Miami and the DL Shift


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I expect to see Miami do the DL shift due to shifts against FSU.

I wonder if CPJ can take advantage of the shifts?


Helluva Engineer
I expect to see Miami do the DL shift due to shifts against FSU.

I wonder if CPJ can take advantage of the shifts?
I think we should be able to run on them pretty easily, especially if our OL is healthy. If they do shift, CPJ can hopefully have something up his sleeve for it.


Helluva Engineer
Flint Michigan
As long as we don't look as slow as we did offensively against UNC the first few possessions I think we should have no issues moving the ball. We looked like we were moving in slow motion until the 2nd qtr.


Helluva Engineer
There are a few ways to counter the shifting. We could go with a silent count, quick snap, Or fake the AB motion. We have used a no huddle package before too.

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
Two key observations in this thread. First we do a terrible job with varying our snap count. This has been a problem forever and allows opponents who are smart and observant to get the jump on our offense. The A Back motion is also a very predictable, observable component of this. It is a form of tipping your hand that allows our opponent to know when we are going to snap the ball. This is something we could easily change and it would greatly enhance our performance.

The second observation is that our entire operation is too slow. A big reason we are struggling to get our A backs into the arsenal is that we just run everything too slow. Our blocking and our ability to fire out and be crisp in our operation just has not been there. It looked pretty good in the Tennessee game but since then it just is not where it needs to be. I think the turnovers have had a big effect on everybody slowing down in an effort to minimize the chance of a mistake. We have got to get past that, or these teams with quicker, better athletes will totally stifle our attack.

Go Jackets!


Helluva Engineer
Two key observations in this thread. First we do a terrible job with varying our snap count. This has been a problem forever and allows opponents who are smart and observant to get the jump on our offense. The A Back motion is also a very predictable, observable component of this. It is a form of tipping your hand that allows our opponent to know when we are going to snap the ball. This is something we could easily change and it would greatly enhance our performance.

The second observation is that our entire operation is too slow. A big reason we are struggling to get our A backs into the arsenal is that we just run everything too slow. Our blocking and our ability to fire out and be crisp in our operation just has not been there. It looked pretty good in the Tennessee game but since then it just is not where it needs to be. I think the turnovers have had a big effect on everybody slowing down in an effort to minimize the chance of a mistake. We have got to get past that, or these teams with quicker, better athletes will totally stifle our attack.

Go Jackets!
Disagree, the D's we have played are trying to take away the pitch, that's why it might look slow to the perimeter. That's why TM and Benson have both had over 100 yards games together in 3 games. We are taking what's there. We also have plenty of plays that don't tip our hat with the Aback motion, and if a teams cheats towards the motion CPJ will destroy it with his play calling.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
The bootleg has been slow to the outside. Also some of the ABacks are looking hard for the inside cut versus getting what they can on the out side (which slows things down).

Over all GT is taking what the defense is giving up. The defenders are flying outside giving up the middle.

The defenses are also keying in on the guards as they should... but there is always the counter dive. The safeties may be the only ones cheating to the ABack motion. The last three games had good eye control on opposing defenses.

The back side defensive ends have been chasing the QB hard opening up reverses to both WR and ABacks.

We just need to connect a little more with the receivers down field and the game will be blown wide open. This also will require just a little more protection by the OL. I don’t mean throw the ball more, but connect a little more when GT does throw.

Keep in mind that TQM is completing about the same percent as JT.


Helluva Engineer
This. Would like to see us run our version of prairie dog offense. Get out of huddle and up to line quick, put AB in motion and see what they do. Check sideline for new play call and then run the play.
Miami figured out the signals last year.

A better option would be to call 3 plays in the huddle, and run pure tempo at them run play lien up etc.


Helluva Engineer
Correct me if I wrong (which I likely am), but would the belly be a good counter to that?
When a D-line is shifting and stutign hard inside the best counter is the belly series yes. That is likely why we have focused on it this year( combined with the fact that had we lost mills getting him some power runs would have been a common call.) I expect us to do a lot of belly against miami given how much trouble they had with FSU's power game.


Helluva Engineer
Imo yes the ab and qb are a little slow and they should speed up. In particular the ab seems 3/4 speed when 7/8 would be better. At 3/4 at lot of 8/8 speed inside pursuit makes point of attack small at edge. NO matter the blocking at edge there are too many people there.

Also in my opinion the backs and w r are fully committing to their blocks too soon. An open field block is get position, take angle, begin to engage, win, complete.

With the longer time between the block starting and back getting there, the block can be defeated.

31 is doing a good job of blocking and hitting the hole (down hill).


Helluva Engineer
Does anyone know the Cane equivalent of this message board? I wanna do some creeping. I searched briefly but didn't find much of what I wanted


Helluva Engineer
We have 2 advantages this wk.
One we have had an off-week to REALLY prepare in the extreme for everything. No win and this season is fair at best.
Second--the uM tailback may be hurt and out.If EVER the rush is important ,its now to slow their passing..