"It's us against the world"

Madison Grant

Helluva Engineer
I can tell them this. If they go on a nice run, win the next 7 games, and get to the ACCCG, even if they lose to Clemson and UGAg, I'll be giddy and beside myself with praise. I'm sorry if 7-6 doesn't wind my clock anymore. But, I'll be cheering the team on win or lose, same as I have since the late 1970s.


Helluva Engineer
Montgomery, TX (77356)
Most of the predictions on this site are for a win. It is going to be tough and I like the positive statement "when we beat VT". We can and we will.

This is a special group of guys. The 3 warm ups only made them stronger. It is going to be a hostile crowd Saturday but they have one road game under their belt and a suck it up at crunch time experience under their belt. Go Jackets!! Wring those Turkey's necks.!!


Georgia Tech Fan
We know they have the talent and drive win. They need to show the concentration and poise to finish a complete game for the first time this season. Win on Saturday and the bonus is likely the atmosphere they dreamt about when they suit up again in two weeks.
Go Jackets!


Helluva Engineer
We know they have the talent and drive win. They need to show the concentration and poise to finish a complete game for the first time this season. Win on Saturday and the bonus is likely the atmosphere they dreamt about when they suit up again in two weeks.
Go Jackets!
Yes, but I expect the Hokie crowd to be fired up this weekend and they are coming off a bad loss. Our fans should be fired up for the Miami game regardless of a W or L this weekend.


Helluva Engineer
i believe in our guys, looking for a effort similar to '12 when we bowed up and beat Clemson when nobody was giving us a chance


Helluva Engineer
I don't know what Blogs they're reading, but these comments kind of bother me. One, I think it's pretty sad that they don't realize that they have fans who support them. And, two, I think it's sad that they don't realize that the relationship is a two way street.

If our D has been playing to the limits of their ability for the first few games, then they shouldn't expect to do well against VPI. If they haven't been playing to the limits of their ability, then they shouldn't expect all their fans to be happy.

This "poor us" attitude, imo, is not a good sign, but I hope I'm over-interpreting. I would rather that our team realize that they haven't shown themselves as champs yet. I'm one of the biggest supporters of our team and our coaches, but I'm getting tired of the talk without the walk. I have no doubt that they CAN back it up, but they HAVEN'T yet, imo.
Meh, I think you are reading too much into this. Eric mentioned two guys out of 85 plus non-schollies. I think most of the guys know/feel we have their backs.


Helluva Engineer
even on the ACC Network show they brought up how we fell apart on OFF last yr--the truth hurts,you just have buckle down and make it better


Helluva Engineer
I don't know what Blogs they're reading, but these comments kind of bother me. One, I think it's pretty sad that they don't realize that they have fans who support them. And, two, I think it's sad that they don't realize that the relationship is a two way street.

If our D has been playing to the limits of their ability for the first few games, then they shouldn't expect to do well against VPI. If they haven't been playing to the limits of their ability, then they shouldn't expect all their fans to be happy.

This "poor us" attitude, imo, is not a good sign, but I hope I'm over-interpreting. I would rather that our team realize that they haven't shown themselves as champs yet. I'm one of the biggest supporters of our team and our coaches, but I'm getting tired of the talk without the walk. I have no doubt that they CAN back it up, but they HAVEN'T yet, imo.

Nah its not that bad. They have to show it on the field they know that. They also know there are plenty doubters due to their performances they have earned that doubt

What these kids are saying is they hear the doubters....and its on them to win and put their money where their mouth is so to speak.

And once done cant wait to read what people have to say then

To me thats all this is.


Helluva Engineer
You don't think CPJ isn't using the ESPN blogs ranking us 13/14 in the ACC as motivation? I'm glad he is doing so. I'm sure it's a "nobody is giving you any respect, go take it".

Few things are more powerful than a "everyone thinks you are hot garbage" speach. Every coach does it.

He says he doesn't pay attention to that stuff but he loves accumulating bulletin board material. There isn't much being said or written about the program he doesn't know about.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I know where the comment came from since he posted it on twitter. There has been some honest, very honest, comments on defense. Some of the comment are well informed, some not informed, and some true but did not really need to be said, especially when directed at a single player.

