James Banks


Helluva Engineer
Heard the same things when Shumpert and Okiogie we’re going out. Both got drafted because they are off the charts athletically. Shump is what, 10 years into his pro career now? He’s never been a shooter or scorer.

Banks can play pro ball somewhere—I don’t see him getting drafted to the NBA. Idk that another year here helps his Pro stock; just delays his timeline to start his career.

If he is physically able to play pro ball until he is 30; what’s the point in spending another year in college?

Both examples are also exceptional on the ball defenders. Which matters.

You don’t know if another year helps his pro stock? Under Reveno?

Banks had four games this year in which he played 30+ minutes and scored 4 or fewer points. Many others he played fewer minutes because of foul trouble.

He can’t step out to 12-16 feet and knock it down

He’s about 6’8 at the five which makes him under sized at that level.

He needs strength

Maybe he wants to play overseas, maybe he just wants an evaluation so Rev can put an offseason plan together. The timing of the decision also says something to me, like maybe the coaching staff said “Hey, why not get some feedback” as others have said, it’s logical. But being this close to your degree and taking a flier on a pro career seems extremely short sighted, which doesn’t strike me as his personality.


Ramblin' Wreck
I'm not gonna poo-poo the young man. He's my second favorite player on the team.

The reality is though that he's got some significant holes in his "NBA" game. You have to either (a) be able to stretch the floor/attack close-outs or (b) be physically dominant (a la Embiid, Nurkic, etc.). Banks is neither of those.

Doesn't mean he can't develop (a). However, if he enters the draft, he'll be waaay behind several "bigs" who've shown these abilities already. He'll also be pit against a couple 3's and some 2's(arguably), who are comparable to him size-wise, who will destroy him on the perimeter in a workout/combine setting.

Staying in the draft would not be a wise decision for him ... however ....

If he simply wants to start the next chapter of his basketball life, leaving may not necessarily be a bad decision. As @Techster alludes to, and as I told ya'll last year about Okogie and no one wanted to listen, there are many different levels of basketball which would represent success in life.

Now that the GLeague structure is on the road to resembling the minor league baseball route, it's now a viable basketball alternative in addition to the myriad overseas options.

Gone are the days of, "Uh oh, so-and-so didn't get drafted. Guess he'll be bagging groceries now, should've got his degree, blah, blah ..."

Let's just hope he gets good feedback and comes back here to work on his game.

And, get your slings and arrows ready for this one, this is why I pause a little when folks tout Reveno so much. He clearly is good at developing old school bigs but the game has changed.

The skills Reveno is developing are nice at the college level but when it comes to pros ...

One could make the analogy of CPJ's offense impacting our fball recruiting. No, his job isn't to "make pros". But, for the sake of our recruiting, he's selling Ford Escorts while our competition is giving away Teslas.
I definitely agree with your take on Reveno and that's why I feel like it would be best for Banks to go to the G-League at this point, I don't see his game expanding at GT. Selfishly I would love to have him stay but if he wants to grow he has to go.


Helluva Engineer
Put me in the "he's doing what he ought to do" crowd

I'll pile onto Peac's comments. He has good but not near exceptional NBA athleticism. He doesn't jump out like Okogie did. And the comment about offensive skills to me is huge. He needs to be able to operate from the foul line to the top of the key and require someone to guard him. Can't do that and it is hard to play pro ball at almost any level.

Right now he is fighting for an energy defensive player slot where there are hordes of those guys in the G League.

If he gets great reviews and they tell him he is a lock to get drafted, I will be right there to congratulate him and wish him well. He has been good to GT and held his end up. I just don't see it right now and he isn't even in the speculation for any mock draft (this year or next) - unlike Okogie who was on that radar screen. I see this as going through the process, getting feedback and getting validation of what I expect he is being told he needs to work on already.

Sebastian GT

Jolly Good Fellow
Hope he stays but my gut says he's gone. In reality he's got no business declaring and isn't skilled or versatile enough yet to stick on a team even if he was a 2nd round pick. He has to know this and/or been told this so IMO he's looking or a reason to not come back. G League, Europe, whatever... my guess is he thinks he's better served getting paid to play wherever that may be and it's not like he's coming back to a team ready to make a run in the big dance. Hell we'll be lucky to break .500 next year even with Banks on the team.


Helluva Engineer
You guys are freaking out over nothing. He was still on campus today with team mates.

You’re buying into the whoa is me, whoa is us mentality full force. I can’t believe I’m the person saying this..

You are a GT fan. All that is a given.

GT can't have nice things...there's a reason we say that.


Jolly Good Fellow
You guys are freaking out over nothing. He was still on campus today with team mates.

You’re buying into the whoa is me, whoa is us mentality full force. I can’t believe I’m the person saying this..
You are absolutely right on this Peacone. James ain't going anywhere. He is a smart young man who is just looking into his options. He will NOT be drafted. He will NOT leave Tech to go to the G-League. He probably WILL get drafted next year with a strong senior season. Everyone chill out!


Ramblin' Wreck
If he leaves hes playing overseas in some random league and not one of the top leagues. Can still make good money though. Hope he comes back