NCAA Adopts Transfer Changes


Mello Yellow-Jacket

The board adopted the following notification-of-transfer windows:
-Fall sports: a 45-day window beginning the day after championships selections are made in their sport, or May 1-15.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for participants in the Football Bowl Subdivision and Football Championship Subdivision championship games.
-Winter sports: a 60-day window beginning the day after championships selections are made in the sport.
-Spring sports: Dec. 1-15, or a 45-day window beginning the day after selections are made in the sport.


Staff member
I posted this on another board, but just think we are seeing a slow demise of college sports. I've briefly added more detail, but my thoughts remain unchanged.

People have lost the plot. College Athletics should be (not always is) better than this. I understand the reality of what football/basketball has become but I can't shake the feeling this is going to have lasting negative consequences on non-rev sports. I guess it is what it is, but every new thing I am hearing makes me feel less certain that future generations of fans will even care about their college sports. Which maybe is fine, Pro Leagues seem to operate just fine with people picking up and putting down fandom based on convenience or proximity to teams changing with moves, etc.

My kids will grow up with GT Gold and gamedays but, I fear the perpetual chase of Dollars over Tradition is a mistake and soon people will wonder why they want to watch NCAA Football (just like I feel about my High School Teams) when the NFL is heads and shoulders better athletes and frankly even parity amongst teams which makes a more entertaining season. I've not checked a score or followed a minute of play of my old HS since leaving Georgia 5 years ago but haven't missed a moment of GT Football, Men's Basketball since stepping on campus in 2003.

When you break or weaken the connection between the student population and the student athletes, it just becomes more and more trivial for why a student would continue to care/follow the teams.