

Ramblin' Wreck
I wish Pastner recruited Josh Fulton from GAC. Basically has the same body type as K Moore, but more athletic and better scorer. Averaging 22 a game. Dude jumps out the gym and is shooting 39% from 3. Super smooth movements and quick as can be. He already signed with Bucknell but crazy he didn't get bigger looks. He shouldn't of signed in the early period imo
Believe me, if I had anybody I could send that would help I would be right beside him asking for that assistant job.... That's how it works right šŸ˜


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Believe me, if I had anybody I could send that would help I would be right beside him asking for that assistant job.... That's how it works right šŸ˜

From what I hear.. Either that or a bag of cash!

Nah, I just thought if you were in GHSA we might know some of the same folks.


Georgia Tech Fan
By board standards, I'm pretty new. I was a lurker (reader) for a number of years, but am due to retire soon which has free'd some time up to post. I like the basketball and football talk in both forums and honestly don't care if guys complain as long as it's observational. I'm prone to the occasional errant hot take like most.

I've been coaching basketball at the high school level the last three years, so I talk ball with my team often obviously. Interestingly, this last week we went full Pastner and busted out the 1-3-1 to combat a big that went for 29 pts/19 reb against us last matchup. We held him to 14/8 on the rematch; still lost, but better. It worked well enough we are going to give it another shot next game.

My challenge is catching the games on broadcast. ACC network is available, but a busy house and our own film breakdown cuts into GT tv time.

It feels like Howard's ankle injury derailed some progress much like Lammers injury a few years ago. We are not great because Devoe is responsible for way too much scoring effort. I like the new guys and hope next year will even out. This seems like a transition year. I believe we'll improve, just have to ride out the growth.
Great piece I have said for a while that we rely on Devoe to score too much for us, when we have proven guys that can help carry that load. Also, have said that we move the ball better when Usher and Devoe are not on the floor because those other guys do not have to defer to them. I believe in a sense that they have been programmed to make sure they touch the ball each possession or you are being subbed out, this causes unforced turnovers. Its not too hard to notice that Coleman has been spotted up on the wing and those guys go completely opposite of him, just to make sure that Devoe touches it. Coleman has been hot some games just like Devoe why would you not be hunting him each time down the floor until he cools off. If he has made 2 in row, it should not be 15 mins later before he touches the ball again. I think we can agree if Coleman had volume shots like those 2 he would score in double digits each game. K. Moore is another guy that can score in primary break, but yet we continue to walk ball up unless Usher grabs the rebound and pushes. Moore had a career high off attacking basket and then next game we walk the ball and limit his scoring opportunities. I saw Devoe come off a screen VT game & knock down a 3 why are we not doing more of that. Have I mentioned that our offense is $%^& ? Our offense has not helped Devoe plea for the NBA, has in a sense exposed him. Conference play has adjusted to him, but our offense has not. He can not get by more athletic defenders, so why press the issue why not run some of those athletic defenders off some screens, to cause some switches they may benefit him.

I will continue to take my stance on we are better than our record, we have guys that can play. Our guys are equally as talented as the players in the conference especially since most have said the conference is down this year. Our offense is #$%^ we do not have to keep losing the way we are. We have switching defenses its so unpredictable for teams hard for them to adjust.......... well our offense may need to start having that energy put into it because it has not changed


Helluva Engineer
Maybe it's due to some of the struggles we've had this year, but this place seems like a morgue lately. The level of animosity and general negativity regarding the program is head-scratching.

Unfortunately, it seems that they're running people off from the board. This is my observation, but it seems that for the most part, "discussion" has left town and the negative nellies now rule the roost.

Sure, you're going to have that with all message boards, but outside of 7-8 members (who seem to be posting less and less), it's the same ole tired crap.

That is sad because this used to be one of the best places around to talk GT hoops. Let's all do better!
I haven't been reading or posting much for the last few months, but it has been mostly because of working too much. The project I am working on is almost over, so hopefully I will have more free time soon.

However, it seems to me that this board has recently become more like some other GT boards where there are few discussions and more arguments about extreme positions. To me, that isn't enjoyable and might impact how much time I spend on here, or if I even continue to spend time on here. In my time here, I have enjoyed discussions about football, basketball, baseball, lawsuits, criminal trials, music, movies, and ice cream. Hopefully I can find a way to interact with the people here who have been interesting without having it ruined by others.

Techwood Relict

Helluva Engineer
Blacked outā€¦againā€¦

This is why there is apathy.

Yet, I can watch the East Tennessee State vs. Wofford game, cause you know that's better..... I even saw Mercer on the tube this afternoon.
The TV options suck on a snowy day for watching a game.