're planning on the Miami game on October 1.

What we have left:
at least 8 more youth - $280
+ 6 adult youth leaders - $210
+ 10 more adults - $350
+ Anything extra could go toward a meal before/after the game for the entire group

So, if we get enough to pay for the other 8 youth tickets, GREAT! If we also get enough to pay for the 6 adult youth leaders, EVEN BETTER! Then, if we get more than that to help pay for the other adults that want to go, I think they would be pretty floored by that generosity (in a good way). If there's still a surplus, maybe we could use it to cover a meal before/after the game (depending on game time).

I KNOW there are more worthy causes than sending a church youth group to a GT game; I don't want anyone to feel guilted into giving to this. I had no plans for this to be something for folks to give to, it just kind of turned into that, and I'm totally thankful for it. We already have enough covered that we are definitely going even if we don't get any more tickets paid for. If this is something you feel led/inclined to do, please PM me, and I will give you my address to mail a check (you can make it out to the church, and I will get it to the right place). If anyone just wants to give through paypal, I'm not totally sure about how that would work except to just send it to my paypal account and then I can turn around and give it to the church (PM me). The church doesn't have any way to give electronically - we haven't made it that far into modernity yet :).

THANKS @4shotB!
PM sent.


GT Athlete
Featured Member
Just wanted to say thanks to several GT Swarm members so far (you know who you are).
I'll let you know in a few days where we end up.


Staff member
Thanks for getting back so quick, I don't live in the area anymore, so paypal was easiest. Really appreciate you letting us know about this opportunity to help out. It is a great chance to share the GT experience with some young people who may just benefit from the introduction.
Sent a message your way, do you have Venmo, or is Paypal the best bet?