I am trapped between what AE 87 feels about being able to face what is the truth. But I also wonder how the bare naked honest truth and the over the edge negative characterization of players effects morale.

I would rather a player focus on what the coach says and leave alone the conjecture of spectators who would fail miserable if they played or coached.


Helluva Engineer
Agree Lexjacket!!! Hard to play inspired when your own fans continually say you suck all the time. Also think to some degree it hurts recruiting
If message boards hurt recruiting, most SEC schools would not get a single player much less Georgia. You ever read their board after a loss? Good grief, ours pales in comparison.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
It is them against the world. They have to show it on the field. They haven't yet. That's why almost all the professional handicapping services pick VT. VT is at home and has beaten Ohio State. Yes VT lost to ECU otherwise they would be favored by 10-14 rather than 7. Also you can't ignore that CPJ is 1-5 against Beamer.

Do I want us to win? Of course, so much that I can taste it. But people in hell want ice water. I fully expect our team to try their hardest. But last time I checked, VT didn't just give up going into games. They want to win and will play hard too.


Jolly Good Fellow
Gas Pump #1
Nah its not that bad. They have to show it on the field they know that. They also know there are plenty doubters due to their performances they have earned that doubt

What these kids are saying is they hear the doubters....and its on them to win and put their money where their mouth is so to speak.

And once done cant wait to read what people have to say then

To me thats all this is.
I'm with you on this, 33. How anyone responds to criticism is a test of their character. I believe our guys have as much or more character than any team. To come storming back and win after the licking they took in most of the second half speaks to tons of character. There is no "quit" on this team.


Helluva Engineer
I don't know what Blogs they're reading, but these comments kind of bother me. One, I think it's pretty sad that they don't realize that they have fans who support them. And, two, I think it's sad that they don't realize that the relationship is a two way street.

If our D has been playing to the limits of their ability for the first few games, then they shouldn't expect to do well against VPI. If they haven't been playing to the limits of their ability, then they shouldn't expect all their fans to be happy.

This "poor us" attitude, imo, is not a good sign, but I hope I'm over-interpreting. I would rather that our team realize that they haven't shown themselves as champs yet. I'm one of the biggest supporters of our team and our coaches, but I'm getting tired of the talk without the walk. I have no doubt that they CAN back it up, but they HAVEN'T yet, imo.
On second thought I agree with you. Just saw this tweet:

GTSwarm retweeted
Jamal Golden ‏@Heartbreak_4G_ 23h
We are all we got. Only the people in the locker room. We are our support.

Wtf? What's with the pity party? They better come out on fire or they will feel abandoned and it won't be undeserved. All I ever ask for is 100% effort 100% of the time.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
I think what they are saying is correct. Only they play the game. We can kibitz one way or the other, but they have to get it done.

Any team that looks to their fickle fan base for support is in trouble. Outside of NCState and maybe Duke, I don't know of many fan bases which handle losses well.


Helluva Engineer
I think what they are saying is correct. Only they play the game. We can kibitz one way or the other, but they have to get it done.

Any team that looks to their fickle fan base for support is in trouble. Outside of NCState and maybe Duke, I don't know of many fan bases which handle losses well.
Disagree. Football is a very emotional sport. Players are constantly saying how they are affected by the crowd on game day. Maybe you mean they shouldn't look to fan commentary online for support and that I agree, but fan support - in general - is a huge motivating force and crucial. When those guys look in the stands today and see the few thousand Jacket fans who drove several hours to support the team, they'll feel it - and they should.


Jolly Good Fellow
Statesboro, GA
When those guys look in the stands today and see the few thousand Jacket fans who drove several hours to support the team, they'll feel it - and they should.
absolutely agree, cheese. just about every GS player interviewed after last week's nail-biter at BDS mentioned the GS crowd support and how they felt energized by the eagle fans who flocked to BDS. they heard the chants. they heard the "one more time" at the kick offs. how many times do teams on the road in a stadium of over 50k hear the chants of "DEFENSE!" from their own traveling fanbase? it made a huge difference in how they felt and played in the second half. it's an extremely important aspect of college athletics and certainly can make a significant impact. i hope GT fans at the game stand the whole time and go friggin' nuts! it matters.