Magical season so far, but danger ahead


Magical season so far but extreme danger lurks around the corner.

First hurdle is Mizzou-Arky. Mizzou win and no Mutt championship- SEC or otherwise.

Second hurdle is GT-Mutt. GT win and it's a glorious season by any measure. Blowout win by GT and I may need to be hospitalized. Lose close game same condition. Bad loss and look out for jump in rankings by the Mutts.This would be one of 2 signature wins the Mutts need. They have zero to date. ESPN buttsniffers will be in hog heaven.

Multiple other hurdles playing out at same time. FSU smacks UF, Bad for Mutts. Bammer beats Aubie, bad for Mutts. Miss St beats Ole Miss bad for Mutts. OSU, Oregon, Baylor, TCU all need to win. Any go the other way, bad news. These bastards are only 5 places out of the hunt.

Then there's the Conference Championship games. All have potential to let them Mutts move up.

Don't let anyone fool you. These Mutts are good, just undisciplined and poorly coached. They can beat anyone or get rolled by anyone. GT game is a crapshoot and we probably do not control the outcome.

Then there's the GT conundrum. Lost to FSU and Mutts and we're out of Top 25 and into the toilet bowl. ACC will screw us and reward Louisville, Clemson and Duke before we get to snack on the crumbs.

I pray we settle this on the field Saturday. The misery from having those bastards back themselves into contention on the heels of GT getting completely screwed would be too much to bear.

Piss on 'em Jackets.


Helluva Engineer
i truly believe that if the dwags somehow make it to the sec conf game that Saban will destroy them, ugag is too one diminsional to beat a really good team and he has the hosses to kill that power run game


Jolly Good Fellow
Augusta, GA
My hope this Saturday is that after the clock hits 0.0 on our victory over the mutts, the scoreboard flashes a one point win by Mizzou.

Mizzou and Arkansas play on Friday at 2:30. UGA will already know if they are in the SEC championship before to meets leather.


Helluva Engineer
Do you guys think that if Arkansas wins that Uga will be more distracted about playin in the championship or more focused?
More focused. I would rather all of the UGA players have a huge letdown the day before our game than a huge burst of excitement.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
They are always incredibly focused against GT. Tech is the one that loses focus on this game (see BeyBey dropping a ball).

They have to be focused on it as they know full well that there future capacity to be gainfully employed depends on UGA football's prestige in the state of Georgia.


Jolly Good Fellow
Augusta, GA
I agree with the other posters I would rather Mizzou win and completely end their chance at SEC/national championship hopes. (Yes, if they were to beat us decisively and beat Bama in the Championship game they could still get in depending on what happens elsewhere).
Magical season so far but extreme danger lurks around the corner.

First hurdle is Mizzou-Arky. Mizzou win and no Mutt championship- SEC or otherwise.

Second hurdle is GT-Mutt. GT win and it's a glorious season by any measure. Blowout win by GT and I may need to be hospitalized. Lose close game same condition. Bad loss and look out for jump in rankings by the Mutts.This would be one of 2 signature wins the Mutts need. They have zero to date. ESPN buttsniffers will be in hog heaven.

Multiple other hurdles playing out at same time. FSU smacks UF, Bad for Mutts. Bammer beats Aubie, bad for Mutts. Miss St beats Ole Miss bad for Mutts. OSU, Oregon, Baylor, TCU all need to win. Any go the other way, bad news. These bastards are only 5 places out of the hunt.

Then there's the Conference Championship games. All have potential to let them Mutts move up.

Don't let anyone fool you. These Mutts are good, just undisciplined and poorly coached. They can beat anyone or get rolled by anyone. GT game is a crapshoot and we probably do not control the outcome.

Then there's the GT conundrum. Lost to FSU and Mutts and we're out of Top 25 and into the toilet bowl. ACC will screw us and reward Louisville, Clemson and Duke before we get to snack on the crumbs.

I pray we settle this on the field Saturday. The misery from having those bastards back themselves into contention on the heels of GT getting completely screwed would be too much to bear.

Piss on 'em Jackets.

When you play a team more than 100 times, there are many, many artifacts and anecdotes. November 8, 1980, Georgia Tech in the midst of a 1-9-1 season, tied #1 Notre Dame 3-3 on Grant Field while Georgia made a miracle comeback in the "Run, Lindsay, run" game in Jacksonville. We were instrumental in teeing up Georgia's national championship that very day. It would be great to shatter their hopes Saturday.


Jolly Good Fellow
When you play a team more than 100 times, there are many, many artifacts and anecdotes. November 8, 1980, Georgia Tech in the midst of a 1-9-1 season, tied #1 Notre Dame 3-3 on Grant Field while Georgia made a miracle comeback in the "Run, Lindsay, run" game in Jacksonville. We were instrumental in teeing up Georgia's national championship that very day. It would be great to shatter their hopes Saturday.

Shatter their hopes? I'm hoping they don't shatter ours! We have a golden opportunity right in front of us. Beat 4 straight ranked teams to end the season. Think about a win over Clemson, top 10 UGA, #1 FSU and an Orange Bowl win over what will likely be another top 10 team. This has the potential to be the best season since 1990. I don't think we'll win all four but it's all right there.


Helluva Engineer
Montgomery, TX (77356)
We have a great team this year. This wishing and hoping is just chatter. Ours guys will play the hardest they have all year. They will give us 110 % As long as they do that I will live with the final score. But if the Zebras don't call holding when there are holds by their O line or they get away with playing dirty and trying to injure our guys then if the final is not in our favor I will be pissed but not at our team.
BTW the final will be Jackets 45 Mutts 38.