I'm shocked - shocked, I tell you - to hear this!


Helluva Engineer


It simply couldn't happen, couldn't happen in todays college football environment that a university could conspire to interfere with a criminal investigation of the QB of the first ranked team!

You could have knocked me over with a feather. The big news from the story: the entire thing is under investigation by the FBI for violations of Title 9. If they turn up what they probably will, FSU can kiss federal funds for athletes there goodbye for the foreseeable future.


Helluva Engineer
Yes. For once the Fox News report on this (it's local news) is pretty good on this. It is a violation of Title 9 to cover-up or hinder investigations concerning rape on college campuses. The law is more inclusive, iow, then its more publicly acknowledged role in regulating college athletics. My guess is that the worthies over to the FSU AD's office had no idea that this was the case. If it turns out they were in cohoots with Winston's attorney more then simply advising Winston to see him – and it's pretty hard to see subsequent facts any other way – then the Criminoles are in for a heap of trouble. I could easily see the county attorney leveraging a Title 9 citation into an obstruction of justice indictment, should their office be so inclined.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Kind of like getting Al Capone for tax evasion ......... wouldn't obstruction of a felony (rape) investigation also be a felony?

Seems like there was a long Atlantic or New Yorker article (or some other publication) that hit on a lot of these points about FSU front running the police. But not all the timeline detail of who knew what.