Why? Besides the UGA debacle from 1-2 years back, they’re a pretty good source of news. They’re most of the time not biased either.
as an aspiring Journalist it’s a shame to see so many people stop trusting the media and journalism.
“You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough.”
And you may agree with me and just be shocked the AJC is still around, but I want to make my point known.
AJC has been smart and expanded to digital platforms so I doubt it’ll ever truly go away.
Rationally, I know the drill. Support local news. Be willing to pay for top notch journalism on the national and international level. Understand that having a functioning news profession is the glue that holds us together as well as being the safety valve that prevents totalitarian takeovers.
I know all of this. It was repeated to me in middle school social studies, high school government and civics classes, and college political science.
But this is a cynical age. Some have suggested that this is the final stage of a collapsing empire where all truth becomes relative and higher ideals are jettisoned in favor of personal ambition, hedonism and decadence. “Blow it all up,” is the go to answer toward any institution that is struggling or performing inadequately. We no longer see the value of supporting anything that doesn’t suit us even if it supports a larger societal norm.
The AJC doesn’t seem to be the paper it once was. Tremendous pressures are stressing all news agencies but it’s hard to support a product that doesn’t appear to add value. But I know if the AJC ceased to exist it would be tragic for Atlanta and would impact quality of life on multiple levels.