New NFL Kickoff Rules


Helluva Engineer
Did anyone watch xfl? Supposedly this comes from there?
Would it not be the best strategy to squib every kick and try to recover a fumble?
They describe a “landing zone” inside the 20… does that mean you HAVE TO kick in the air and land in that zone?
They are bringing it out to the 30 on a touchback too… I would do a little bloop kick into the mass of humanity or just over it. Maybe a line drive. Seems like having that thing bounce around between the 20-30 is ideal for kicking team.
Interesting change to say the least…


Ramblin' Wreck
Best I can tell:
  1. If the kick does not make it to the 20 in the air, then it is a touchback with the ball placed at the 40.
  2. If the kick comes down between the 20 and the goal line it must be returned.
  3. If the kick lands inside the 20 and gets into the end zone, it must be returned or downed. If downed, ball is placed at the 20.
I probably missed a few things. The kicker that can hit a line drive that 1st touches at the 10 and takes a big hop into the end zone is gonna be king! What I hate is that they have done away with the on-side kick unless it is formally announced.


Helluva Engineer
Best I can tell:
  1. If the kick does not make it to the 20 in the air, then it is a touchback with the ball placed at the 40.
  2. If the kick comes down between the 20 and the goal line it must be returned.
  3. If the kick lands inside the 20 and gets into the end zone, it must be returned or downed. If downed, ball is placed at the 20.
I probably missed a few things. The kicker that can hit a line drive that 1st touches at the 10 and takes a big hop into the end zone is gonna be king! What I hate is that they have done away with the on-side kick unless it is formally announced.
I assumed the term “landing zone” meant something must actually land there (it’s not Congress, after all), but I missed the placement at the 40 part.
I assume a kick OOB is spotted at 40 also?
I agree about taking away onside … I felt the same way when they moved the PAT… but it’s so infrequent and so rarely successful…
That said, do they go back to traditional formation if you declare you’re trying onside kick?

I merely skimmed the article… I’m sure this information is in there. Thanks in advance for being my cliffs notes. :LOL:


Helluva Engineer
Can you announce an onside kick and kick it normally?

A little more info in this one but I’m still not clear on the alignment if you declare to attempt an onside kick (it does say that onside is only allowed in 4th quarter).

The attached clarifies that players can only move if the ball hits the ground or a player IN THE LANDING ZONE. I would assume a line drive bouncing early or hitting one of the “up” men is a dead ball based on this.

Kicks OOB or short of the 20 are spotted at the 40.

Kicks into the EZ in the air are spotted at the 30.

Kicks into the landing zone must be returned.

Kicks into the landing zone that roll into EZ may be returned or downed. If downed, it will spot at the 20.