OK, let's talk. What are basic manners and a minimal code of conduct on a sport community?


Mello Yellow-Jacket
Personally, I believe “respect“ should be a given. Allow and be open to other opinions. The “golden rule,” of treat others as you would want to be treated. Type what you would say if you were sitting down across from the table from them.

If all of that fails, place the Font on ignore, while trying not to read when they are being quoted through another Post from someone you don’t have on “ignore.”


Helluva Engineer
If you break a rule, even unintentionally, accept the warning and move on. We have posters that apparently understand the rules but choose to pollute multiple threads whining about them like a four-year-old who had his hand slapped for taking too many cookies from the cookie jar. Often same posters complain about people being too sensitive.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
If you break a rule, even unintentionally, accept the warning and move on. We have posters that apparently understand the rules but choose to pollute multiple threads whining about them like a four-year-old who had his hand slapped for taking too many cookies from the cookie jar. Often same posters complain about people being too sensitive.
I think this is important.

I’ve had my hand slapped before. You have two possible responses at that point. Accept the rules as interpreted by the hosts (we are all guests in their house, after all) or contest the interpretation with the moderator through a direct message. Take it off line, in other words. To include everyone else in your dispute by making it a public feud with the site is petty.

If you choose to continue your dispute off line understand that you are simply getting a clarification of the rules and once that occurs you need to move on.


Staff member
I am of the mind that this is a community with a loose set of expectations we all agree to for access here.

1. Don't be unnecessarily negative - this is a social enterprise not a life saving endeavor - when it stops being fun to come here people will.

2. Don't say something you wouldn't say in person to someone at a tailgate/in the stands. In my mind, this site is an extrapolation of that experience when things are working well. People who go out of their way to show they're a better "Placeholder for whatever it is" wouldn't be invited back to a tailgate either.

3. Keep perspective. Anonymous people saying hateful things about real people online is a hardpass for me. This is not the place to dunk on someone or issue a hot take of the moment.

4. Reasonable people ought to be able to disagree reasonably. No one is losing their job or their livelihood because they couldn't win an internet flame war.


Helluva Engineer
I’m going to make a 40,000-foot observation rather than dive into details.

I view all boards covering topics of interest to the GT fanbase as performing a service to our fan community. They enhance the fan experience by providing both an outlet for discussion and exchange of information. I have learned a lot about the sports I’m interested in from these boards, particularly GTSwarm. In return, lately I’ve tried to give back by sharing more information with fellow fans rather than just be on the receiving end. I believe we can help grow our paltry fanbase through positive experiences on message boards.

All that to say that I want the fan experience on GTSwarm to continue to be informative and enjoyable. Posts that detract from that experience undermine fans’ enthusiasm, which is the last thing we need as a relatively small fanbase. As I’ve stated in another thread, I believe this board’s current rules strike a good balance between encouraging participation and attempting to minimize the sort of posts/posters that disrupt the average fan’s experience. The expectation should be that we behave like responsible adults when engaging other fans or addressing our S-As, and our rules should reflect that.


Helluva Engineer
Honestly, I'm perfectly fine calling out players and coaches for poor performance, even to the extent of disparaging remarks along the lines of "he sucks". I think this board tends towards over moderation in this regard.

That being said, my personal line is calling out our players who are injured for being soft and when posters attack character based on speculation. "He's soft because he doesn't put his head down and get the first down" ok. "He's soft because my fortune teller thinks he's got a hang nail" not ok.

