PEDs, Steroids & the MLB HOF! Oh Yeah!


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Bonds, Clemens, ARod, and the ilk need to be a hard NO until at least 20 years after they are deceased, if ever. Rose at least 5 years, he knew he was doing wrong.
Joe Jackson should be allowed to be voted on by the veterans committee a make it on the first ballot.

Back to the portal... I'd be great to get a DT and a TE that could be a legit starter. I don't care what their previous school was.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
What baseball rule did Barry Bonds break? Oh, that's right, he didn't.

Anyone who says he cheated needs to look up the definition of cheating. He broke no rules. That's on MLB, not Barry Bonds.
Just my opinion that if he'd not juiced/creamed/cleared he'd have been great.

In my opinion, his "records" should all have an asterisk ✳️ for obvious reasons. Again, just my opinion.

He "strikes out" on the integrity and character portions of the BBWAA basis to be elected.

"Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played."


Helluva Engineer
What baseball rule did Barry Bonds break? Oh, that's right, he didn't.

Anyone who says he cheated needs to look up the definition of cheating. He broke no rules. That's on MLB, not Barry Bonds.
Clearly off topic for Portal Watch 2022 & 2023 now, so mods should probably move. I don't think we're looking for Bonds, Clemons, Jackson, Rose or ARod to hit the portal to help us anytime soon. But are their sons or daughters or grand children???? Just asking because we can always use more athletes for all our sports...

As far as the "steroids era", Bonds, Clemens, ARod, McGwire, Sosa, Palmero, etc. were all just doing what MLB wanted. Hitting home runs, dominating hitters. MLB made a lot of money knowing what these guys were doing and did nothing about it because they were making a lot of money. That's all MLB cared about. They knew what was going on and allowed it, in my opinion.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Just my opinion that if he'd not juiced/creamed/cleared he'd have been great.

In my opinion, his "records" should all have an asterisk ✳️ for obvious reasons. Again, just my opinion.

He "strikes out" on the integrity and character portions of the BBWAA basis to be elected.

"Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played."
I understand this. I bristle when people say he cheated. He didn't. There were no rules against what he did. Integrity and Character, are highly subjective. Ty Cobb was a character but didn't have much character. As for integrity...well, there's been a lot of baseball and a number of very unscrupulous characters in baseball.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Clearly off topic for Portal Watch 2022 & 2023 now, so mods should probably move. I don't think we're looking for Bonds, Clemons, Jackson, Rose or ARod to hit the portal to help us anytime soon. But are their sons or daughters or grand children???? Just asking because we can always use more athletes for all our sports...

As far as the "steroids era", Bonds, Clemens, ARod, McGwire, Sosa, Palmero, etc. were all just doing what MLB wanted. Hitting home runs, dominating hitters. MLB made a lot of money knowing what these guys were doing and did nothing about it because they were making a lot of money. That's all MLB cared about. They knew what was going on and allowed it, in my opinion.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Just my opinion that if he'd not juiced/creamed/cleared he'd have been great.

In my opinion, his "records" should all have an asterisk ✳️ for obvious reasons. Again, just my opinion.

He "strikes out" on the integrity and character portions of the BBWAA basis to be elected.

"Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played."
As for asterisks...are you going to asterisk the "live ball" era or the "dead ball" era? I remember Dale Murphy and Mike Schmidt battling for the NL HR lead in the low 30's for the season. 1981 Schmidt had 31 to lead the NL and Tony Armas (et al.) had 22 to lead the AL. Asterisks are dumb. Just my opinion (not a dump on you).


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, GA
What baseball rule did Barry Bonds break? Oh, that's right, he didn't.

Anyone who says he cheated needs to look up the definition of cheating. He broke no rules. That's on MLB, not Barry Bonds.
Not only can no one say with certsinty which players were or were not juicing, but they already let in Bagwell, Piazza, Ortiz, and Ivan Rodriguez who are all rumored to have juiced. The difference is one of cult of personality where you get in if you are liked and left out if you are not.

He, Clemens and ARod were also all Hall of Fame players before they started juicing. They deserve to be in.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Thought the live ball theory was debunked, but I may not recall that correctly.

Bonds "knew" and ARod has admitted...

My opinion is still unchanged for them. Truly wished they wouldn't have and they would definitely most likely be in the Hall of Fame off the merits without having "cheated" the system.

If they thought it wasn't improper, certainly they would admit that they've been doing it and let everybody know what they were using.