Miami Series (+WCU)


Helluva Engineer
My one concern now is where is our pitching going to come from? We started the year with tons of pitchers. Like the Braves, GT thought we had our starting rotation set. Then last weekend we lose both our #1 and #2 starters (King and Pitts), this weekend Grimes' comeback takes a U turn (6 runs on 10 hits in just 3 innings of work) and voila....I have no idea who our starters will be the rest of the season! (Oh, and Alex Cruz is gone as well...) I suspect more freshmen will get their baptism under fire....I am guessing we no longer have any choice about that. Heddinger can start, but he was ineffective earlier and lost his spot as a result, so that is not reassuring. Maybe Stanton gets more starts (his was our first quality start on the weekend and was desperately needed). And I guess we keep trotting Grimes bad outing does not mean you lose your spot. But we suddenly look much thinner than we did just 10 days ago....and we certainly cannot expect the bats to keep going tike they did this weekend.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
One thought. Staff pitching.

We have 20 pitchers on the roster - 18 as pitching first designation and 2 as second designation. Time for them to earn their reputation! The creme will rise to the top and it'll be interesting to watch. What I really like about baseball is that you get to see the players who play best on the field get more reps. For football QBs, we have this demi-god mentality that their poor egos will be hurt and the team will suffer if a particular QB doesn't get all of the important snaps.

We had 4 pitchers Friday, and 3 in each game yesterday. Miami had 5 in the each of the first two games and 2 yesterday.

I don't know the severity of the injury to King and Pitts. If they are back in a week its one thing, if they are out for the year, it's another. Maybe someone could find out......


Helluva Engineer
I don't know the severity of the injury to King and Pitts. If they are back in a week its one thing, if they are out for the year, it's another. Maybe someone could find out......

Last I heard, they were going to see specialists, so we weren't sure how bad it was. But when you have to go see specialists, it's usually not good. Just ask the Braves.


Helluva Engineer
On top of this, we have 5 games in 7 days starting in Tuesday, all on the road. Should be interesting to see who pitches and how they do. Go Freshmen! Go Beesball!