I mean, seriously guys, I'm the ******* that lit a cigar and watched Nick Chubb's knee injury on repeat. When Reggie Ball broke a DB's collarbone, I gave the DB so much crap as he walked by my seats that he stopped to tell me off only for me to laugh in his face and say "it was our QB!!!!". If I'm calling out your decorum, you really need to reevaluate your life.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I am of the opinion that this board is a privilege and not a right. The ownership/founders set forth a set of guidelines that they expect from people who choose to participate. I know that there is ongoing oversight of these rules and discussion amongst the staff. So, my expectation is that people read and obey the rules (admittedly there is some gray area). Or choose to participate elsewhere. I know of at least 2 - 3 other boards for GT fans ranging from highly moderated to a "no holds barred (i think that is the actual slogan or motto)" philosophy where anything goes. My biggest issues as a mod was with people who somehow thought the rules did not apply to them. I look at all the GT boards (although rarely) and I feel this board does the best job of finding the right amount of moderation. I felt so when I joined 10 years ago and have felt the same ever since.


Helluva Engineer
I am of the opinion that this board is a privilege and not a right. The ownership/founders set forth a set of guidelines that they expect from people who choose to participate. I know that there is ongoing oversight of these rules and discussion amongst the staff. So, my expectation is that people read and obey the rules (admittedly there is some gray area). Or choose to participate elsewhere. I know of at least 2 - 3 other boards for GT fans ranging from highly moderated to a "no holds barred (i think that is the actual slogan or motto)" philosophy where anything goes. My biggest issues as a mod was with people who somehow thought the rules did not apply to them. I look at all the GT boards (although rarely) and I feel this board does the best job of finding the right amount of moderation. I felt so when I joined 10 years ago and have felt the same ever since.
This echoes my sentiment exactly, particularly with respect to the other board choices out there should one feel that another level of moderation suits their tastes better. And speaking of respect, it's disappointing that, given the other choices, some posters still chose to come on this board, and knowingly disrespect the rules.

That said, I appreciate Bainbridgejacket's candor in this discussion. I'm of the opinion that it's ok to grant a bit of leeway in the rules when the subject is a hated rival. :)


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
I'm of the opinion that it's ok to grant a bit of leeway in the rules when the subject is a hated rival

Our rules state not to disparage OUR student athletes...

I'll add this. When I first joined this board, it was a breath of fresh air from the unmoderated free for all boards I had participated on. Like all boards, people populate it that come from different backgrounds, experiences, and with differing opinions. That CAN be what makes this board great if we just respect each other, our coaches, (even when they are terrible), and most importantly, our student athletes. We should feel free to debate things, and we should feel free to call out badly executed plays as badly executed plays. We have to draw a line somewhere, though, and that line is the personal insults towards SAs, Coaches, and each other.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta GA
Our rules state not to disparage OUR student athletes...

I'll add this. When I first joined this board, it was a breath of fresh air from the unmoderated free for all boards I had participated on. Like all boards, people populate it that come from different backgrounds, experiences, and with differing opinions. That CAN be what makes this board great if we just respect each other, our coaches, (even when they are terrible), and most importantly, our student athletes. We should feel free to debate things, and we should feel free to call out badly executed plays as badly executed plays. We have to draw a line somewhere, though, and that line is the personal insults towards SAs, Coaches, and each other.
I can still insult myself though, right?

Asking for a friend…well, for someone I know…well really, it’s just for @kg01
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Staff member
I can still insult myself though, right?

Asking for a friend…well, for someone I know…well really, it’s just for @kg01
Yes. Always for @kg01. 😉

It’s already been said better, by better than me, but I keep coming back to there is an expectation of reasonableness that should be met.

I just shake my head when I read posts excusing bad behavior by pointing out “that ‘other place’ on the internet has worse behavior, so mine isn’t so bad.” I don’t moderate for that “other place”. I don’t choose to spend my time on that “other place”, and we don’t want to be that “other place”.

No one is forced to post here, so if the guidelines don’t fit a person’s taste - no harm no foul. It’s best they move on for all involved.

We moderate based on the guidelines. Inside of those guidelines we have a balance of views of how best to grease the social cohesion of this place. We’ve not been perfect - but I do believe we have a balance of views along the spectrum of our users and hope people - in general - find we are generally doing right by our community with any moderation we take.