Last Radio Show--Fans or Crazy Folks?


Helluva Engineer
This season has been odd for a million reasons. In the mix, I have missed an inordinate number of Monday nights at the show. Meetings and out-of-town obligations have interfered like never before. Well, here comes the last one for the season.

@MrsDrJacket wanted to take me out to dinner for my birthday, but I didn't want to miss another show. So we'll do birthday tonight so we can be at Hudson Grille, as usual, tomorrow night. I'm not sure if that makes us fans....or crazy folks? But, I hope to see you there.

Let's show the team and coaches out with a good night of support! UGA is just on the horizon.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Some people might say that Georgia Tech fans ARE crazy folks.:rolleyes:

Happy birthday @DrJacket


Helluva Engineer
It was a good solid show, and an appropriate way to end the season I thought. I might add that I sure enjoyed my table company.

Among the friends gathered around, we had @Whiskey_Clear , @Boomergump , @RamblinRev and of course @MrsDrJacket . @YJAlleyCat and @GTpdm were nearby. @MrsDrJacket had brought a huge chocolate/pecan pie that we shared with Brandon and CPJ and any of the friends who wanted some.

My birthday was topped off with my first-ever prize drawing win-- a GT half-zip pullover. Wow! A great night.


Helluva Engineer
Especially about unis!!! Lol
Well, one of the first things Coach Johnson said when he came here was that this fan base was more obsessed about uniforms, wrong shade of gold, throwbacks, etc. of any fan base he had ever been around. True dat. Although, you can get some excitement going mentioning black jerseys at UGA or the all purple outfits at Clemson. It's college football.


Helluva Engineer
Only got on line in time to hear last part. He is calm on outside but dying for a win.

I Feel good about going foward w coach. Guess I will have eto learn to live w passive def.

One thing I heard was a comment he made about acc coach getting fired after a couple of bad years and some injuries. He said its often they solve a short term problem with a bandaid but leave un addressed a 30 year root cause. Later mentioned that our starting bb this year would probably have been custis. Dont think he is whinning about his situation = it is what it is.

Would love to see and be a part of some efforts to make long term solutions to improve gt football.
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GT Athlete
I was there last night and I was at all of the shows this year, and have been to all but a couple in all the years he has been here. The people who were there are loyal, not crazy. I wish all of our fans were as loyal as those in attendance. Loyalty is probably the number one adjective for a good fan base. We need more loyal fans.